In a perfect world...

Let's all not bicker about this, let's all have open mind and respect everyone's opinions. If you disagree with what someone says, don't call them a dumb #####. Prove your differences with facts.
I'd ZERO The Deficit Out & Never get in the F'N Hole We're in again!

With the Amount of Taxes every American Pays it would more than Cover everything & Then some when managed properly!


Pipe Dream Over with!

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
Priority one would be shoot lobbyist on sight.

After that It's not so much how the government is run as it is who we have running it. with one notable exception the people elect their leaders by a majority vote so we have nobody to blame but ourselves. the buck stops here.

So why do we always have a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich? are you telling me Hillary and orange foolius were the best options out of 320 million americans? I don't think so and congressional races aren't much better.

I'm not sure what this would require to make happen. higher pay would be a good starter. elect leaders like you'd hire a CEO. paying peanuts and treating them like chit isn't how it's done. so we're getting what we pay for and deserve.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
A Bunch of Politicians/Government Officials would start earning their Pay!

And if they didn't!

I'd Have Trump Say:

You're F'N Fired!

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
We pay a congressman 175k. think they're worth it? most of them no. do you want a doctor who works for minimum wage? he wouldn't be much of a doctor would he?

175k isn't much for a management job. why would a guy taking down 250k or much more plus take a job paying peanuts where he gets treated like chit?

Do the math. it's obvious what we're doing isn't working.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The problem is not salary. The problem is graft and insider trading. Most of them get there dirt poor like Barack and end up multi millionaires. Need to close the insider trading loophole for congress.
do you
>want a doctor who works
>for minimum wage? he
>wouldn't be much of a
>doctor would he?

>Stay Thirsty My Friends

And yet that's what you clowns continue to push for?
The change I would like to see is govt. officials senators and congress pres. ect pay into healthcare just like we do. No elite plans unless they pay for them just like the working class has to and the minute they are out of office no pension and free healthcare for them. I say we keep the electoral college because if not then california, new york and larger states decide how leaders are elected. I would also like to see a drug test for people applying for govt. assistance. I think we could weed out alot of people playing the system that way. Just a couple thoughts I think could put us in the right financial direction.
Tog said;
Priority one would be shoot lobbyist on sight.

Looky there Tog, we do agree on something.

MAKE congress live by the laws they pass for us to live by.

Here is one idea.

Mandatory that the federal budget for any given year must be expressed as a percentage.
Starting at 100%, no matter how much the GDP is.
From that point on, EVERY spending bill must be expressed as a percentage of the budget.

?We will spend 1/1000,000% of the budget to buy a box of pencils for Trumps secretary?.

At the time when 100% is reached, all spending further bills MUST include where cuts are to be made to fund said bill.

?We will take 1/1000,000% of the military budget to buy a box of pencils for Trumps secretary?.
>Tog said;
>Priority one would be shoot lobbyist
>on sight.
>Looky there Tog, we do agree
>on something.
>MAKE congress live by the laws
>they pass for us to
>live by.
>Here is one idea.
>Mandatory that the federal budget for
>any given year must be
>expressed as a percentage.
>Starting at 100%, no matter how
>much the GDP is.
>From that point on, EVERY spending
>bill must be expressed as
>a percentage of the budget.
>?We will spend 1/1000,000% of the
>budget to buy a box
>of pencils for Trumps secretary?.
>At the time when 100% is
>reached, all spending further bills
>MUST include where cuts are
>to be made to fund
>said bill.
>?We will take 1/1000,000% of the
>military budget to buy a
>box of pencils for Trumps

I would require a study of the original intent of the constitution by all elected officials and have them follow it!!! Back to the basics....
Have term limits on Congress and you would see the big money machine in DC evaporate rather fast. The five counties surrounding DC are the wealthiest in the world. The Gov officials, lobbyists and the almighty greed to tap into our federal tax payer monies, is so corrupt it is unbelievable. Reduce Government and it's employees, severely restrict EPA and things will get better fast including wiping out the debt. Term limits is a very hot topic but one that is unlikely to ever be changed however.

Thank God for Trump, he is trying to do much of the above. His jerking the EPA rug is perhaps the greatest plus for business and rural economies of anything Trump can do to make America great again. The Orange Julius as Tog calls him is doing one heck of a job. Go President Donald.

One other thing we could do to clean up America is to put all of the whining, crying liberal progressives on a slow boat to China.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-17 AT 10:13AM (MST)[p]Doing a heck of a job? deport liberals? sounds like a trumpette if I ever heard one.

So what would you like to bet on? will one of you blow hard disingenuous trumpettes bet me ? how about you?

Choose from the following:

The debt will not rise in the next year.

Unemployment will fall in the next year.

The entire wall will be built and mexico will pay for it in full in the next 4 years.

The DOW will rise at the same rate or higher than it did under Obama. since Obama raised it 156% Trump has 4 years to raise it 78%.

There will be less foreign attacks by terrorists on US soil under Trump than there were under Obama.

Trump will make good on his ACA replacement. insurance for all, lower deductibles and lower premiums.

Want to put your money where your mouth is Stoner? com'on show your faith. choose your bets and your amounts I'm waiting.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Term limits do nothing but transfer power from congress to the Bureaucrats. What happens is the life long Bureaucrats know that whomever they are dealing with in congress won't be there as long as they will be. Also when you get rid of all the institutional knowledge the politicians end up fighting over the same hill again and again. Term limits sound great but they don't have the intended results. In addition on the Federal level term limits have been found to be Unconstitutional. So you would need a reversal of that ruling or an amendment to the Constitution.

I like the idea the Trump did with not allowing members of cabinet to lobby for 5 years after their service. That seems like a no brainer and it should be applied to congress.

I know this sounds like a crazy idea but my suggestion is to actually pay them more. Make the job more attractive to people who are highly successful, motivated, proven winners and competitors.

It is HIGHLY unpopular, counterintuitive and nobody can easily support such a position but if we believe the market is the best decider to let the cream rise to top, why not pay better to attract better candidates?


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