King's Desert Shadow Camo question



Got a question. I'm looking at getting some pants and shirt for early season archery stuff. Just wondering what you guys suggest as far as what to get from king's that will help keep you cool. That isn't too heavy. Thanks for the help.


one shot
I love the Kings Desert Shadow. Sportsmans Warehouse carries it, it is lightweight but warm, and seems to repel moisture fairly well. I also like the deep pockets. I recommend it to everybody.
Hey grizz-

I'm looking at getting a long sleeve button up shirt, for oct muley rifle hunting, if i don't fill my tag with archery. Do you suggest the quick dry cargo shirt or the hunter series shirt??


one shot
It all depends on the terrain you will be hunting in, if it is a mountain hunt you will want the mountain shadow camo if it will be more sage brush then the desert shadow is the one you will want.We are a dealer if you need something let me know sooooooon or you will be hunting in you're old camo this year and you will have new camo for next year.
The Truth! Its eye candy. They miss the real concept on camoflage. Those animals will still see you outline. Try something like predator or that other product that looks like it.
The shirt and pants that I have feel similar to denim material, I don't know what models they are. I can't speak highly enough of them though.
They hunted animals in great numbers with 100 times less pressure than we have today. I'd say the animals were a lot less educated that's for sure.
You can still kill em in blue jeans and a plaid flannel if you want to but good camo will break up your outline and that's the key.
Go with Predator.
I love it I had a buck come in 15 yards from me last AZ archery season muley and he never saw me. My friend at the top of the mountain above me couldnt see where I was. I'm Glad I didnt shoot cause now I have a 36b dec tag in az.
The reason it works so good is that it works good. It's not just eye candy. Do you own any? Have you tried it? It's all I use right down to the Snow Shadow. They have done a great job with durability and comfort like no other. I have tried just about every western style camo out there and nothing come close to this stuff!

>The Truth! Its eye candy. They
>miss the real concept on
>camoflage. Those animals will still
>see you outline. Try
>something like predator or that
>other product that looks like
"The reason it works so good is that it works good"! What kind of **** is that! You must be a promoter or something. That product is nonsense. Especially the fool on the cover of their ad. That "Stash" is beyond ridiculous.
I have to agree with awholelottabull on this one, we as guides use nothing but mountain shadow camo,we have had to shoot bulls under selfdefense if we did not kill him he would have run right over us THIS STUFF IS AWSOME.
I think as long as your camo is not to dark or light for the terrian any camo will work. Having said that I prefer Predator. I have had good luck w/King's camo patterns, I have had problems with getting the stuff though.
I believe that good camo should break you up not blend in.
Why don't you post some of your success in other camo patterns and back your statement up? So far all I've seen is your rude comments! Somebody at Kings must have made you mad. You are right... I do promote it, right along with Swarovski optics, Primos hunting calls and everything else I've used that works well. Predator is is a good camo, I've used it before and it wore out in one season. Not what I call durable. Good pattern though. Knock yourself out!

>"The reason it works so good
>is that it works good"!
> What kind of ****
>is that! You must be
>a promoter or something.
>That product is nonsense. Especially
>the fool on the cover
>of their ad. That
>"Stash" is beyond ridiculous.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-06 AT 08:59PM (MST)[p]awholelottabull is right about being willing to endorse a product that you know works. I'm not afraid to wear something from a company that I have benifited from. If you like Kings camo go for it. I do agree the Predator wears out pretty quick, but I'm willing to buy new stuff yearly if it's effective. This year I'm trying out Max 1 from Realtree. As a guide it's nice to see different options for different setups. I still feel for the most part camo is overrated. Get the wind right and don't let em see you move and they'll come in plenty close.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-06 AT 09:13PM (MST)[p]No doubt about it Bart. You have the 2 key ingredients to killing elk ... wind and movement. There probably hasn't been too many elk spooked away by the color of your camo. If you're moving when he's close it won't matter if you're wearing a tree...he's gone!!! Good to see you on here Bart!
Will you buy some camo that has shoe prints on it??? Sounds like you would!! Seriously, nobody at Kings can tell my why their stuff works or why they chose those patterns. So when you said the same stuff the head guy said " it works because it works" it is plain stupid. I have been studying camo for a while now and most of you miss the whole concept. Soon but I dont know when you will understand. I guess I could take a photo of the sage or desert and put it on print and have you guides buy it like hotcakes. When I said predator and ASAT or something similar well they are on the right track. Bill Jordans camo is truely eye candy. When your wives keep telling you, " you dont need new camo" listen to her! You are wasting money!!! If you like wasting money then Ill get started on a new camo pattern for you. I could easily take a photo of the terrain you will be hunting next season. The response was intended for oneshotonekill and not you directly. If you want to get me started well keep it coming!!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-06 AT 09:18PM (MST)[p]OK oh wise one.....why don't you share some of that "Camo Wisdom" you are bragging about. I am truly interested in what knowledge you have. Tell me the colors deer see and what makes up a deers vision. Tell me their depth of vision and the different way they do or don't see 3D images. Tell me how horizontal breakup is more important that vertical breakup. I am sure that you "studied" these concepts. Your knowledge must have come by somebody telling you about it because apparently you can't read. You bet, I like King's camo. Not only does it look nice but It is COMFORTABLE and DURABLE. It works for me. Kings camo has outlasted any of my other camo. Did I say "go buy kings camo"? NO. If King's camo wasn't comfortable and didn't last I wouldn't buy it just for the looks. First of all learn to read and second go away. "Don't get me started".....yah right!
Im not gonna waste my time with you "Jimbo" and you know what your website is not that impressive!!! When a guide speaks out the way you do, well you can keep you crappy ranch!!! I bet you talk about your clients behind their backs when they leave your place too. Nice service!!!! If anybody else out there wants further info please PM me!!! Thats all I have to say about that!!! Next topic!!
Easy there fella!! Just because you and Jim disagree about camo doesn't mean you need to attack him personally. We can have different opinions w/o all the contempt. I have known Jim for awhile and have never heard anything negative about his clients come out his mouth. And he runs a classy operation from what I have seen. I have a way of irratating people, and I've never gotten Jim riled in person as of yet.
I agree with breakup being more important than blending in, but still feel all camo is way over-rated.
I use Kings and I love it. They also put out an awsome magazine.
I still use the same pants and shirt I bought 3 years ago, a little faided but thats to be expected.

As far as all this smack talking goes. RELAX, use predator if you want to. Don't berate a guy because he doesn't use Predator ...and he even agreed that the pattern worked well! Look at the all the good feedback for Kings. They must be doing something right. Do you mean to tell me that ALL these guys are idiots and don't know good camo when they USE it? I'm not at all interested in getting in a pissing match about camo of all things. The only reason I'm even mentioning itis because you should be careful about bad mouthing a guys livelyhood in a place like this over camo patterns. How would you feel if he actually lost clients over this B.S.???

Thanks Donnie but BlackKnight and I have worked things out. We share at least one thing in common and that is we are passionate about hunting. There are probably other things that we have in common. I sometimes let my passion get in the way of common sense. I am all into comfort and durability but mostly comfort. I use whatever fits my fat butt the best. It just so happens that King's is good looking camo too.

BlacKnight - I really would like to know what you know about camo and breakup. It sounds pretty interesting to me. Does 3D matter or is it better to have 2D. I think that Predator camo looks like 2D but I'm not sure.
The whole thing really threw me off because Blackknight is a really good guy. I hope I didn't offend you Blakknight, I was just trying to get you guys to look at what you were saying and how trivial the whole argument was.

Anyway Blackknight, you shouldn't be here anyway. You have some AWSOME hunts you should be getting ready for. Get your butt out there scout, I wanna see some giants!!!!

Sorry for throwing you off track AZWALKER!! It really wasnt about him not using predator at all. It might have seem that way but I was trying to see why Kings pattern worked so well. But anyways you are right Im headed back out here shortly this week for some more adventures of "Blackknight and the Deertable". So to all of you, you all are "Good Guys"! Thanks for sharing.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-06 AT 06:04PM (MST)[p]Don't let it happen again!!!! Now... go find your Elk and when your done go find that muley!!!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-06 AT 00:03AM (MST)[p]I will definately agree on that one. It is on of the only camo raingear out there that is quiet. I just used it for 13 days in Alaska and didn't sweat in it once. Very breathable.

>Their raingear is the best I've
>ever owned.

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