Nev. 33 late antelope


Very Active Member
I have a tag for Nevada , 33 late , Antelope . I was wondering if any body had words of wisdom about this unit . I'm curious about the quality of Antelope in this unit . Any information on the unit would be helpful .
I hunted deer in 33 two years ago. The flats north of Catnip Mt. are loaded with antelope. I saw several nice bucks. Good Luck.
Thanks Larrbo
Its good to hear there are lots of Antelope . I'm used to hunting them in Wyoming where there is lot of them to look at .
That would be fun to see wild burro's , I have never seen any wild ones in the field . I was over in Ely , Nevada last weekend , and saw a bunch of wild horses on the drive . Thanks REDDOG I'll keep a eye out .

Get yourself a nice ripe mare and ride her through 33. You'll see 5 legged burro's up close and personal. Be sure the mare is fast and not gun shy because you will need to fight or flee.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
That is painting a funny picture in my mind , but I think I better pass on that plan . It is funny though because it reminds me of this proud cut gelding I used to have . That big horse thought he was the business where ever we went until this bull moose took a interest in him , and the horse found out there was critters that were not afraid of him .
yeah, you will see your fair share of burro's, and if you care to see more horses, the south end of the jackson's are loaded with them!
Yep, I saw at least 50 and closer to a hundred wild horses, and only 5 deer(2 of them fawns) up Happy Creek/Bottle Creek a few weeks ago while scouting for my upcoming muzz hunt.
Yes, I will be hunting the Sheldon this year. I am not familiar with the area though. I plan on arriving a week before the opener to see if I can find a good buck. Bring a few spares and lots of gas I suppose.
Yes, don't forget the spares, and if you have a quad bring a pump and plenty of patches. That area is death on tires.
I had the late antelope tag in 2002 and also had a muzzle loader deer tag in 2003. The antelope will be spread out with all the water, but there will be great horn growth. Not out of the question to get a B&C buck. I hunted 4 days with a broken ankle. I didn't get the best buck I saw, but did shoot a 16" 7/8 buck which scored 81" 7/8.

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