Instant Pot


Long Time Member
Does anybody have one and use it? Do you like it? They look pretty handy but kind of intimidating.
I do. But I’m too much of a coward to get it out of the box. I’ve had it for 4 or 5 years, in the closet, in the back bed room.

A bunch of our neighbors were raving about them a number of years ago so we loaded up and bought all of our kids one for Christmas. They have about worn them out, they use them all the time.

My Mom used a regular old pressure cooker, with the rubber rim and the bobber on our wood cook stove back I. The 1940’s and 50’s. I’ll have vivid memories of that old pot screaming steam and the bobber bouncing around on top of it, with my Mom shrieking, “take it off the stove, take it off the stove” until the day I die.

I believe you can tenderize a hockey puck in one of them.
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We have one - takes up a lot of space is the only issue, makes a crockpot obsolete. Cooks quick & does perfect hard boiled eggs in no time.
I use mine a few times a month. Easy to use and clean.
Makes tough meat tender. Lot s of good recipes online.
Use mine a lot, as others mentioned great for tough cuts and old critters, I make lots of chili and soups, I usually do the meat first in some beef or chicken stock, on high pressure for 20 min, then I add the rest of the stuff, give it one more at high pressure go for 10 min, then slow cook for however long you want. I also use it to do pot roasts
I want to try a soup : lobster bisque or a red bell pepper and Gouda bisque.

Imagine yer not worried about saving time eel but they’re handy!

Seafood Bisque​

• 1 1/2 tbsp of Better than Bouillon lobster base
• 1/2 cup Lobster meat (can also substitute crab)
• 2 tbsp Tomato paste
• 3 tbsp Flour
• 1/4 tsp Paprika
• 2 cups Half & half or milk (heavy cream to thicken)
• 2 tbsp White wine, dry
• 1 cup Water

Salt and Pepper to taste

This is great for making creamy seafood bisque

How about sois veis (?) Basically it makes you cook in a jacuzzi at a set temp 128 or whatever you set it at I just got one and have tried it 2x trying again today with some pronghorn steaks, it worked well on the other tries, but you need to sear it after you take it out, never gets overdone, anyone else tried them?
Does anybody have one and use it? Do you like it? They look pretty handy but kind of intimidating.
At your age I’m pretty surprised you would even be considering some as new as an instant pot. You’re an interesting individual Mr. Eelgrass that’s for sure.

I use the **** out of the instant pot. Add in the air fryer and I rarely use the oven.
I mainly want an instant pot on the outside chance that we'll get some warm sunny weather here and I won't have to turn the oven on for 5 hours to cook a pot roast. But I don't want a slow cooker in case I'm in a hurry, but I understand you can use an instant pot as a slow cooker too.

I don't know. As SS says I might be in over my head....
How about sois veis (?) Basically it makes you cook in a jacuzzi at a set temp 128 or whatever you set it at I just got one and have tried it 2x trying again today with some pronghorn steaks, it worked well on the other tries, but you need to sear it after you take it out, never gets overdone, anyone else tried them?
Sous vide?
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Do it Eel. Pot roast in about an hour and doesn’t heat up the house. We went with the Foodi Ninja instapot/air fryer combo and use it multiple times each week. Fries, Fish, whatever.
Cook up a can of exploding biscuits and you’ll never put them in the oven again.
I’ll have to give the baby backs a try. I’ve been skeptical, thinking they need smoke.

2 cups water, 1 cup apple cider vinegar in the bottom. Cook on high for 16 min. Pull out and let rest 5 - 10 min. Baste with a fruit base or sweet and tangy BBQ sauce. Throw on the grill on high for 5 min each side to carmalize the sauce.

I like them way better than sitting in a smoker for 3 hrs.
I think they are a fad and a pain in the azz.
Not at all. My wife taught me how to use. Boiled eggs peel easier. Super Mac n Cheese. Meat that falls off the bone and doesn't take long. Beef Stew fast. Kitchen doesn't get as warm. The list goes on. When I was growing up we just had an old pressure cooker but you had to know or guess times.
One more vote for using the sous vide option on the instant pot. Pork tenderloins and chicken breasts seared a bit after a soak in the tub are unbelievable!
I shared this with 2lumpy I think it was Sunday and thought I better post it here too. As fortune would have it, I picked up a lightly used Instant Pot at a garage sale for cheap. I watched a few youtube videos and jumped in with both feet. So, chicken wings it was. it was 10 minutes in the pot then about 10 minutes under the broiler with BBQ sauce. They were pretty good. This was actually out first ever try at chicken wings.

Right out of the Instant Pot. Super tender at this point.


Right out of the broiler.


I see more meals in our future. Pretty cool concept.
At your age I’m pretty surprised you would even be considering some as new as an instant pot. You’re an interesting individual Mr. Eelgrass that’s for sure.

I use the **** out of the instant pot. Add in the air fryer and I rarely use the oven.
He is legend. Don't mess with Eel
When the pilot landed me out there, he said it was 125 miles from the nearest town. He said don't try to walk out, you'll never make it. Stay right here until someone comes to get you. I'm glad he came and got me.
I’d have crapped my pants…… on the spot!!!
Oh yeah quite a bit. It’s made the neck meat our favorite cut in our house
Hey, thanks SS. I usually just take the tenderloin, the backstrap, and the hams. I'll have to start saving more meat. OK, just kidding.

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