Bonus Point- Me 7, Dad 0- Help Me


Long Time Member
This is going to be the first of a few post on this subject but first things first. I have been buying points in Nevada for deer for 7 years now. My Dad is too cheap so he doesn't. I'm ready to burn my points and my Dad is my hunting partner. We'll be putting in as a party next year. Firstly, if Dad has 0 points right now and I have 7 right now, in the next draw, he'll have 1 and I'll have 8, correct? Together, we'll have 9....divide that by 2 and we'll have 4.5 points. Will the points round down to 4? Does the Nevada system work that way to where a party can use eachothers split and average them? Thanks!

NV averages them, squares the average, standard rounds the squared average, adds one. That's how random draw many numbers you get. Of course, only the best number of those matters...
Im not sure that Nevada gives you a point for the year you are putting in for like Utah does
Het Steve! You are on the right track. 7 points divided by 2 hunters is 3.5 This number will be rounded up to 4. (I have called many times and they do round up or down depending on your number). So now you have 4 points which would be squared 4x4=16 plus 1 more for the application its self giving you a total of 17 draw numbers. The computer will take your lowest draw number and that number will be used in the actual draw. Hope I didn't make it too confusing. Good luck!
So with a party tag application, does that application act as one or doe all people go in seperatly until one draws then it joins the others as a party?
Good question, ghost. My guess would be the party would get a single number, not numerous shots at a lower number. But, you never know. Thanks.


Y do they square the number of points?
Squaring the points improves the odds for th highest point holders, but doesn't guarentee anything.

You have 6 PPs and I have 3 PPs. If the points weren't squared and we applied for the same units, your chances would be twice as good as mine 2 to 1.

Now squared, you have 37 chances 6X6+1= 37. I have 10, 3X3+1 =10. Your chances are almost 4Xs greater to draw then mine 3.7 to 1.

It favors the higher point holders (already said that)

Problem is, as I accrue points, I get more selective on my choices.
That makes perfect sense, elkslayer. I understand now why they say Nevada has the best system. Thanks!!

Another question, I drew two years ago. I have one point going into 2010. Is that 1 + 1 = 2 squared = 4 points or 1 squared + 1 = 2 points. Does it take three years for this squared thing to kick in? If so it sound like you don't even have a chance to draw a tag until at least 3 years worth of fees for a non res.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-09 AT 12:11PM (MST)[p]Utah and Wyoming(non-res)

Because you can draw at any time, 50% random 50% most points (utah). and at some point you are guaranteed a tag.

best of both worlds.
"You are guaranteed a tag..."

That may be true, but in Utah it may take you 35 years to get your guaranteed tag! Look how many apps have max points....

"Max" points is relative to the unit you apply for. if max point guys insist on applying for only 4 units, then it serves them right cuz they created the log jam at the top..

and at least you will draw in 35 years in Utah, you may never draw in Nevada.
Utah has bonus point system for LE bucks, bulls, once in lifetime permits. Wyoming has preference point system for all NRs except Mtn goat.

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Urge 2 Hunt

If you want an unguided hunt but can't draw your tags, you need to call us.

White River Guide Service

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