Antelope Island Tag --- ??? of the Day


Founder Since 1999
Question of the Day -- Let's say the Utah DNR called you today and offered you an Antelope Island tag, just being a loyal member. But they give you options, and they are;

1 - Use the tag and hunt
2 - Sell it for up to $25,000 (no more)
3 - Burn it
4 - Donate it to SFW to auction off

What would you do?

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE on Facebook! I need a friend....
Sell it and find me a guide for my wyoming deer hunt this year. The one I have doesnt know much :)
Sold! Take that money and buy a few other nice tags!

I'd Keep the Tag!

There'd be the Biggest Party/Hunt the Island would ever know!

There'd be about a 100 of us!

We'd act like Big Time Outfitters/Guides!

We'd all be Equipped with 2500 Yard Guns!

SWARO Glass that'd look in to next week!

We'd Hunt using Drones!

We'd all have Night Vision Optics!

We'd set 3 Trail Cams on each Sage Brush Plant!

We'd CHUM them Big Bastards Like You Ain't never seen!

Each Day a member of the 100 would shoot a Buck!

Each Night We'd Sneak the Buck out of Alcatraz on a Small Boat!

There'd be a 100 less Bucks on the Island when we got done with it!

We'd all Boast & BRAGG later how we all DONE IT OURSELVES/DIY!

Then By GAWD let's see how much money the SFW/Alcatraz Tag would draw the following year at the EXPO!:D:D:D

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
I hope that never happens. But...If I could get the tag and sell it, I would. I could do a couple of great hunts for that price. Hell, I could buy a new trailer and still do a couple of good hunts for that price.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-15 AT 04:41PM (MST)[p]No 4. Donate it to be auctioned. As long as the org didn't receive any of the proceeds from the sale, and it all went into game management in other parts of the state.

Reason I'd donate it? Not because I wouldn't want to hunt the island, but strictly a matter of money. I'd have to check into the legalities, but the charitable donation value should be about 300k for federal tax purposes. That's worth way more than the 25k direct sale option. Probably enough to pay for three BC Stone Sheep hunts. That's roughly the number of trips I'll need to get a Ram with my
I would find a disabled youngster and let him shoot the buck of his pick or give it to wounded warrior project.
Donate it to Hunt of a Lifetime to a terminally ill child, and ask to be allowed to go along and see the joy on a young hunters face!
I would hunt it! I would invite Founder to be my partner.

How's that for loyalty, Brian?:)


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
>I'd give it to yellum....

WTH ya talkin about?

I am givin one to YELUM!

And one to you!


We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
>I'd give it to yellum....

Hey Homie, you leave your puter logged on? Someone hijacked you, everyone knows you're heartless!;-)
Sell it. Give some of the money to a conservation org/hunt of a lifetime or something like that and then go on a couple of hunts
:) I would donate the hunt to hossblur under the condition that he do it with Denny as his partner, and, if he refused, knowing that the tag would then be sold and the money going to support The Humane Society of America. My bet is that they'd have a good time. :)

Are you kidding they say, Yep, $25K would make my life a lot easier right now! A Lot! lol


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Talk about a loaded question. First of all, it isn't going to ever happen, so the only reason to bring it up is to try to make a bunch of hunters look like hypocrites for taking the tag or the money after whining about the tag auctions.

The correct answer is burn the tag and find another mule deer website to frequent where they aren't trying to buffalo the average hunter into looking like an idiot- even if it isn't that hard to do.
Pay Attention Wildman!

I/We Plan on getting Our Monies worth of Bucks!:D

>Talk about a loaded question.
>First of all, it isn't
>going to ever happen, so
>the only reason to bring
>it up is to try
>to make a bunch of
>hunters look like hypocrites for
>taking the tag or the
>money after whining about the
>tag auctions.
>The correct answer is burn the
>tag and find another mule
>deer website to frequent where
>they aren't trying to buffalo
>the average hunter into looking
>like an idiot- even if
>it isn't that hard to

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
>:) I would donate the hunt
>to hossblur under the condition
>that he do it with
>Denny as his partner, and,
>if he refused, knowing that
>the tag would then be
>sold and the money going
>to support The Humane Society
>of America. My bet is
>that they'd have a good
>time. :)
>Are you kidding they say, Yep,
>$25K would make my life
>a lot easier right now!
>A Lot! lol
>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"

I would gladly do it on two conditions.

1. Denny has to smile in pics
2. We shoot a 2 point

gawd though, I can throw down some wine and cheese, doubt Denny could afford it. Wait, does that mean me and Doyle will be best buds just like him and Denny?

No wait, I need to add another condition. Can Colorado Buck come film it please?

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
1. Form the foghorn foundation.
2. Sell tag to Big Bucks.
3. Accept $300,000.00 "Donation" for services rendered.
4. Purchase a great tag / tags every year for the rest of my greedy life!!!
Did I forget anything???
I'd even hire Tristate to taxidermy it for me and Founder can show it at the Expo next year. I'll be there for photos and to sign autographs. I might even write a book "How to Find Giant Mule Deer"


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
We have some pretty funny guys on here.
I would take the money and hunt elsewhere. Maybe buy a tag at the expo to help them continue their good work.
Did you guys happen to notice in the packet of materials for the upcoming RAC meetings that the DWR is modifying the administrative rule that governs that Antelope Island tags so that the Wildlife Board would have the authority to issue more tags on Antelope Island? See page 14 of the PDF packet relating to R657-41-12. have any of you heard anything about the reasoning for this proposed change?

I'd be torn between hunting it and selling it. Killing a big buck like that for someone like me would truly be a once in a lifetime chance. However, I could do a lot of hunting and fishing for $25k.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-15 AT 01:25PM (MST)[p]I would donate the tag to SFW with the requirement that they use the $390,000 generated from the sale of the tag to hire an outside consultant (not Don Peay or Ryan Benson) to study and report on the issue of why land access and stream access are important to Utah fishermen and sportsmen.

I would sell it and go to Alaska to hunt something I haven't already hunted, see country I haven't seen, experience something I haven't already experienced enjoy one of the last big memories I could create with my life long hunting partner by my side before it's too late........Hunting Alaska with my dad is my dream hunt.........
Since 25k isn't enough cash to sell. I'd contact Hillary to promote and resale (some might say (reset) the tag to a real universal hunter like Vladimir Putin or even Netanyahu. I can visualize Putin riding his Elephant around the treacherous Antelope Island while his satellite phone is in my possession. After the spectacular kill we call Obama and Piper and let them know what shallow skirts they are. In other words.. Puss!es. That my friends would be worth 25k.
>Sell it for $25,000 and use
>the money to buy Colorado
>landowner tags.

This. Although I may sneak in an Alberta hunt along the way.
Thanks Homer, and Elkassassin, but Clint is right. Couldn't and wouldn't shoot one. But I would use the tag for access to film all over the island, all year long. I'd need a driver so each of you would have to pick your days. By the end of the year, I knows each of you personally.



>Thanks Homer, and Elkassassin, but Clint
>is right. Couldn't and
>wouldn't shoot one. But
>I would use the tag
>for access to film all
>over the island, all year
>long. I'd need a
>driver so each of you
>would have to pick your
>days. By the end
>of the year, I knows
>each of you personally.

This is a good thing?

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
There is no way I could actually use the tag and hunt...

My heart would want to donate the tag to Hunt of a Lifetime, or Wounded Warrior Fund...

But, I would have to sell the tag. With the money I could get for it, I would be debt free, and be able to put a good down payment on a new home for my family in the exact neighborhood I want to live in to raise my kids. Those types of things are priceless to me.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I'd hunt!
Some tags are better than other, some hunts are better than others, some hunts are tougher while some are easier......BUT IT'S ALL HUNTING and I've never kicked a tag to the curb yet!

Pet deer... my azz! They're all my pets until hunting season.
Let's go kill one!
Sell it and buy land in UT, Because I can get me a town raised buck later on down the road.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

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