
Long Time Member
I Can't Put an Exact Weight on any Buck I've ever Took because I Never Weighed any of them!

I Do Know Some of them Got Perty Damn Heavy the Time They Were Packed Out on Our Backs in Pieces!:D

I'm Guessing around 250-275 lbs woulda been as Heavy as any of them were on the Hoof?

In 1970 My Dad Took a Buck that Weighed 358 lbs Field Dressed!

The Game Warden Seen it Hanging in Our Camp & Thought We Had Shot an Elk!

I've Seen Many of Raghorn Bulls not near as Big as the Body on this Ole Boy!

I've seen the Body Size on Mule Deer Dwindle for several Decades now!

These PISSCUTTER Bodied Bucks of Today are a JOKE!

There's only One advantage to them!

Easier To Pack Out!:D

One More Thing that Hardly Anybody takes in to consideration:

A Bigger Bodied Deer/Animal is/was Way Tougher of an Animal compared to these Scrawny Little Modern Day PISSCUTTERS of today!

Wondering if any of You have Ever Weighed your Bucks & How Much they Weighed?
I have one of the spring-type scales hanging in the garage/shop where I process all our animals. Set up with eye bolts/meat hooks in ceiling joists, and can hang up to 4 elk or 8 deer. Every one gets weighed, each year.

My heaviest mule deer buck to date was an 8 year old, that weighed 233# dressed, with the four legs removed at the joints!!
No scale available up on the mountain when I killed this one, but he was damn heavy! Hurt my arms holding his neck up for pics. He was 7-8 years old, based on me watching him for 4 years, he was at least 3-4 the first year I saw him.


My dads 1973 buck was a big 36" 3x5. Had to be well over 300. Idk how heavy he was but we had to cut it in half and make 2 trips. I remember just the head and neck was a chore. I was only a kid and my job back in those days was to carry the heart and liver. My dad and my older brothers did the rest. My mom tagged a 26"- 4x5 that same year. All we had was a 30.40 Krag and 8mm Mauser. Had lots of visitors stop by our camp that year.
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I Can't Put an Exact Weight on any Buck I've ever Took because I Never Weighed any of them!

I Do Know Some of them Got Perty Damn Heavy the Time They Were Packed Out on Our Backs in Pieces!:D

I'm Guessing around 250-275 lbs woulda been as Heavy as any of them were on the Hoof?

In 1970 My Dad Took a Buck that Weighed 358 lbs Field Dressed!

The Game Warden Seen it Hanging in Our Camp & Thought We Had Shot an Elk!

I've Seen Many of Raghorn Bulls not near as Big as the Body on this Ole Boy!

I've seen the Body Size on Mule Deer Dwindle for several Decades now!

These PISSCUTTER Bodied Bucks of Today are a JOKE!

There's only One advantage to them!

Easier To Pack Out!:D

One More Thing that Hardly Anybody takes in to consideration:

A Bigger Bodied Deer/Animal is/was Way Tougher of an Animal compared to these Scrawny Little Modern Day PISSCUTTERS of today!

Wondering if any of You have Ever Weighed your Bucks & How Much they Weighed?
I shot a Whitetail in Saskatchewan that dressed out at 273 with the hide and head off of him. They are the biggest body deer up there that I have ever seen.
Those Sandhill bucks get BIG!!!

Not sure what this one weighed - no scales at the time - but we are guessing 225ish dressed based on other bucks we have weighed since then. For reference, I’m 6’1”, 250. Not big compared to the big mountain muleys or the monstrous sandhill bucks, but big for the area we hunt.


Not my buck, but my brothers. It's me standing next to this thing. It was definitely the biggest bodied deer any of us have ever got. No scale but we figured high 200's. I'm about 175lb in this pic. And it has me beat by a long shot!


My "little Bro" is well over 300lb. And even he doesn't dwarf this thing like he does on a lot of deer.

Keep Em Coming Guys!

We've Even Got Niller Posting The Last 40"ER He'll Ever Get!:D

(((RAZZIN Ya Niller!:D)))

I've Been all over the State & Where Niller Got His Buck is Probably the Last of the Big Bodied Deer in Utah!
Why is it always about Utah with you?
Other states have deer too you know.
If you want to keep harping about Utah post this in the F’n Utah forum!

You Can Post Your Deer From Any State!

So If Posting/Typing Utah Bothers You that Bad I Don't know What to Tell you?

When I Said Keep Em Coming I Was Including You as Well buckhorn!

I Don't Care What State Your Big Bodied Buck was Harvested in,Post Em!

I Like Seeing Bucks of the NON-PISSCUTTER Kind!

Why is it always about Utah with you?
Other states have deer too you know.
If you want to keep harping about Utah post this in the F’n Utah forum!

You Can Post Your Deer From Any State!

So If Posting/Typing Utah Bothers You that Bad I Don't know What to Tell you?

When I Said Keep Em Coming I Was Including You as Well buckhorn!

I Don't Care What State Your Big Bodied Buck was Harvested in,Post Em!

I Like Seeing Bucks of the NON-PISSCUTTER Kind!
If you go back up a ways you’ll see I posted one earlier and I put a pic in there.
What about you?
Have you ever killed a big buck?
Let’s see them!
And I’m not talking about little pisscutters!
With Your Attitude towards the State I Live in I'm gonna take the 5th so You Don't get Mad again!:D
I have a lifetime of hunting and applications vested in the state you live in.
I really don’t have much of a problem with it other than some of their wacky management practices.

I think I have more of a problem with most of your senseless comments than anything else in your state.
My wife shot this OLD buck in NM several years ago. He was less than 1/2 mile from the road, uphill, and it was raining like crazy before the light snow hit; so I thought I would save my self a pack out and drug him. I almost killed myself and regretted every step!!!

I shot this tank of a buck last year in WA. He hung for something like 12 days in the butcher's shop. The day the butcher cut him up he weighed him. He was 187 pounds hanging after 12 days, so you add a hide, guts, head/rack, and legs, you are looking at a 300+pound deer on the hoof. My butcher said there was one deer heavier that was brought into his shop.

Likely around 180-200. Seen a buck that an uncle of mine killed bend a 2 inch galvanized steel pipe we hung him from. No idea how big it was.
I can’t do pictures, I weighted several of my families Basin “pisscutter” bucks last year. The largest was a 225 lb. my daughter-in-law shot with a muzzy. Grandsons killed 3 that weighed between 175-185. 3 to 4 year old bucks usually weigh between 150-170. The largest buck I’ve weighed was 253 lbs. All were weighed with head and hide on, and legs removed. Grand dad was a butcher, and had 13 children . Back in the 50’s and 60’s. Deer camp was huge. Some years there would be 20 or 30 bucks hanging in the barns and apple trees opening week. Size mattered more than horns for most. 200+ lb. deer were the exception, although some would be killed most years There was a huge horn pile by the tack shed. I’ve helped weigh deer and elk for 60 years, and if they’re smaller today it’s mostly because they’re killed younger not a change in genetics in my uneducated option. Sorry this is so long, I was reminiscing for the good old days. Love the pictures of all the big bucks.
Good to hear from You BacDoc!

Hope You're doing OK!

I can’t do pictures, I weighted several of my families Basin “pisscutter” bucks last year. The largest was a 225 lb. my daughter-in-law shot with a muzzy. Grandsons killed 3 that weighed between 175-185. 3 to 4 year old bucks usually weigh between 150-170. The largest buck I’ve weighed was 253 lbs. All were weighed with head and hide on, and legs removed. Grand dad was a butcher, and had 13 children . Back in the 50’s and 60’s. Deer camp was huge. Some years there would be 20 or 30 bucks hanging in the barns and apple trees opening week. Size mattered more than horns for most. 200+ lb. deer were the exception, although some would be killed most years There was a huge horn pile by the tack shed. I’ve helped weigh deer and elk for 60 years, and if they’re smaller today it’s mostly because they’re killed younger not a change in genetics in my uneducated option. Sorry this is so long, I was reminiscing for the good old days. Love the pictures of all the big bucks.
My father in law killed a blacktail buck in the early 1950's. He said it was the biggest buck he'd ever seen, but didn't think much more about it. He took it to the meat locker and dropped it off. When he went to pick it up the butcher said it was the biggest buck he ever processed and he ended up with 162 pounds of cut and wrapped meat. The butcher even told the local newspaper about it and they wrote about it. I have a copy of the article somewhere.
My father in law killed a blacktail buck in the early 1950's. He said it was the biggest buck he'd ever seen, but didn't think much more about it. He took it to the meat locker and dropped it off. When he went to pick it up the butcher said it was the biggest buck he ever processed and he ended up with 162 pounds of cut and wrapped meat. The butcher even told the local newspaper about it and they wrote about it. I have a copy of the article somewhere.
Good one eel
That must’ve been before anyone knew there was Elk in Cali.
Obviously had some good skunk around though LOL.

Just kidding!
More impressive is two large full bodied animals hang in a tree. Seems like everything comes out in pieces in my world.
Funny that never occurred to me- and you are spot on. I was young at the time and not on this hunt. I know the drainage they were at, and there was no way they would come out whole today (or even in the 80s). So I asked the wise old man- he told me that was one of the last years the road into the head of the drainage was open to 4wds. I hiked that old trail road dozens of times, and carried many a quarter out on it (or used horses) over the years. Thanks for mentioning it!
I shot a buck in colorado that my brother and I in our 30s could not get it on the back of a quad dressed. I shot another in northern montana and took it to a butcher in dillon and he accused me of trying to get an elk cut as a deer, these 2 animals were easily in the 375 range dressed. My heaviest ca. blacktail went 152 dressed.
I tried to attach a short clip of this guy on the hoof from the first night of my hunt in Colorado. I passed him on day 1 and got lucky and harvested him on day 5. If the video won’t post I’ll try to get a still shot of him to do so. I would guess he was over 300. I have never been one to weigh an animal.



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I hunted in Nova Scotia near Truro back in the 1980s. One afternoon we drove into town to buy some lobster tails. The fish place was next to a sporting goods store that was conducting a big deer contest. They had a chalk board displayed showing the leaders to that point. I recall that the top three were all over 400 lbs.

I didn't kill a buck, but one of the other guys at the lodge did. When they pulled into the drive, I could see the four legs protruding over the edge of the truck bed. The main part of the body was pushed up against the far side. It took four of us to hoist it on to the spring scale on the hanging pole. It weighed a 'mere' 370 lbs.

The biggest deer I have personally killed was my first -- also a whitetail. I shot it with a Marlin 336 30/30 in the farm country of NY state. The main cross beam in my grandfather's garage was 12' off the floor. With great effort, three of us hung the deer by the gambrels on his front legs at the bottom of the beam. His rear legs rested flat on the floor. We just guesstimated the weight at about 300 lbs. It was a 14" spike!!

The biggest mule deer I've killed was the buck below. It was during the rut on the North Kaibab in 1965 or so. Field dressed, it weighed 227 at the AGFD check station.

I tried to attach a short clip of this guy on the hoof from the first night of my hunt in Colorado. I passed him on day 1 and got lucky and harvested him on day 5. If the video won’t post I’ll try to get a still shot of him to do so. I would guess he was over 300. I have never been one to weigh an animal.

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The video loaded. Cool buck.
Only buck I ever weighed was a black tail I killed road hunting. Right around 240 completely field dressed and hanging at the butcher. That thing had the biggest neck I’ve ever seen on a black tail.
A bar in Fonda, Iowa which is a small rural town held an annual biggest does competition every year. They had an "A" frame stand with a hoist + scale. $10 buy-in to the 1 gallon glass pickle jar. Winner took all. Never realized how big WT does could get.
I was hunting on the Idaho Wyoming border above Palisades Reservoir.
When I first spotted this Buck about at about 3/4 mile away, I thought I was looking at an Elk.
Look how his body dwarfs that
I quartered him out and backpacked the head and cape out that afternoon. Four miles back to camp.
Brought Mules back the next day to pack out the meat.
Didn’t weigh him but he’s the biggest bodied buck I’ve ever killed.

Little Elk.jpeg

This is a picture of a picture so I know it’s of terrible quality. My apologies. I was just outta high school and my girlfriend (now wife and mother of two) sitting on the tailgate. I won the local check in station’s big buck contest that year. I had field dressed him to get him out and he weighed more dressed than any of the others did undressed—lol. Live weight should have been pushing 350. 160” plus 7 pointer that a local biologist fella said was 9 years old. Yes, 7 point. Neat memories.
I’ll throw my (assumedly) biggest body mulie on here as well. I remember hitting him from 465 with my 300 RUM and I could see his entire body ripple with the impact. He was healthy! I don’t know what he weighed as he came out on my back.

I am 6’6” 245 pounds, for reference.

One of my Alberta muleys , on the Red Deer river. approx. 280 lbs

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Largest mule deer I’ve ever seen was on the Red Deer River, a little west of Buffalo. I was 17 years old and I never got a shot at him. I swear the does he was with could have walked under his belly. He was as big a spike bull elk. That was 59 years ago and I can still see him in my minds eye.

Those badlands in the background look very familiar. Thanks for posting, it brought back a sweet memory.
I tried to attach a short clip of this guy on the hoof from the first night of my hunt in Colorado. I passed him on day 1 and got lucky and harvested him on day 5. If the video won’t post I’ll try to get a still shot of him to do so. I would guess he was over 300. I have never been one to weigh an animal.

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That’s skinny
These are the two largest bodied bucks that I have killed. I wish I had better pictures to show off the body size and knew what they actually weighed. The top one was a tank. I also wish I knew how old he was.

This bottom buck also had a big body but I was mostly impressed by his rolly-polly neck. I haven't seen a buck with that much extra skin around his neck in September.

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