Hope vaccine works...


Very Active Member
So everybody will stay out of MY dang woods in 2021! Spring turkey season was a zoo: too may recreationists out in my spots. Had a kid fly a kite thru my camp in the only spot (up to then) where I had seen a bird! Did not even try to shed hunt (although that is not specific to the new outdoor people).

Will They give us back the woods? Or Will they all see what we love so much out there? Open the bars so they can sit and drink beers inside! Is the CAT OUTTA THE BAG? Can we stuff it back in, please?!!
Most people here couldn't get it if they wanted it. Unless you are a health care worker, prison inmates will get it before anyone here. (n)
Most people here couldn't get it if they wanted it. Unless you are a health care worker, prison inmates will get it before anyone here. (n)

I have no problem with the prisoners being the Guinee pigs.

I for one want to wait and see how this plays out for a while.
It's the principle of taxpayer funded goodies for convicted criminals like sex-change operations and free health care.

The death panels were supposed to prioritize public health decisions based on our value to society, right?
It's the principle of taxpayer funded goodies for convicted criminals like sex-change operations and free health care.
Are you equating government-funded sex change operations to government-funded vaccines to end a pandemic?
Do you believe government-funded sex change operations are comparable to government-funded vaccines?
In as much as they provide comfort and happiness to convicted criminals, yes. There may be subtle medical differences on account of the d!ck and everything, but I'll let the dr's handle that one. :oops:

On edit: Although only a kindygardener, I realize the vaccinations are ultimately for the guard's safety. But I choose to be mad at this because otherwise I would have to go find something else to be mad about.
Actually you kind of got that wrong. A few months ago the Governor of Washington "Inslee", was the one proposing that the vaccine under the Trump administration would not be approved without some kind of review. He seems fine with it now, go figure.

Because of where I work I could probably get the vaccine fairly soon, but I'm not in any hurry. And I already had Covid 19.
Actually you kind of got that wrong. A few months ago the Governor of Washington "Inslee", was the one proposing that the vaccine under the Trump administration would not be approved without some kind of review. He seems fine with it now, go figure.

Because of where I work I could probably get the vaccine fairly soon, but I'm not in any hurry. And I already had Covid 19.
I'll see your Governor and raise you a Forbes-sourced article with accompanying poll of thousands of Americans showing which group is least likely to get the vaccine... https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommyb...cans-say-they-would-not-get-covid-19-vaccine/

There are lots of polls and articles olif you want to read them but they all show the same general results. The trend seems to be improving, but the disparity remains... currently at about 19%.
The woods are going to be crowded for awhile, I'm afraid. There is a new strain of Covid in England, sure to be here soon.

I'm going to wait for the new Covid Vaccine 2.0 to come out.
Hey Gator, can you tell me the long term effects of this vaccine?
DW can't answer that, BUT i can tell you I know how bad it can be.
I had 12 days of hell, had one night that couldn't get enough air spent 8 hr in the ER.
I will take anybody place in that line that is in front of me and be happy as a clam. So all those who is saying no thanks. Bless your hearts for letting me go to the front of the line.
So please tell all your friends that isn't a big deal.
So just maybe Me and mine can get that shot sooner.
Bet it doesn't kill as many as the Virus kills.
300,000 and moving up.
But could still FALSE News right.
My heart felt happiness for all that WILL NOT take the shot, That means I move up the list to get one.
Thank you all.
Your welcome. Jump right in line for a vaccine of a COVID virus that to date has never had a successful vaccine for the like ( look it up if you still can) . I’m sure just all the sudden this one dropped out of the sky in record time
I still like the joke from the doctor who told me the slow vaccine rollout is because the deep state is trying to figure out how to make it cause autism ?
I received the vaccine Dec 19th with some co-workers and physicians. The vaccine has gone through all the same safety measures as other vaccines in the past. Approximately 65-70% of US population are willing to take it. Just a little sore shoulder like the flu vaccine.
Saying that there could be some long term side effects with taking the vaccine is minimal. Saying there is long term side effects in having covid is minimal, but more possible.

We need herd immunity through vaccine or infected people to get antibodies, to get over this pandemic. You are free to choose.
Heck if you want a shot for 190 proof it isn't good for either.
But Most wouldn't turn it down.
You mean like this one grizz? Doubt you understand the pic or know anything about it. An experimental vaccine was given to a large group of men to fight off the effects of chemical weapons about 30yrs ago. 6 months later they came home and got their girls pregnant. They had a 300% higher rate of birth defects and still born babies than the rest of the population. Recent studies have shown they are aging faster than the rest of the population that didn't get the vaccine, they've labeled it Desert Storm Syndrome. Over the past 30yrs they've blamed it on different environmental factors, close proximity to burn pits, toxins from the oil well fires, possible exposure to chemical weapons. The trouble with those theories is a bunch of guys got the vaccine and were no where near those factors, some were 10k miles away, and still suffer from the things I mentioned above. Those guys are starting to die off. 25yrs from now, when most of us will be dead and gone, the truth will come out about that vaccine. Oh it was tested and safe according to their early research studies, but they had no data on reproductive or long term effects. They are advising pregnant women and those trying to become pregnant not to take this covid vaccine, most likely because they have no idea how it will effect a pregnancy. Eerily similar to that experimental vaccine of 30yrs ago. Everytime somebody says this vaccine is safe I ask for the research on its long term effects knowing there is none. Anyones welcome to "trust the science" and take this new vaccine, but I'm gonna sit this one out. I suspect that meme I posted about the commercial we'll see 10yrs from now will become a reality. Maybe you've got a link to the info I seek?

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You mean like this one grizz? Doubt you understand the pic or know anything about it. An experimental vaccine was given to a large group of men to fight off the effects of chemical weapons about 30yrs ago. 6 months later they came home and got their girls pregnant. They had a 300% higher rate of birth defects and still born babies than the rest of the population. Recent studies have shown they are aging faster than the rest of the population that didn't get the vaccine, they've labeled it Desert Storm Syndrome. Over the past 30yrs they've blamed it on different environmental factors, close proximity to burn pits, toxins from the oil well fires, possible exposure to chemical weapons. The trouble with those theories is a bunch of guys got the vaccine and were no where near those factors, some were 10k miles away, and still suffer from the things I mentioned above. Those guys are starting to die off. 25yrs from now, when most of us will be dead and gone, the truth will come out about that vaccine. Oh it was tested and safe according to their early research studies, but they had no data on reproductive or long term effects. They are advising pregnant women and those trying to become pregnant not to take this covid vaccine, most likely because they have no idea how it will effect a pregnancy. Eerily similar to that experimental vaccine of 30yrs ago. Everytime somebody says this vaccine is safe I ask for the research on its long term effects knowing there is none. Anyones welcome to "trust the science" and take this new vaccine, but I'm gonna sit this one out. I suspect that meme I posted about the commercial we'll see 10yrs from now will become a reality. Maybe you've got a link to the info I seek?

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I'm well aware of the article you're referring to (multiple times now), I've read it word for word. I've also never vouched for the safety of this vaccine or tried to get anybody to receive it. Everybody should get to choose for themselves. If you think all vaccines are analogous to an example from 30 years ago, that's for you to decide

The research on this vaccine is a mile wide but a foot deep and that's inarguable.

But the doctors that I've spoken to have explained to me how the new technology works and I feel comfortable enough with the vaccine that I'll take the personal risk for myself rather than risk infecting others who are high-risk.

I would not however give it to my young child at this point because I don't feel the risk outweighs the benefit in that circumstance.

To each their own. That's freedom.
I don't know about most on here but I have a small pox vaccination Polio vaccination and yet here I am 65 years later.
I never got small pox and if I remember right it was eradicated right along with Polio after taking the vaccine, herd immunity was achieved.
I would even bet that most of you on here saying you won't take the Covid vaccine have taken the two above.
Do you have long term problems besides still being ALIVE. Are your children mutated, do you walk with a limp or any body part not work right because of the vaccines you have already taken.
I want to get back to normal as soon as possible I am tired of running from this bully I chose to turn around and fight.
To each his own........just sayin
I'm 48. Most people my age are on the edge of polio being memorable. I knew/know only 4 or 5 crippled individuals, but most have passed. Some of my peers have the smallpox wheel on their shoulder, but few younger than me. It's easy to be a be a vaccination naysayer, but history is probably telling us something.
Oh, for crying in a bucket. Lets take them one at a time.

1. "Science" determined smoking is bad for you.
2. "Science" provided ddt, and it also determined it was bad for you. As Beanman pointed out, ddt was very effective at what it was designed for.
3. "Science" has produced a number of effective medicines from naturally occurring opiates. Debate the effectiveness of pain killers on the battlefield if you want.
4. "Science" discovered how to use asbestos (also naturally occurring) to help produce SCORES of technological breakthroughs. "Science" also figured out it is bad for you.

And with all due respect and gratitude for your service DW, compulsory prophylactic vaccinations in the military aren't really the same.

The only place science doesn't seem to be working is on the internet. :rolleyes:
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well considering the fact that our new "leader" just told us our "darkest days are ahead of us" should enlighten you a little to how much faith the ones pushing this vaccine have in it. at a minimum it shows you they have no intention of taking the boot off our necks any time soon. so to the OP's point of "hoping it works" we should all expect this to change nothing....
well considering the fact that our new "leader" just told us our "darkest days are ahead of us" should enlighten you a little to how much faith the ones pushing this vaccine have in it. at a minimum it shows you they have no intention of taking the boot off our necks any time soon. so to the OP's point of "hoping it works" we should all expect this to change nothing....
You don't need to worry about those predictions ........they are based on science and arithmetic so are probably wrong. :D
It takes 2 doses of the vaccine and it's unknown how long it will be effective, maybe as short as 4 months. I'll tough it out for now. I thank those willing to be a lab rat though. :)

We've had deadly flu every year but never been asked to wear masks, or stay home for Christmas or close down businesses.
There is a provision that says you can't sue the manufacturer of a vaccine. That's why it's so attractive to investors. I think there is a raw cost of about $4 to make. You'll sign your name before getting the shot saying you agree.
You don't need to worry about those predictions ........they are based on science and arithmetic so are probably wrong. :D
So based on the same science you trust so much on the vaccine? Hmmm, seems contradictory..but hey if you say were all good I’ll be a good little comrade and go along with the herd
Sarcasm, science....it is hard to tell them apart.

As someone else said, I hope you don't get in line for the vaccine too soon. Just means I get mine sooner. Hopefully.

They may be earmarked for special interest groups and will rot on the shelves of the warp speed warehouse.
They may be earmarked for special interest groups and will rot on the shelves of the warp speed warehouse.
That's my concern. It's almost like they're so worried about not giving them to the "wrong" people that they're not giving them to the "right" people either.

Just open up the pharmacies and health departments and slam them in as fast as FedEx delivers them. Let's get this over with.
That's my concern. It's almost like they're so worried about not giving them to the "wrong" people that they're not giving them to the "right" people either.

Just open up the pharmacies and health departments and slam them in as fast as FedEx delivers them. Let's get this over with.
You think it’s going to be over? I don’t see this being over for quite some time. I think I’d get used to this crappy new normal.
That's my concern. It's almost like they're so worried about not giving them to the "wrong" people that they're not giving them to the "right" people either.

Just open up the pharmacies and health departments and slam them in as fast as FedEx delivers them. Let's get this over with.
The most at risk group has been deemed “ disproportionately white” to receive the vaccine. so don’t hold your breath because like as been touted here so much .., SCIENCE!!!!
Goobermint is in charge of distribution. I agree with what was said earlier - I trust the scientists who devolped the vaccine much more than the politicians in charge of distribution.

I sure hope dragging politicians into this doesn't get this thread locked. :rolleyes: <======= sarcasm eyes.
Goobermint is in charge of distribution. I agree with what was said earlier - I trust the scientists who devolped the vaccine much more than the politicians in charge of distribution.

I sure hope dragging politicians into this doesn't get this thread locked. :rolleyes: <======= sarcasm eyes.
You really think the “scientist “ worked independently of government huh? You that naive or just trying to convince yourself?
That's my concern. It's almost like they're so worried about not giving them to the "wrong" people that they're not giving them to the "right" people either.

Just open up the pharmacies and health departments and slam them in as fast as FedEx delivers them. Let's get this over with.
Well, the target was 20 million and we managed to get 2.8 million their shot. What a shame.

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