Bud Light

Never bought Bud Light.....never will. Bought 40 oz. Budweisers just out of college.......more bang for your buck. Haven't bought them in 30 years. Will never buy a Budweiser product from here on out....no need as long as Stella, Coors Light and Keystone Light are still being sold. Never had a taste for AB products lately anyway.
stella is owned by AB
I guess a little less aggressive marketing was the right way to approach the issue....Coors nibbled at it.....Bud Light swallowed the entire thing whole.
I hate the “swallowed the entire thing” analogy for this particular topic. ??

Funny….. Bud Light put some weirdo’s face on some cans. Coors took out full page adds announcing their support for weirdos.

Hmmm….. Seems anyone boycotting AB should also boycott Coors?

For the record, I imagine that if someone chose to do research, they would find the vast majority of large companies (both public and private) are in support of the weirdos in one way or another.

Time to start making your own beer! ??
I own BUD stock. Bought last November. It is up over 35% in just 6 months. Up over 7% in the last month. I can’t believe a “safe recession play” is doing so well. So I hope all the haters keep this going your making me money. I could care less about what people decide to call/do to themselves. It’s America we all have our own choices here. The people I can’t stand are the ones that think their choices should be the only ones available. Now please carry on I’m closing in on 40% gain. Maybe buy some more just to shoot in a video or dump on the ground in protest!
I own BUD stock. Bought last November. It is up over 35% in just 6 months. Up over 7% in the last month. I can’t believe a “safe recession play” is doing so well. So I hope all the haters keep this going your making me money. I could care less about what people decide to call/do to themselves. It’s America we all have our own choices here. The people I can’t stand are the ones that think their choices should be the only ones available. Now please carry on I’m closing in on 40% gain. Maybe buy some more just to shoot in a video or dump on the ground in protest!
So, now would be the time to sell. Take your $$ and skip.
Who cares, it's crap beer anyway. and who cares if they put a fag in their ads. and who cares if the white trash doesn't drink the carappy beer because they put a fag in their ads . no wonder this country is going to hell , all that matters is who's getting cancelled today.
I can't tell you how many times I have said, "I don't care. They (meaning whoever is in question) can do what ever the hell they want to as long as it doesn't directly affect me or my family." That is my new mantra. Do what makes you happy.....don't just put it on my beer can!! LMAO
Yeah, you guys won't care until it hits your household. And it will in one way or another. In a coming day there will be so much porn and gay stuff plus more pedophilia. Then it will bother you.
So apparently the “gay” and “pedophilia” is in the cans now? I wonder how they got it out of the church clergy and Boy Scouts and put in the bud light. Good thing all we have to do is keep them away from cans!
Maybe a better town than most. We don't have porn shops, Bunny Houses, etc.
Do porn shops even exist anymore? I thought all that stuff went online. (Like, seriously, I can’t imagine anybody making money with a brick and mortar porn shop….). As for Bunny Houses, I’m assuming you mean brothel?? Ain’t none of those where I live, and it’s a major metro area.

Anyway, it’s cool that you live in a nice place. I like my town just fine too, so it’s all good. I’m thinking Bud putting cross-dresser-tranny weirdos on cans and Coors taking out full page ads proclaiming support for the weirdos ain’t gonna change that. That’s just me, though.

Yes, my BUD stock is now up 40%+ since November. Keep it going you guys some of these memes are really funny. I am getting close to sheep hunt money on this. If Zions bank stock ( got it last month just over $23) keeps rolling I am going to be sheep set. If only Zions would get a trans spokesperson I could be looking at a Stones hunt. Fingers crossed! But even if I can’t get 50% my sell stop order guarantees me close to a 35% gain at this point. I love fear and protest in a market.
Yes, my BUD stock is now up 40%+ since November. Keep it going you guys some of these memes are really funny. I am getting close to sheep hunt money on this. If Zions bank stock ( got it last month just over $23) keeps rolling I am going to be sheep set. If only Zions would get a trans spokesperson I could be looking at a Stones hunt. Fingers crossed! But even if I can’t get 50% my sell stop order guarantees me close to a 35% gain at this point. I love fear and protest in a market.
Congrats! The next logical investment for you would be KY Jelly and **** rings?
Yes, my BUD stock is now up 40%+ since November. Keep it going you guys some of these memes are really funny. I am getting close to sheep hunt money on this. If Zions bank stock ( got it last month just over $23) keeps rolling I am going to be sheep set. If only Zions would get a trans spokesperson I could be looking at a Stones hunt. Fingers crossed! But even if I can’t get 50% my sell stop order guarantees me close to a 35% gain at this point. I love fear and protest in a market.
The AB stock has been flat since January so any gains you made happened last year & well before they partnered with a dude pretending to be a girl. With your logic they shouldn't have dumped the dude in a dress, that lost them $5 Billion in market cap....and returned to the Americana style Clydesdale ads from the past.

So I don’t know where you get your information from but it is clearly wrong. Here is the one month chart as of today. The stock is up 9.19% this month. Try again!
View attachment 108520
So I don’t know where you get your information from but it is clearly wrong. Here is the one month chart as of today. The stock is up 9.19% this month. Try again!
Not that it matters but what do you think the growth is attributed to? Articles I have read states a 50-70% decrease in Bud Light sales. Do you think those that aren't buying BL are buying other AB products but at twice the rate at once before? It kind of doesn't make sense. Is this a specific entity pushing this growth?
Not that it matters but what do you think the growth is attributed to? Articles I have read states a 50-70% decrease in Bud Light sales. Do you think those that aren't buying BL are buying other AB products but at twice the rate at once before? It kind of doesn't make sense. Is this a specific entity pushing this growth?
Sales and share value are two different things not necessarily directly correlated
Yes, my BUD stock is now up 40%+ since November. Keep it going you guys some of these memes are really funny. I am getting close to sheep hunt money on this. If Zions bank stock ( got it last month just over $23) keeps rolling I am going to be sheep set. If only Zions would get a trans spokesperson I could be looking at a Stones hunt. Fingers crossed! But even if I can’t get 50% my sell stop order guarantees me close to a 35% gain at this point. I love fear and protest in a market.

Down 5 Billion over the last week. Better sell…….and you may have money left to buy a 6 pack of Pabst. Lol

View attachment 108520
So I don’t know where you get your information from but it is clearly wrong. Here is the one month chart as of today. The stock is up 9.19% this month. Try again!
Pretty flat from early Dec. through March 20th or so. But you're right I was looking at yahoo finance today where they had the stock at the end of the day around 60.00 or thereabouts. It's been corrected now. Anywho, enjoy your windfall and your sheep hunt.
Well, I’m proud of them for disciplining the knuckleheads. That’s more than what most companies would have done. My personal boycott is over.
As far as beer goes. We loved Pabst beer and then Busch come after the consumer and we went to Busch. Well Busch sucks and I bought a 12 of Pabst and it was just the same as when we left it all those years ago. I’m back baby!
As far as beer goes. We loved Pabst beer and then Busch come after the consumer and we went to Busch. Well Busch sucks and I bought a 12 of Pabst and it was just the same as when we left it all those years ago. I’m back baby!
Alot of it has to do with what state you are getting your Busch out of. If Utah, the Busch is not so good (more of a musty flavor) where as the Busch in Tennessee is a much cleaner taste.
Great one runamuk, how you doing? Alaska is coming soon….
Alls well Tikka, hope its the same with you.

Yea man, right around the corner but not soon enough!
I've never been more ready to get the hell out'a Dodge and away from phones and work in my entire life..

This year is supposed to be the spawn from 2019 it was the largest run ever recorded for the Russian, limits went to 9 fish a day.
I doubt we will ever see 9 fish limits again but I have high hopes for 6 a day.
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Yes, my BUD stock is now up 40%+ since November. Keep it going you guys some of these memes are really funny. I am getting close to sheep hunt money on this. If Zions bank stock ( got it last month just over $23) keeps rolling I am going to be sheep set. If only Zions would get a trans spokesperson I could be looking at a Stones hunt. Fingers crossed! But even if I can’t get 50% my sell stop order guarantees me close to a 35% gain at this point. I love fear and protest in a market.
How's your stock doing?
I would have never guessed that Corona outsold Bud Light.

They should have just declared it an April Fools joke by a rogue ee. Then had Rip give her a ride to the train station.
I own BUD stock. Bought last November. It is up over 35% in just 6 months. Up over 7% in the last month. I can’t believe a “safe recession play” is doing so well. So I hope all the haters keep this going your making me money. I could care less about what people decide to call/do to themselves. It’s America we all have our own choices here. The people I can’t stand are the ones that think their choices should be the only ones available. Now please carry on I’m closing in on 40% gain. Maybe buy some more just to shoot in a video or dump on the ground in protest!
Well if you bought it at the end of November you would be down right now. Sold it yet?
As I mentioned before I had a sell stop order on my BUD stock. So I walked away with a 35% gain in about 6 months. I still follow the stock and if it gets really low I might jump back in.
They’re pushing rebates and dropping prices everywhere. Reported sales losses are in the 25-30% range. Distributors gave free beer to employees as well.

But Levi’s snd northface are not far behind. Target is also pushing the agenda. :ROFLMAO:

The boycott seems to be working.

I own BUD stock. Bought last November. It is up over 35% in just 6 months. Up over 7% in the last month. I can’t believe a “safe recession play” is doing so well. So I hope all the haters keep this going your making me money. I could care less about what people decide to call/do to themselves. It’s America we all have our own choices here. The people I can’t stand are the ones that think their choices should be the only ones available. Now please carry on I’m closing in on 40% gain. Maybe buy some more just to shoot in a video or dump on the ground in protest!
hows Your stock doing now, pinlard.

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