

Long Time Member
I am sure glad I have a Government that can predict and handle problems. This herd immunity we achieved a few months ago really helped out.
We were told that if 70% of the people got vaccinated we would reach herd immunity. We're at about 75% vaccinated now and look at it. We were told by our distinguished president "get the vaccine and you won't get the virus. Follow the science, man!"
Mask for me too its is stupid.
Once again this crap is never leaving people need to get over it!
I don’t know if it’s stupid or not, but I don’t wear one. But I’ve made a lot of other stupid decisions in my life, so I’ll just hope for the best again.

We lost a county commissioner a day or two ago, and a close business associate is in a precarious state. Hell of a way to get over it.

And no, I’m not arguing with you. I don’t know any more than you do.
An old but funny
I’ve been watching him in the Righteous Gemstones. Dude is a trip and I dig Judy:cool:
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Pandemics end because of exposure. Now they can end via exposure and vaccination.

The more the inevitable outcome is dodged, the longer it will take for widespread exposure. The newest variant is the answer to ending this. Trust the science, not dirt-bag worthless politicians.

These shots they provided are not vaccinations. They are "proactive" therapeutics...
Its interesting to me how KSL.com stopped listing the number of “breakthrough” cases this week. Its also interesting how on Jan. 4th they were reporting that you had 20x risk of dying if unvaxxed, but yesterday it was a 12% chance. They've gone from "get the shop to stop Covid" to "reduce your risk and symtoms by getting the shot" What's next?
You want some real entertainment, browse through the KSL comment section of the articles and see just how many nut jobs you’re sharing this world with. It’s scary.
It’s crazy how willing some are to take things at face value and not think about it objectively for 30 seconds.
Like Mary (Cameron Diaz) I am a 9er fan
But FWIW, Aaron Roger said:
“When the president of the United States says, ‘This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ it’s because him and his constituents, which, I don’t know how there are any if you watch any of his attempts at public speaking, but I guess he got 81 million votes… But when you say stuff like that, and then you have the CDC, which, how do you even trust them, but then they come out and talk about 75% of the COVID deaths have at least four comorbidities. And you still have this fake White House set saying that this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated, that’s not helping the conversation.”

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Like Mary (Cameron Diaz) I am a 9er fan
But FWIW, Aaron Roger said:
“When the president of the United States says, ‘This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ it’s because him and his constituents, which, I don’t know how there are any if you watch any of his attempts at public speaking, but I guess he got 81 million votes… But when you say stuff like that, and then you have the CDC, which, how do you even trust them, but then they come out and talk about 75% of the COVID deaths have at least four comorbidities. And you still have this fake White House set saying that this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated, that’s not helping the conversation.”

Being a Bears fan (not always easy to admit) I’ve naturally hated Rodgers pretty much his whole career, but this one statement honestly changes a lot of how I feel. Guess when you have a decent O-line, you can reduce concussions and maintain some common sense.

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