Boys first hunting trip


Very Active Member
So I’m planning on taking my 7 year old boy on his first hunting trip over the weekend. What did you do to make it special for your kid on the first go?
My daughter loved it from day one!!! As I just made sure I didn’t push to hard and or had them get bored from throwing rocks to having them help plan spots to go to..

My boy ate it up until 11 then it was all hockey, and more hockey, and now me and the daughter just uses his points lol. But they both love to shoot bows and guns and muzzles.
I always tried to make the hunt fun at all corners from meals to snacks.. their bino cases was snack holders lol.
If its an area you've been to at any time... tell him the stories from your experience there. My kids love the stories; anything that starts with "when I was your age..." Seeing animals is great too, but hunting can be boring sometimes for kids. But stories from dad, that rarely gets old.
Think like a 7 year old. Make sure he's warm enough. Involve him as much as he can. I had an old pair of binos that I let him play with. Ask him where he thinks you should go next, etc. As BR said, stories are awesome and teach him about sign.
I always played a game with my kids that the first person to see a deer gets $ 5 and I always waited for them to be the first.
Just make it fun and don't worry too much about being successful. But if you do see something, shoot it, regardless of how big. My boy loved being involved in tagging out. He also loved playing with left over deer hooves, making tracks in the back yard months after the season was over.
Good luck Sallaberry. Have a blast.
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Ya this is my dads tag hope I can talk him into shooting something the buck in my profile pic is his we killed together in 08. The old man might just pull the trigger if my boy roots him on. Always keep him warm we do a lot of camping this is just his first hunting trip. Love the stories part. Lots of snacks and possibly a root beer in store.
My dad used to go out of his way for me and my brothers. He let us pick our junk food and sodas, made sure we had input on dinners, asked us how we wanted to hunt, had binoculars for us and made sure we made it to town for a milkshake and burger somewhere before we got home. He would also shoot the first legal animal and there were always BB guns, slingshots and warm fires.
All great stuff above. When I was kid we rarely got pop at home but while hunting it was an open cooler. Unlimited pop was my favorite part at age 7.

No initiations and don't let him be the picked on new guy at the campfire where everybody jokingly pulls his chain.
Letting the kid drive while you pound busch lattes and toss the empties out the window should give him something he’ll remember forever. ???
When I shot a nice buck a few years ago I stopped at a gas station to get a large fountain drink ( PepsI ) as my butt was dragging after dragging my buck out. A kid saw the blood on my hands and begged me to let him poke the Deer's tongue with my hunting knife. I thought that was pretty funny and got a laugh out of it. He sure was happy when I let him do it.
The only part I didn't like when I went on my first hunting trips with Dad was being cold as I didn't have good boots and coat and I was bored if we didn't see something. I enjoyed seeing the deer signs and candy bars and my Dad's stories.
+2 on the BB gun as well... last year elk hunting, my 7 and 9 year old boys, as well as my 11 year old daughter hiked the same 2-3 miles I did each day, with great attitudes because they had their BB guns and I let them shoot AT any chipmunk or bird they saw...
Snacks, snacks and snacks. My boy loves to hike, I would stop and show him sign or anything interesting. It’s a big world to a seven year old so show him stuff you would check out. Honestly as long as they are hangin out with dad and learning.

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