Pork Loin is Sooooo Good!!!


Long Time Member
For the price, availability and ease of preparation, plus just darn good taste, it's hard to beat quality pork, and a loin is perfect!!! I always get the best I can, when its on sale, clean and vacuum pack, then freeze nice and cold. I love it to be medium and still juicy, and adhere to the 145 degree rule (tonight was 148). No more over-cooking til death!!! The girls were in meat Heaven tonight. We aim to please!!!





Your culinary talents are amazing. I’ve marveled at the variety of your meals and wondered if you will every run out of ideas. I’d weigh 400 lbs if I tried to eat all your creations. I cooked some loin on the Treager off of a pig I killed last year, but I think I over cooked it. I’ll try your 145 degree rule next time. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
I will confess that I like alcohol, and think it accents the culinary experience. Several of my dishes use wine or whiskey, but I cook the alcohol out for my more religious friend.s, A lot of times, it is a nice red wine. My wife loves Moscatos. If it is clear with a lime it is gin and tonic, dark brown is Capt Morgan and Coke. I prefer sweet tea with sandwiches and BBQ, and tonight was plain ice water!!! Now you know my secrets.
I used to hate pork growing up because it was always so damn dry! Now that I use a temp probe and realize a slight pink isn’t gonna kill you, I’m much more fond of it!
I will confess that I like alcohol, and think it accents the culinary experience. Several of my dishes use wine or whiskey, but I cook the alcohol out for my more religious friend.s, A lot of times, it is a nice red wine. My wife loves Moscatos. If it is clear with a lime it is gin and tonic, dark brown is Capt Morgan and Coke. I prefer sweet tea with sandwiches and BBQ, and tonight was plain ice water!!! Now you know my secrets.


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