Deer /Chukar.hunters


Very Active Member
Just want other folk's take on this..

If you were an avid bird hunter, and you just happen to stumble into an area you have never been to before that was LOADED!!! with Chukar, and the season happens to start the same day as the first Saturday of the Deer season.
Knowing full well that the area is going to be crawling with Deer hunters in the very same spot the birds are.
Would it be wrong to go bang away at the birds while other folks are trying to hunt Deer on the very same hillsides??
Depends on if you want to chance a confrontation. Personally I would leave it alone until after the deer hunt. The chukar hunt runs a lot longer. But after the chukars will be in trouble! Need a tagalong and an extra dog?

Season is open go for it. Why should there be a confrontation? Just because it's hunting season it doesn't keep all of the noisy idiot birdwatchers and hikers off public land. One thing I can almost gurantee is if you stay off that piece opening day a truckload of other hunters are going to pull up there and start blasting away anyway.
I have been grouse hunting in a area that is open for deer and elk. So far I haven't seen anyone. I say go for it there might not be any one show up for big game. Ron
Go for it!

If I was on the deer hunt and you had a flock that you were blasting, I might be frustrated but I would understand because it's your hunt too.

I can't be angry when someone else is on my deer glassing point when I get there. I just need to move on and find the deer elsewhere. It's public land, we should all roll with it.
OPEN THE SEASON and blast some chukers for mr!

That deal happen to me in N.Ca. unit X5B ML, I saw two really nice bucks in the 30" range,one NT and one Typ. before the season in a spot that was hard to get into i watched them for a couple of days, figuring I had a good deal here I had put out scent dispensers in the area a couple of weeks before. The night before the season opens for deer a couple of Chukar hunters stopped by my camp as I was setting up. They told me about these two huge buck back in this area(same spot). Well I hunted that spot for several days and never saw those bucks again, The scent dispensers worked great and the trees I had them in was torn up, so I figure I will get out of the area and come back and hit it hard the last weekend of the hunt, So I come back 5 days later hoping that they had moved back in, I'm unloading my truck and those same two hunters come by and tell they had just jumped those bucks again next to the trees I have those scent dispensers in. Hunted that spot for the next 3 day and never saw those buck again. So yes it sucks but those guys had just as much right to hunt that area for chukar as I did for deer.Just wish the seasons didn't over-lap like that.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I would appreciate some bird hunters hunting below me around 10:00. It might get the deer moving.

I would not appreciate it if they were banging at first light right next to me.

Opening morning is a mixed bag. Sometimes other hunters help and sometimes they hinder.

I like to talk to people who are hunting the same spot and we can usually approach an area so that we help instead of hinder each other.

I'm surprised how many hunters opt to snub each other instead of working together.
I personally back out if i come across somebody in a spot I go into whether I'am deer hunting or chukar hunting. I at least try and ask if they are close hate to ruin anybodys hunt and always try and be a good sportsman. Have had a few run in with a few people who thought they own the mountain. For me though if I drive 500 to a 1000 miles to hunt the last thing I want to deal with is a confrontation. Just my take though.
Duck hunters spoiled my deer hunt on sunday. Not much I could say it was their hunt too. I will try again. Ron
Thanks for the replies,,not quite what i expected.
Sounds like everybody is fairly tolerant.
I doubt i would hunt the Chukar, mostly because it would be the first weekend of Deer season and that seems to hold more tradition than a bird hunt..
But anytime after that i would have no problem with it..

Plus the area I'm talking about is out of state,, There just might of been a confrontation having a nonres busting a bunch of rounds off at birds while the residents were trying to Deer hunt

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