Calling All Fellow Fatso's

Im in to. Nobodys said how tall they are a 250 lb guy that 6ft 3 aint hat youd call fat. So how about a spread sheet with username, age, height, weight before marriage, how long you been married, weight now, and long term goal. It will be interesting to see how much weve all gained since getting married and settleing down. Also if youve had any injuries that contributed to your weight gain.

Im, lifetimehunter, 53yrs old, 6' 1" tall, 179 when I got married, been married 32 yrs, weigh 304 today, would like to weigh less than 230.

Just had a total knee replacement on Dec. 12, 2009 still using a walker to get around but Im ready to lose some weight and win this contest.
Ramtagless. Because I will be out of internet access on a hunting trip on Jan 1 I have sent you a pm. I am not sure how this is all being done, but since you got it started I have sent my info to you. Thanks for all who are going to participate. I think this may be just what I need to get back on track!
Good timing. are officially 'weighed in'. Thanks and good luck on your...I believe it was a coues hunt.

Next year at this time you will be running up and down the mountains of mexico like a gazelle...or something like that.

At this time guys lets keep it simple. I want as many participants as possible and we can tweek the system as we go along.

For now just plan on weight and goals on January 1st.

After that if we want to add some things or use another site to help with tracking we can.

Dust off the scales...1/01/10 your chubby butts are going to strain em....
I'm in not sure what I weigh right now, haven't been on a scale in months, but I'm sure it is above the 210 I would like to be at.
Ramtagless as stated earlier I'm at 237 won't have access to the computer on 1/1/10. I'm 6'1" 237 lbs 59 years old and out of breath just typing this! Just kidding, but do need to lose and get in shape for a 2010 Antelope and Mule Deer hunt.


I'm another one that will be away from internet on Jan. 1, so I weighed this morning at 193lbs (6'1''). My goal is to drop below 180 by Sept. Need to tone up and add a little muscle most. Good luck to all. I will check back in after I get back to town to see exactly how we are going to post up weights and progress.

Phantom Hunter
I won't be around either. I'm 6'1" 284lbs. I want to be around 220 by the opener of Utah's archery deer hunt.
Ramtagless, looks like you hit a nerve here! Great to see all the interest. After sitting on the sidelines and debating whether or not I wanted to participate, the super interest sparked my desire to participate. I just stepped on the scales, damned thing, and anchored at 215 lbs. Not good for a 50 year old at 5'11". My goal is to be at a toned 190 lbs. by July for a trip to Maui on our 30th wedding anniversary. Retaining that weight until Sept. for a Colorado elk hunt will put me in shape to bring home a bull! With a running routine and a weight training regimen, this is very doable for me, I have done it many times in the past. Thanks for the inspiration!
I was sitting on the sidelines debating also, but I'm IN. I usually weigh 187 lbs, 5'10" and I'll be 57 years old in two weeks. I had rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder 4 weeks ago, so I started exercising so I'll be able to bow hunt this fall, and I've already lost 7 pounds. So, I'm at 180 now with a goal of 160, or 165 if I add some muscle.
-- Bob
I'm in. Right now I'm 218 pounds and only 5'8" at 30 years old, and now the bad news I'm a personal trainer / manager at a gym and I'm fat. I know what needs to be done but just can't make myself do it. I go to the gym just about everyday but not to work out I go to try and pay the bills. I'm so tired of the gym at the end of the day I don't want to stay and work out. At home I have a treadmill, eliptical, and exercise bike that collect dust, Right now I need a swift kick in the pants and hopefully this thread will help. The wife and I are going to Hawaii in July for our 1yr anniversary and I do not want to look like I do now, so that is my biggest motivator. By July I would like to be about 180 lbs and then keep it off the rest of the year. I have already read some great advice about your diet and what to eat on the previous threads, something else that may help is that we all have our major goal weight set, but try and set smaller goals ( lose 4 lbs the next two weeks or at the end of the week I will have worked out x amount of times) this may help keep you on track and keep you from saying well there is always next week or next month. Also give your self some rewards when you achieve a goal ( once I loose the first 10 lbs I will buy myself a new knife or other sporting good or something of interest.) Also I will be more than willing to try and answer any questions that anyone has, I check this site just about daily I just normally don't post, but will answer all the questions that I can. Good luck to everyone.
Just weighed in. 179.6 lbs, 26% body fat. Goal is 160 lbs 15% body fat. I need to cut the 46 lbs of body fat (26%) to 27 lbs (15%). Staying committed is the biggest challenge.

I posted earlier about the hcg diet and can't say enough about it. I am 6' was 254# 29 days ago and am down 35 pounds to 219 now and still going. This stuff is the real deal. Haven't been more excited about something in a long time. I recommend this to anyone and everyone.

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