Can McCain hold up?



LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-08 AT 09:15PM (MST)[p]Never mind .... it's a dumb question!!
The media will crush McCain with a tidal wave of negative reporting. Once the darling of the reporters, he's now the enemy.
The Democraps will wrap up their contest today or tomorrow, and once they do, look out McCain.
Obama will be given a partial pass. Stories showing Obama?s weaknesses will be covered quick and short, and downplayed. Meanwhile any and all dirt on the Arizona senator will be long lasting front page news. Unsubstantiated rumors will be covered like documented facts.
Hypothetical example, while walking to a campaign event, both McCain and Obama trip over an alley cat. Tomorrow?s newspapers will read;

Front page;
McCain shows vicious side, stomps on baby kitten in a rage of violence !

Page 7
Obama saves homeless cat by pushing it out of harms way with foot.
I watched today McCain bash Obama,which was pretty good smack, but the sh*t eating grin after every line worries me.Im trying to force myself to vote for him. Time will tell.
I just cant beleive people in this country can vote for Obama, I cant beleive he is even a canidate, will not pledge aligance to the Flag, will not use the Bible if swarn in office, to me he is everything against what this nation was built upon. Well we all figured our nation at some point is going to fall and that time is coming.
This is part of the problem , people hear this right wing crap so much they believe it.

Obama does pledge allegiance and often, check it out infact there's a video with him on youtube.

In 2005 Obama was sworn into office with his family bible, I see no reason he wouldn't do it again.

Pick the REAL things wrong with him and use that, it makes for a better debate.
Is it a fact that B. Husien Obama quit smoking just recently? If in fact he did smoke cigs or dope for years....I guess it shows how smart he really is! Any concession speech from Billery yet?
Huntindude, I usually disagree with your political point of view but that post was spot on. Sometimes I think the democrats put the garbage out there as a red herring.

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