


I ended up being sick yesterday so was unable to go on the planned whitetail hunt I have been waiting for. I decided to go try to shoot a coyote this morning since it wasn't worth the drive north just for a morning hunt. I took my son with me hoping he might get a shot at a yote, he has never shot one. This is his 1st year hunting and he is unwilling to shoot a rifle because last time he tried it he got scoped, so he took his 22. We had been out about 10 minutes when I saw a pack of coyotes like I have never seen, there was over 30 in one tight group with a few straglers following them. It was too far for the 22 so I shot the last yote of the group and then took a 350 yard shot at the next closest, missed that one.
Have any of you ever seen that many coyotes in one pack? I think 4 is the most I've ever seen together. Needless to say me and the boy are heading back there this afternoon to do a little calling and hopefully alot of shooting.
I once saw a pack of seven coyotes. I have heard stories of people seeing a dozen or more coyotes in a pack. Was there a dead deer, elk or range cow were you saw all of them?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-03 AT 06:31PM (MST)[p]I have never seen more then 3 in a pack, but have heard packs over the hill from our calling location that sounded like they carried a whole smack load.

Forgot to add: Bad A$$ man, that would have been a blast!
Well, I went back tonight but didn't get there soon enough to set up and call so just looked around a little. I couldn't find anything dead, but there was little dig holes all over in the tall weeds they were in, I figure they must have been mouse hunting. Didn't see any tonight. I called the game warden and talked to him about it, he is going to do some checking and see if any of the other officers have ever heard of that many in a pack. As near as I could tell there was 34, but you know how it is to count moving animals. I am sure I am off one way or the other by a few, but not by far. I could have got several more shots if I hadn't been trying to count them and trying to convince myself that they were actually coyotes. you can bet I'll be checking out that area often, actually the game warden said he might go out with me a few times. we hunt together every once in a while. I just hope to get a few more shots next time.
Couple of years ago I was archery deer hunting on the Kaibab. One afternoon I decided to get up on a ridge that overlooked this huge secluded meadow and glass the rest of the day to see if anything came out that I could start to pattern. Well about 4:30 in the afternoon the yotes started screaming and over the next couple of hours I saw about 7 yotes come down into that meadow and chase groundhogs. Needless to say no deer were to be seen.

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