SCIENCE ? 4 NeMont???


Long Time Member
You Don't really SUCK all the BS to Heart do you?

I've seen & Talked with a few Scientists that Of Course,thought that they were All/Each 110% Right Studying the Exact Same Damn Thing with everyone of them Boasting different BS!

Remember the Carbon Dating they Spent Billions on?

And then all of a sudden one day they all decided it Ain't Accurate!

Some of them thought they could tell you within one year of something Millions of years old!

Then there's 'Proven' Science!

Says Who?

Dude says He came from a DAMN Monkey!

And He might be Right!

But Who's Proved it though?

Our Government has Wasted so much money on Study that it's a JOKE!

Note:I Won't be a PRICK on this Thread until somebody makes me be one!

NVB should be able to Succeed within His first Post!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-16 AT 02:29PM (MST)[p]

Full Definition of science
1: the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding

2a : a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study <the science of theology>
b : something (as a sport or technique) that may be studied or learned like systematized knowledge <have it down to a science>

3a : knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method

b : such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena : natural science

4: a system or method reconciling practical ends with scientific laws <cooking is both a science and an art>

Are you saying there is no use for science? Evolution doesn't occur? Nearly everything we use on a daily basis in our modern world is a result of science: either directly or improved by science, a result of scientific curiosity, driven by science to be understood, a byproduct of science or repurposed for human use by science.

do I believe all science? Why would I? Science doesn't believe all science either, lot of competing ideas out there that need further investigation, that is the essence of science.

What is a bigger waste: figuring out if the snail darter is endangered or dropping bombs from a plane over Syria? If you are worried about government waste then look at the most wasteful, don't wage a war on science in the name of saving money because the pentagon spends more on duct tape than we spend studying most things through science.

I don't understand people who fear knowledge and understanding. What would our life be like without science?


Irony is someone who has eaten food grown from a farm, clothed in artificial fibers, using medicine to cure disease and extend his life, sitting in a home where the temperature is perfectly maintained, on the Internet claiming that science is bunk.
>Do you believe EVERYTHING the Book
>of Mormon says as the
> truth?

Matter a Fact,I Do!:D

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Besides dude!

Who's to try & Prove it Wrong/False?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
>>Do you believe EVERYTHING the Book
>>of Mormon says as the
>> truth?
>Matter a Fact,I Do!:D
>[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the
>Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!

Who said that you are right and the Hindus are wrong? Can you give me any proof that Joseph Smith found a special plates to give man revelations? If that is so why did he go to such links to confuse so many issues instead of revealing all to Joseph Smith?

Hey NeMont?

If God didn't Create people like dude?

Did He Really Evolve from a F'N Monkey?

Maybe you have an Evolution Chart as Well?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
This is about the only Chart I have!


[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
The proof is in a set of ancient Egyptian scrolls, perhaps you know somebody who can translate them for you.

Fact is Bess, you don't want an answer because according to your belief system there is no factual answer. Any factual answer given will simply be dismissed as cognitive dissonance.

So why bother asking a question when there is no answer you'll consider as acceptable. This is the basic difference between Science and Religion.
no matter what presupposition you cling to, whether science, religion, Darwinism all have one factor in common, Faith' it takes faith to believe what you believe, the only Q is no matter how you arrived there; is if are you right or wrong...?

Science claims to be constantly using scientific methods and formulas to find proof of God's existence, but how do you find a tangible piece of evidence when the subject: God; is a spirit...

But the one who rules in heaven laughs The Lord scoffs at them... psalms 2

so without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He exists and he rewards of those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

I have sough him and it took a few months but I found him as well, he has proven himself to me many, many times already and I can say your missing out...
Good for you Manny I think that is great. Please don't assume that I or anyone else is "missing out". You don't really know other people truly and the same could be said to you. Again, it's Religion.

There are certain levels of science which appear to be acceptable. Freshwater freezes at 32 degrees. We know this due to the invention of the first mercury thermostat. This was the first feedback regulator, it gave "Scientist" a repetitive scale to measure temperature in a scale of degrees. Freshwater consistently starts to freeze at 32 degrees.

Belief System;

According to my belief systems our spiritual leader invented the first scale to measure water called a Ballcinator when he governed the Planet Zetoid in the year 44,437. We believe that freshwater freezes at -2000 degrees.

So what temperature does freshwater freeze at?

Politics is divisive enough, especially in an election year. Religion is taboo, it's a personal thing like fetishes and hopefully should stay that way. I wouldn't mind having this discussion with Roy, an educated well-read man I respect and more importantly I believe is true to his religious conviction but not here.

Many well known Evolutionists were/are believer too, a little factoid Atheists in general need to remember.

Bess...I'm not gonna steal NVB's line so I will say this:

You are purposely sitting there cutting up way too many onions and putting it in the chili. You are doing this on purpose because you think it's funny on occasion to stink up the entire mountain side... and you know this...Beware of the Bobcat.

If we can't agree on basic science inclusive of the Science Classification Chart, you know that whole Kingdom - Species Homosapian thing, if we cannot agree on that what is the point.

Chordate, we belong to the Phylum Chordate, there is the answer you do not want. I suggest you avoid ever becoming familiar or look it into it. What traits are shared, why are we apart of the Phylum Chordate?

I'm done, don't do religion.
Hey FTW?

I Believe it was NeMont that Quickly Brought Religion in to this Thread!

Setting Religion aside!

Just like I did in the Original Thread/Post!

I was just Thinking:

NeMont might be a Scientist Himself!

He Acts kinda like one!

He's got all these Charts & Graphs to back everything up!

Not sayin it's/He's always Wrong!

But Damn sure Sayin it's not always Right!

Now We got Scientists sayin We mighta came from some kind of Bacteria!

You got any Proof on that NeMont?







[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
I brought your religion up to show that you have no interest in getting answer. It takes no faith to read and observe the world as it is. Science takes no faith at all because it is not a monotheistic belief system requiring a hard and fast set of predetermined outcomes.

If you believe the Book of Mormon, good on ya, I don't. I also don't buy any belief system that says the world around you was set up to deceive you.

One thing I do believe in is science.

The other stuff has just left me feeling like a fool.
It has always been proven to not be true.

Trial & error,tried & true.
>I brought your religion up to
>show that you have no
>interest in getting answer.
>It takes no faith to
>read and observe the world
>as it is. Science
>takes no faith at all
>because it is not a
>monotheistic belief system requiring a
>hard and fast set of
>predetermined outcomes.
>If you believe the Book of
>Mormon, good on ya,
>I don't. I also
>don't buy any belief system
>that says the world around
>you was set up to
>deceive you.

Hey NeMont!

You can believe in what ever Religion you want to!

But I will Try & get 'Roy' From MM here to come on DownStairs & give you a Few Lessons!:D

Roy Knows for a FACT that the Bible & the Book of Mormon are True!

And He can Argue with You way Better than I can!:D

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
What has been proven to not be true?

Science doesn't require a theological choice, all sides of belief practice science. Because we are not required to invoke ones existence when we walk into a lab, does not/ has not proven nor disproven ones existence.
>What has been proven to not
>be true?
>Science doesn't require a theological choice,
>all sides of belief practice
>science. Because we are not
>required to invoke ones existence
>when we walk into a
>lab, does not/ has not
>proven nor disproven ones existence.


According to people like dude,He Evoluted from a Monkey!

Some Think We were Created!

Some now think We mighta came from Bacteria/Slime!

I'm Confused?:D:D:D

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
"What has been proven not to be true?" In science? Where would you like to start?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-16 AT 09:06AM (MST)[p]sir' Isaac newton a scientists n believer in God...

For Newton the world of science was by no means the whole of life. He spent more time on theology than on science; indeed, he wrote about 1.3 million words on biblical subjects. Yet this vast legacy lay hidden from public view for two centuries until the auction of his nonscientific writings in 1936.

Newton?s understanding of God came primarily from the Bible, which he studied for days and weeks at a time. He took special interest in miracles and prophecy, calculating dates of Old Testament books and analyzing their texts to discover their authorship. In a manuscript on rules for interpreting prophecy, Newton noted the similar goals of the scientist and the prophecy expositor: simplicity and unity. He condemned the ?folly of interpreters who foretell times and things by prophecy,? since the purpose of prophecy was to demonstrate God?s providence in history when ?after [prophecies] were fulfilled, they might be interpreted by events.?

A member of the Anglican church, Newton attended services and participated in special projects, such as paying for the distribution of Bibles among the poor, and serving on a commission to build fifty new churches in the London area. Yet Newton seldom made public pronouncements regarding his theology. He is remembered instead for his pioneering scientific achievements.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-16 AT 09:20AM (MST)[p]You are free to believe what ever it is that makes you feel worthy of using oxygen and converting food to compost. Faith comes from within not from outside of you.

Anyone who believes both the bible and the Book of Mormon to be all true isn't going to accept anything but their preconceived notions of what they believe. There is no point in trying to lead a stubborn mule to H2O. They revel in their own arrogance and ignorance of facts.

That fact that God has to set up the universe around but did it to deceive humans should be a pretty good indicator that something isn't right but whenever an inconvenient facts questions a belief then you are asked to ignore facts and just have faith.

Do any of you guys believe the speed of light has been accurately measured?

>AT 09:20?AM (MST)

>You are free to believe what
>ever it is that makes
>you feel worthy of using
>oxygen and converting food to
>compost. Faith comes from
>within not from outside of
>Anyone who believes both the bible
>and the Book of Mormon
>to be all true isn't
>going to accept anything but
>their preconceived notions of what
>they believe. There is
>no point in trying to
>lead a stubborn mule to
>H2O. They revel in
>their own arrogance and ignorance
>of facts.
>That fact that God has to
>set up the universe around
>but did it to deceive
>humans should be a pretty
>good indicator that something isn't
>right but whenever an inconvenient
>facts questions a belief then
>you are asked to ignore
>facts and just have faith.
>Do any of you guys believe
>the speed of light has
>been accurately measured?

The Speed of light Measured Accurately?

Several Scientists make the Claim!

But Who's to Claim the Precise/Exact Fame?

Basically you're Askin the same kinda Questions I've asked now!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Think I'll sit this one out. For no other reason than it will piss Bess off.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
>Think I'll sit this one out.
>For no other reason than
>it will piss Bess off.
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>just stir it.[/font]

>Think I'll sit this one out.
>For no other reason than
>it will piss Bess off.
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>just stir it.[/font]


I'm capable of Taking a Bunt!

Chime it on in!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
>I didn't believe in God either.....until
>I survived the Mormon 500.

We Told You We'd make you a Believer Eel!:D

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
>>Think I'll sit this one out.
>>For no other reason than
>>it will piss Bess off.
>>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>>just stir it.[/font]
>I'm capable of Taking a Bunt!
>Chime it on in!
>[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the
>Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!

But if I just don't respond and join in it will taunt you until you can't stand it anymore and tell me what I think and believe.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
>>>Think I'll sit this one out.
>>>For no other reason than
>>>it will piss Bess off.
>>>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>>>just stir it.[/font]
>>I'm capable of Taking a Bunt!
>>Chime it on in!
>>[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the
>>Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
>But if I just don't respond
>and join in it will
>taunt you until you can't
>stand it anymore and tell
>me what I think and
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>just stir it.[/font]

Come on NVB!

There's a Calm in the Pot!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-16 AT 07:33PM (MST)[p]Texas has some State Highways posted 75 mph/

Unless you want to play Asphalt Pin Ball with those 18 Wheels, don't drive from Austin to San Antonio eel: SAN ANTONIO ?stretch of toll road southeast of Austin, Texas, you can cruise at 85 mph and not worry about being pulled over for speeding. That's because on this 41-mile segment of road, 85 mph is the legal speed limit.

Believing in science or the Bk of Mormon won't help you down on the "Texas 41" eel. Utah's clearly lost it's way, Texas is both scientifically and religiously powered it's way to the present purveyor of all truth. After my recent trip to the Lone Star, everything I believed to by true, scientifically and religiously has been destroyed. I now don't believe we know much of any thing, whether it comes to science or religion, every time I think, this is "IT", "IT" changes.

Can't wait until tomorrow, the more we learn, the less we find out we know! Singularity IS Near, at which time we'll learn we know nothing about anything! Enjoy.

The greatest Casanova of our time "Slick Willy" said it depends on what the definition of IS, IS.
What IS, IS in the Singularity issue:

Our forebears expected the future to be pretty much like their present, which had been pretty much like their past.

Although exponential trends did exist a thousand years ago, they were at that very early stage where an exponential trend is so flat that it looks like no trend at all.

So their lack of expectations was largely fulfilled.

Today, in accordance with the common wisdom, everyone expects continuous technological progress and the social repercussions that follow. But the future will be far more surprising than most observers realize: few have truly internalized the implications of the fact that the "rate of change itself is accelerating".

Who is Ray Kurzweil?

Kurzweil received the 1999 National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the United States' highest honor in technology, from President Clinton in a White House ceremony. He was the recipient of the $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize for 2001,[6] the world's largest for innovation. And in 2002 he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, established by the U.S. Patent Office. He has received twenty honorary doctorates, and honors from three U.S. presidents. Kurzweil has been described as a "restless genius"[7] by The Wall Street Journal and "the ultimate thinking machine"[8] by Forbes. PBS included Kurzweil as one of 16 "revolutionaries who made America"[9] along with other inventors of the past two centuries. Inc. magazine ranked him #8 among the "most fascinating" entrepreneurs in the United States and called him "Edison's rightful heir".[10]

Check out who Ray Kurzweil advises about what science is doing. No guarantee that he's perfect in his predictions but a lot really smart people consult with him on a regular bases. It helps if you get "out" of the MM mode before you dive into Kurzweil's concepts, but it sounds like some you are just about bored enough to take the risk and give it a read. Careful, it's not light reading and it sounds goofy and might alter your view of the 3rd rock and beyond. All science, no religion beyond a casual comment now and again.

Just Think Lumpy!

We might be here Longer than we think/wanna be here!

The Human Life Span is Gaining a Noticeable Longevity at a Quick Pace!

Just Think!

Some of you might be 150 Years old & Still Arguing here on MM!:D

Me,I'm not Living that Long!:D

What You Think about the Science in Lumpy's Link NeMont?

I know dude won't like/believe anything in the Link because God was mentioned!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
One more thing NeMont?

Do you Think SETI will be proven Positive?

And does anybody know how much Money has been spent on it?

(((I Know,I Know,I'm sure it's just a small Number/Amount of Money in the Trillions that can be Printed fairly Quick!)))

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-16 AT 08:12AM (MST)[p]What ever it costs SETI is a drop in the bucket compared to the hundreds of trillions churches have gotten by not being taxed.

So is there any reason to even send your children and grand children to school? Sounds like you would be better off to just keep them home and teach them yourself. You fear knowledge and facts as much as Manny does.

Science is never perfect but it's track record is at least 100 times better than the track record of any religion when it comes to freeing humans from suffering, hunger and poverty. it isn't even close and there are even studies that probe it.

More people have been killed, displaced, impoverished in the name o religion then any other human made cause. So please tell why anyone would crow about being religious?

Just Asking NeMont?

You Think ET's are out there somewhere?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-16 AT 11:05AM (MST)[p]
>What ever it costs SETI is
>a drop in the bucket
>compared to the hundreds of
>trillions churches have gotten by
>not being taxed.
>So is there any reason to
>even send your children and
>grand children to school?
>Sounds like you would be
>better off to just keep
>them home and teach them
>yourself. You fear knowledge
>and facts as much as
>Manny does.
>Science is never perfect but it's
>track record is at least
>100 times better than the
>track record of any religion
>when it comes to freeing
>humans from suffering, hunger and
>poverty. it isn't
>even close and there are
>even studies that probe it.
>More people have been killed, displaced,
>impoverished in the name o
>religion then any other human
>made cause. So please
>tell why anyone would crow
>about being religious?

you really should take the fingers out chur ears Ne' I mean you are a know it all this is true, but kinda hard to break down that fa?ade, so show me anywhere in the new testament where Jesus the resurrected son of God said, "thus says the lord I want there to be Catholics and Presbyterians and none other the blinded Mormons, you won't find it, he pointed to God then himself, period. Quote "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me. (Jesus) 7" If you had known Me, you would have known the father to (God)."

religion is man made and so is science, religion is mans way of half heartedly searching for God on their own terms, Science is mans way of trying to find some other explanation then God again on their own terms. Jesus said' "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him to me, John unless you're drawn you are groping in the dark.

you are correct many people have killed in the name of religion just look at islam today, God knows secularists never cease to remind us of the Catholic crusades; and again a man made religion; Jesus said' an hour is coming when men will kill you thinking that he is offering service to God. 3" These things they will do because they have not known the Father nor Me.?John 16

so when science gets it wrong, (Global Warming) hey lets scratch that and try again from another origin, no harm no foul but when religions get it wrong well hell it all must be a hoax right' there must be no God, please' give me a break. throw out the baby with the bath water why don't you and they have, time n time again hopping for a different outcome.

Thomas Nagel

?I speak from experience, being strongly subject to this fear myself: I want atheism to be true and am made uneasy by the fact that some of the most intelligent and well-informed people I know are religious believers.

It isn't just that I don't believe in God and, naturally, hope that I'm right in my belief. It's that I hope there is no God! I don't want there to be a God; I don't want the universe to be like that. My guess is that this cosmic authority problem is not a rare condition and that it is responsible for much of the scientism and reductionism of our time. One of the tendencies it supports is the ludicrous overuse of evolutionary biology to explain everything about human life, including everything about the human mind ?.

This is a somewhat ridiculous situation ?. It is just as irrational to be influenced in one?s beliefs by the hope that God does not exist as by the hope that God does exist.

wow what a presupposition ey'

Fact' the Bible is a Faith based book, but a historical one as well for there are thousand of artifacts proving so; God even said you cannot please him without faith, many prophecies (Predictions) that were spoken thousands of years ago have transpired, many with in our generation, but when you have a presupposition as Mr. Thomas Nagel, well how in the world can you be objective and un-biased, Q' how much is missed because of the fact that ones opinion is already made up...? why tackle the subject in the first place, when you're out to prove some one or thing does not exist, well' to prove everyone else wrong isn't that right Ne'...

here's some facts for you hopefully God will allow your minds to open and to see the truth....

First question is for Bess"

Q) So how did Joseph smith come up with the book of mormon: answer; it is common knowledge and recoded in history that He claimed an angel came to him and gave him the golden plates or tablets

A) The Bible says in Galatians 1(NLT)

8 believe no other doctrine even if an angel from heaven, who preaches a different kind of Gospel than the one we preached to you. 9 I say again what we have said before: If anyone preaches any other Gospel than the one we preached, let that person be accursed.

for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 2nd Corinthians 11:14

don't get mad at me I didn't write that God did...

Predictions that have come to pass within our life time:

Jeremiah 30:1-31:40 ESV

?Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Write in a book all the words that I have spoken to you. For behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will restore the fortunes of my people, Israel and Judah, says the Lord, and I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall take possession of it

Amos 9:14-15 ESV

I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant them on their land, and they shall never again be uprooted out of the land that I have given them,? says the Lord your God.

Israel became a nation once again in 1958...

a lot lately I have a people ask me why I believe this is the last generation. My answer is simple...there are just too many Bible prophecies that have come true in this final generation for it to be a coincidence.

One thing that I find fascinating, as far back as 2500 years ago, the Bible predicted many of the prophecies that we are experiencing in this very hour. Many of these prophecies began when Israel once again became a nation. In fact, I believe the Bible is pretty clear, once Israel became a nation, a generation would not pass away before we would see the Second Coming of Christ (Matthew 24:4-34).

I find it interesting that the Bible would predict, 2500 years in advance, the starting point and the ending point of the last generation. The starting point being the rebirth of Israel and the ending point being the Second Coming of Christ. Many prophecies that are slated to be a part of this last generation have come to pass.

It amazes me that out of the last 2500 years it is within this 70-80 year time span that these prophecy have begun to take shape. Below is a list of the prophecies that have come about within this last generation:

* The re-gathering of the Jews into their homeland (Ezekiel 37:11-13) after thousands of years of God ordained exile. Another amazing fact, after thousands of years living in other nations, there Jewish culture has remained intact.
* The rebirth of Israel as a nation in 1948 (Ezekiel 37:10-14; Isaiah 43:5, 6; 66:7-8) in one day. Israel literally became a nation again in one day. Following their declaration of statehood, the next day, five Arab nations attacked Israel. But Israel defeated them and has grown into a major world military power. This prophecy of rebirth essentially kicked off the beginning of the last generation.

* The Arab world will claim they are rightful owners of the land of Israel (Ezekiel 35:5, 10; 36:2, 5). It wasn't until the Jews began migrating back to Palestine in hopes of declaring Israeli statehood that the Arab world laid claim to the land. Before that, it was of no value to them.

* The desert land of Israel will bloom again during this last generation (Luke 21:29-31; Isaiah 41:18-21). This has literally happened in our lifetime. As stated in the last bullet point, the land of Israel was a worthless desert place while the Arabs occupied the land. However, once Israel reclaimed their homeland, it has become an fertile oasis.

* The city of Jerusalem recaptured by Israel 19 years later in 1967 (Zechariah 8:7-8; 12:3). Jerusalem can't be a stumbling block to world peace if Israel if its not under their control.

* A Middle East peace plan with Israel, where Jerusalem is considered a major stumbling block will develop in the last days (Daniel 9:27; Zechariah 12:3). This is literally taking place today.

* This peace plan with Israel will ultimately have a seven-year time limit (Daniel 9:27). Right now, virtually every proposed Middle East peace proposal has a timeline for which peace must be realized. The splitting of Jerusalem is usually the final jewel of every peace accord.

* The ruins of Israel will be rebuilt (Amos 9:11 &13). This has kicked into high gear since Israel became a nation (1948).

* An eastern nation capable of fielding a 200 million man army (Revelation 9:16) will arise during the tribulation period. No nation has ever been able to field an army of this magnitude until this generation (China & India).

* The Euphrates River will be dried up to enable a great army to cross (Revelation 16:12). This could not have been done until 1990 without the help of modern day technology.

* During this generation, man will obtain the ability to view an event simultaneously all over the world (Revelation 11:9-10). Certainly, this was impossible until satellite technology was invented during this generation.

* Russia, Iran, a host of northern African nations, and the surrounding Islamic world will forge an alliance and attack Israel (Ezekiel 38 & 39). Today, virtually all of these nations (listed in Ezekiel 38) are already in an alliance with each other.

* World leaders will begin talking about world governance as a necessary evil. This has become a major topic among the global community especially since the beginning of the financial crisis in the European Union. This will eventually lead to a one world government led by the Antichrist (Revelation 13). If you are a frequent reader of mine, you know that this is happening as I write. The first significant world body called the United Nations was created in 1945 to encourage global cooperation.

* The temple will be rebuilt (Revelation 11:1, 2; Daniel 9:27). This is still yet future, but it is a foregone conclusion that various temple organizations, once the okay to rebuild is given, will have it completed within months.

* The Antichrist will rise up out of the New Roman Empire known today as the European Union (Daniel 9:27). He will lead this one world government through false deception and eventually claim to be God..

* In the last days, knowledge will increase dramatically (Daniel 12:4). There is no debating the fact that knowledge has increased in leaps and bounds over the last 100 years, but particularly during the last 70-80 years. Medicine and technological discoveries have exploded in this last generation.

I didn't even mention the increase in world travel (Daniel 12:4) and the explosion of natural disasters that was predicted for the last days. Even secular world news reports acknowledge that we have had a tremendous increase in freakish natural disasters over the last ten years.

It is during this narrow block of time that all these prophecies are beginning to or already have come to past. Can this all be a coincidence?

remember that saying every rumor has a bit of truth to it, well Are you ready to meet the Lord? If not, your time is running out....
"More people have been killed, displaced, impoverished in the name o religion then any other human made cause."

Maybe be true, or it may be smart guys, like yourself, have just "used" religion and/or their hate for religion, for their "survival of the fittest" ambitions.

It's easier to get people to "kamikaze" or "trigger a suicide" vest for "eternal glory" than it is to get them to kill themselves for some guy that wants more personal assets, for his personal pleasure or personal security.

How about this:

"More people have been killed, displaced, impoverished, in the process of defending themselves, from a despot, who knows damn well he's not a god, but is smart enough to trick people into believing he is, then any other human made cause."

In the end, all of these killings, displacements, impoverishing, regimes fail. Some take hundreds of years but eventually the defenders kill the depot's armies and "his" people and they've usually motivated to it by some kind of faith in a greater power than themselves.

So was it religion or personal ambition that has caused the killings, displacements, impoverishing?

Religions have defended against the "survival of the fittest" killers for gain, thousands of years before Darwin explained natural evolution. If it weren't for religions, you'd be living under the thumb of some "king kong" rather than coming and going at your personal pleasure, hating that which has made it possible for you to do what you do. Seems much like a guy who used free speech to fight against free speech.

In the big picture, there is no difference in religion and science. Both science and religious knowledge will change, as we learn more, "if we can keep the survival of the fittest guys" from continually interrupting the natural acquisition of truth. Truth is truth, we are just a hell of a long way from knowing the ultimate truth about much of anything. That however is no excuse to not continually seeking truth, in science and/or religion, in as much as in the "end" (where ever or what ever that is) are identical.

Just my opinion, of course, it can change at any time.

Course, you've been right 7380 consecutive times, that's a better record than any scientist that's ever lived. So we're just humoring ourselves again, your never wrong, that's a truth that can't be disputed!

BCat, I don't think ET is out there. I used to but changed my mind about that, over the last few years, no evidence so far. My son-in-law works for NASA, where they have been listening for "life" out there, for many years. So far, nothing, and they've looked into a lot of territory out there. I've come to think the earth is unique, like every other rock in the universe, no two are the same, or so it seems. But lets keep seeking because it's worth looking for more knowledge,


You are only one claiming I have never been wrong.

If "smart" people are able to lead others through religion what does that say about the people following them in the name of religion? Every religion on the planet can and has been subverted to get people to commit atrocities against their fellow man. How many slave owners attended church every Sunday?

Science and religion have almost zero in common.

Well I apologize then, I must have missed it. Admittedly, 7381 is a fair amount of scripture to keep track of. I suppose I could have over looked a subtle admission. But....... you must admit, you're a prolific pontificator, to be sure.

Truth is truth, regardless of it's source, be it science, religion/philosophy, NeMont, manny, or Stephen Hawking, bottom line is, what ever you or I or anybody else is proclaiming as factual and true today, will, in most cases be disproven at some future date. I'm no longer sure we even understand gravity, let alone much else, but I'm fully supportive of our continual efforts, in both science and religion to learn absolute truth, from what ever source it comes, and I am longer surprised not frustrated when new knowledge replaces present knowledge, fact is I celebrate it.

So NeMont?

Dude claims He Evoluted from a Damn Monkey!

Some Claim God Created us!

Some Claim the Stork dropped us off!

Now We got some Scientists Claiming we Evoluted from Bacteria!

Your Thoughts?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
well actually Lumpy isn't the only one that thinks you think you have never been are a legend in your own mind
Science flew man to the moon. religion flew man into a building.

Evolution is a fact. only the superstitious reject it. and you can't talk sense into a person who believes zanu lives in Orion's belt or a talking snake sells apples.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Science flew man to the moon.
>religion flew man into a
>Evolution is a fact. only the
>superstitious reject it. and
>you can't talk sense into
>a person who believes zanu
>lives in Orion's belt or
>a talking snake sells apples.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Another Snowmobiling Trip dude?

Too Much CROWN?

Gonna Ask you one more time dude?

If You Evoluted from a F'N Monkey?

Where'd the Monkey come from?


And for You NeMont!

I was just Askin where you Figured you mighta came from?

The Smartest Guy on MM/Earth should be able to Answer the F'N Question?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
>Answer a question based on what?

Based on your Own EXPERTISE!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Just trying to learn something NeMont!

I could care less what you believe in!

Just wondering if you think you Evoluted from a F'N Monkey?

Or maybe something else?

The SMARTest Guy around should have the Right Answer?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-16 AT 07:12PM (MST)[p]

Perhaps you should ask him instead of worrying about what I believe.

Plus facts scare you and you have no interest in learning anything
Maybe you Think you Evoluted From Some Slime/Bacteria?

Some of the Scientists are making the Claim NeMont?

Any Science to it?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
And again!

They know exactly how old to the Exact decibel:

"A microbe-like cellular filament found in 3.465 billion year old rock"

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Well, if it's within 3 billion years give or take it still sinks your storybook's 6,000 year old theory.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
If God created everything... humans and all that humans do then he isn't very good at it. The perfect God I want to believe in would have gotten it right thousands of years ago. I mean seriously... Trump, Clinton, Cruz, Sanders? That's the best he could do? Dude? Me? Bess???????? Clearly he needs practice. Looking around I think monkey cum or slime might be a better explanation.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
>If God created everything... humans and
>all that humans do then
>he isn't very good at
>it. The perfect God I
>want to believe in would
>have gotten it right thousands
>of years ago. I mean
>seriously... Trump, Clinton, Cruz, Sanders?
>That's the best he could
>do? Dude? Me? Bess???????? Clearly
>he needs practice. Looking around
>I think monkey cum or
>slime might be a better
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>just stir it.[/font]
which come first the monkey or the cum ?
Hey NVB!

I Agree with the First part of your Post!

If God created everything... humans and all that humans do then he isn't very good at it. The perfect God I want to believe in would have gotten it right thousands of years ago. I mean seriously... Trump, Clinton, Cruz, Sanders?

But Don't be Draggin the Rest of us in to it!

We may not be the Smartest People on Earth!

But We're Smart Enough to not Act like them JACKASSES when they get on TV!

They wanna Run a Country?

All they can do is Run their Mouth's and not run them properly Neither!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
So you believe you were created by an imperfect God? why would God do that and go to all the trouble of creating things around you just deceive you?

An imperfect god makes the rest of the big three religions pointless.

Why would a supreme all powerful being create humans and give them a brain but then curse them with so many afflictions? either he is a sadist or he gets his fun by watching all the human struggles on earth. Neither of those seem plausible.

The whole concept is illogical.

An entity so powerful it can pull a universe out of it's butt cares about what Manny thinks and does?

Give me a break.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
appreciate you boys proving my point, just like ole doubting Thomas Nagel, when its right in front of you,you look the other way lol

Thomas Nagel

?I speak from experience, being strongly subject to this fear myself: I want atheism to be true and am made uneasy by the fact that some of the most intelligent and well-informed people I know are religious believers.

It isn't just that I don't believe in God and, naturally, hope that I'm right in my belief. It's that I hope there is no God! I don't want there to be a God; I don't want the universe to be like that. My guess is that this cosmic authority problem is not a rare condition and that it is responsible for much of the scientism and reductionism of our time. One of the tendencies it supports is the ludicrous overuse of evolutionary biology to explain everything about human life, including everything about the human mind ?.

This is a somewhat ridiculous situation ?. It is just as irrational to be influenced in one?s beliefs by the hope that God does not exist as by the hope that God does exist.
>This is a somewhat ridiculous situation
>?. It is just as
>irrational to be influenced in
>one?s beliefs by the hope
>that God does not exist
>as by the hope that
>God does exist.

I guess then you are irrational based on that argument.

Elk a little tired of the belief Lavoy was shot in the back not according to the video i have seen. When in a confrontation with police do not reach for a gun bad results and stupid no hero just a criminal
Not me that keeps bringing it up!

If az doesn't believe they shot him in the Back He's STUPIDER than we already knew He was!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
They shot him in the back before he shot them in the front.

If queer ears had stayed in his pickup and left his gun alone he could be sleeping with Reggie tonight in the pen. he made his choices.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>They shot him in the back
>before he shot them in
>the front.
>If queer ears had stayed in
>his pickup and left his
>gun alone he could be
>sleeping with Reggie tonight in
>the pen. he made his
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Made His Choices & lived up to what He Said!

How many of your Bundy Buddies Backed Him up dude?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Hey Nemont?

You sure are touchy when talking about where you mighta came from?

What's up with that?

And is there any Science behind it?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
This thread reminds me of a line from a Blood sweat and tears song............

My troubles are many, they're as deep as a well.
I can swear there ain't no heaven but I pray there ain't no hell.
but I'll never know by living, only my dying will tell,
It did me too. The line was ungraded a few years back:

Your troubles are many, I'm doing quite well.
I can swear there ain't no heaven but I pray there ain't no hell.
see, Nemont's most brilliant, all conundrums he'll quell.

Just kidding Nem, I don't really think your "most" brilliant, like you said, it was me who claimed you were never wrong, not you. Course, now that I think about it, you've never denied it either.

>AT 09:20?AM (MST)


>Do any of you guys believe
>the speed of light has
>been accurately measured?

All measurements are an approximation.
Nobody can be wrong if the topic is religion. 2100 years later and not one thing has been proven.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
> Nobody can be wrong if
>the topic is religion. 2100
>years later and not one
>thing has been proven.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

And if you Evoluted from a Monkey dude?

Why haven't we turned in to something else by now?

You ever Wonder Why?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
After 4,543,000,000 years, (4.543 billion that is) 2100 years doesn't seem too long to be getting it figured out. Kind of a blip in our timeline, if you think about it from the big picture.

As we learn more, through science, it will help us understand a lot more things that have gone on these last 4.543 billions, including more about the beginning, the formation, the development, and the possibilities for the future, including these opinions, back and forth about God or no god. Seeking knowledge seems to be a natural human DNA characteristic, more is always better, and it is, imo.

I understand folks who say, if there's a God/god, then why this, or why that. Certainly those are legitimate questions, most rational people have asked them to themselves or to others, on many occasions, when we witness humans and or nature delivering horrific harm.

I think I know why, and I certainly understand others think that's absurd. So...... it would be completely inappropriate to share on a public forum. Having said that, like science, with new knowledge, rational people change their opinions and their minds, as they acquire new knowledge.

Personally, due to science, I see no reason, at all, to consider that God, did not use evolution to fill the earth with plant and animal life. If I evolved from a primate, back to a single-celled prokaryotic cells, it bothers me not in the least. Conversely, if God created my by molding a human out of clay and blowing life into it's lungs, I'm okay with that as well, but it doesn't seem to make as much sense as a controlled evolution does. At the present time evolution makes more sense, now that we've learned more about evolution. If present day humans evolved from single-celled prokaryotic, it does nothing to disprove God, in my opinion. His methods have no rub on me. Because I have faith in the goodness of God, I cring, just like everyone does, when horrific things happen, but just because I can't say, without absolute knowledge, why God does it or doesn't prevent it, does not mean there is no God. Just because we don't understand why something in science doesn't make sense, it doesn't mean science if phony.

Like science, not everything in religion is explainable. As we seek to know more science, because more knowledge makes life better, we continually learn what we used to believe to be true in science was incorrect. The old incorrect science generally helps bring us to better science. Personally, I believe that is a good thing. I'm not disgusted with old science, I see it as building blocks for new science.

So to is my search for understanding God, to learn more about His motivations, His character and His nature. You think I've learned nothing in 2100. I believe we have and further more, in my case, fresh science, new science, makes my faith in an eternal power more rational, not less. I guess it depends on that people believe God is or isn't. Certainly not all religious people would agree with me, to the contrary, many believe I'm crazier that you do ;-) .

T, you're satisfied and doing well in your world, and I'm happy in mine but I see and feel pressure to conform to a different view of the world, and that makes me ornery. If government regulation is pinching me, you must know that eventually it will pinch you, as it attempts to equalizes us all. Same education, same medical, same gender, same income, same leadership, same insurance, same national news messages, same thinking, same income, same bread, same butter, etc, etc,. Where does it end, once it starts? The centralism vs federalism regulation of people has been a world fight as far back as when primates crawled down from the tree. Right now I believe the centralists are winning. Time for a reset and a swing back the other way, FOR A WHILE, imo!

4.54 billion years ? hold on there now. the bible says he earth is 6,000 years old. let's keep it real.

You're saying we're being forced to live like rats in a cage of all the same color. yes that's true, the wild west is dying. this is not due to politics, it's due to overpopulation. we can't all stake out a homestead and shoot trespassers like we used to. the alternative to the direction we're headed is total chaos . don't give some of the rats enough to eat and they eat other rats.

So you can thank religion once again for making sure birth control and abortion are withheld whenever possible. and let's all have litters of kids like god planned. it's all good right?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Hey Nemont?
>You sure are touchy when talking
>about where you mighta came
>What's up with that?
>And is there any Science behind

I am not touchy at all about, I just don't know why you care what I believe. It isn't going to change your own mythology of creation and that Eve was carved out of Adams rib bone, etc.

I don't believe that, it also matter almost zero to me where I came from. I am here now and will be turned back to dirt at some point, just like you will. So all I can do is try to leave things better than when I found them, Get my kids started on their own paths and enjoy the world around me as it is not as I wished it were. Where I came from changes not one of those things so what does it matter?


I no longer accept the 6000 "theory", thanks to current science. Nor can I find any reference to 6000 years in the bible. I can find plenty of theories that say the bible say's 6000 years but they a theory's that Elvis isn't dead too. Theory's are just that, theory's.

I'll continue to change what I believe as new knowledge is gathered, sorry, I'm not ridged that way.

Rats eat rats, that's the "survival of the fittest" reality, so what's to keep BCat or some other bigger, meaner Cat from eating you or I? Social mores and taboos, nothing more than one group of primates deciding what's good for themselves and by way of force, cohesion, trickery, or any other means to impose their mores or taboos over the rest. I prefer the mores and taboos I believe were spelled out by a Jew some 2000 years ago, because they make the most sense to me. I believe them for two reasons, I believe they were given to Him from an greater power and when I see them practiced, I see a way rats can live together, in heavily populated areas, without having to starve, kill each other, or live in total chaos.

You don't, I get that.

You seem to think, primates can only live securely if some one holds a threatening hammer over their head. That's not freedom, nor is it liberty, it's either fascism monarchy, socialism, communism, or tribalism. It's not Americanism, and it has nothing to do with the wild west or the passive east.

I have no problem with pre-conception birth control. I do with abortion. I see no difference in a woman hiring someone to removing an unborn child (fetus, in the scientific term) from her womb and killing it, than I do if that same woman hired someone to kill her three hour old child, setting in her lap. No difference what so ever in my reality.

If our mores and taboos allow abortion, they eventually allow a parent to kill a one hour old, when a three year old, or a ten year old, or who every they want, like rats killing rats. It's all whatever so folks called "supreme" decide is the new more or taboo.

Doesn't work for me. But it would if I believed there were no eternal consequences. Without eternal consequences we can only have the total chaos, you referred to. The "law of the jungle" is what the old timers called it, and the present trend is headed right back to that kind of environment, if we don't "choose" a better way to live.

When three guys can rob a California fisherman, at knife point, when law enforcement, and the judicial system can't or won't doing anything to stop the growing trend, the rats will start to fight back, and that, my well meaning friend, is total chaos. Primates will not tolerate total social chaos, they'll bring order to their environment, either by overwhelming force or by religion/philosophy, I prefer religion/philosophy to a sludge hammer.


Religion and philosophy often don't agree, which do you choose then?

At what point in time does the woman lose her freedom to live her own life and has to conform to society in regards to being pregnant? What about the male who had a hand in the process? Why should he continue to live as a free man but the women has to deal with all the fall out? How does that make her free?

I am just curious where you draw that line? Does the male have anything he will get in regards to eternal consequences? Or does he just ask for forgiveness and move onto the next female?

truly not trying to argue this one, just trying to figure out how that works?

Is your religion Christianity?

Come on now, Nemont, you're the one that likes to use figures of speech. You, of all people. should understand this better any one. But, now your denying some old scribe the same privilege. It don't mean the literal making of a woman from the rib of a man, it's a "figure of speech" for hell sake.

You like science, so you'll understand why a primate, back a thousand years or so ago, could not explain "test tube babies", so he used a metaphor, in the creation of man explanation. Same as the immaculate conception metaphor. Try and explain artificial insemination to a bunch of Jews 2000 years ago and see how far that would get you.

If you could, for a few minutes, over look your disgust with religion, you might be able to see how constantly increasing scientific knowledge is "starting" to explain a lot of the things that the bible was attempting to explain, by use of metaphors, to a less knowledgeable population of primates.

What more will future science explain about the "so called" mysteries in ancient scripture?

A mystery is simply an inexplicable event, as we learn more science, more mysteries disappear.

Disease was a mystery, some diseases still are, but many are not, we now know about bacteria and virus, etc. We not longer believe some supernatural thing was the cause of an illness. That was not alway the case. The universe was once a mystery, much of it still is, but we are studying it, and venturing out into it, and as we learn more it becomes less mysterious, same with the ocean depths, so it is with all things physical and other wise.

Primates, ancient and modern, have used what ever explanation they could, to communicate with other primates. As you know, figures of speech/metaphors are a common method of explaining something that is difficult to put to words, particularly if we don't really understand much about what we're trying to explain and those your trying to communicate with know even less.

There is no difference between perfect science and perfect religion/philosophy, at the present time we have neither a perfect understand of science or religion. In the big picture there is no supernatural, only natural.


I am fine with there is no supernatural only natural.

Just curios then how there can be eternal consequence in an only natural world and how a Supreme being can exist and not be supernatural?

Read post #77 Nemont.

As to your questions in #78.

Religions. to me a philosophies. Both affect (effect, what ever) our value sets and influence how we interact with each other, so I use them inter-changable, but that's just me, am just an old country boy so a purest could very well disagree.

Choosing which religion/philosophy is, as you may or may not know, (if you've never considered the validity of any of them) a complex, life time quest, that for me has involved considerable research, pondering/thing, comparing, measuring logic and because I have come to a basic believe in a greater power, a spiritual effort. I recognize, if you believe their is not spiritual element in the universe, the spiritual effort is a deal breaker for you, but I do, so it part of what I have used to choose.

I believe Jesus Christ is the spiritual son of God, born to a woman on earth. I believe Christ, being the spiritual son of God knew how human/primates (if you wish) could live together peaceful and through science learn the ways of God and eventually, over millions of years, become more like God, through a greater knowledge of science, which I believe is the same as God's knowledge. I believe God's goal is for humans to become more like God which means we must know more if what he knows Gods. To me that's science, and that's why I believe science and religion are one and the same. I believe in an after life, I believe eternal contact with God, learn from Him is Heaven, not being eternally learning from God, remaining in an unknowledgeable state, would be Hell. I do not believe in a "fire and brimstone" metaphoric type of Hell. I believe life on earth is part of a continuum of an eternal existence, that started before we were born and will continue after we die. Further I believe, like, jumping of a cliff, and gravity drives you into the ground, there are consequences to everything we do are not do, alone this continuum, like there are with all physical properties.

In most "Christian's" eyes that makes me crazy, I think I'm a Christian but most won't.

Regarding a woman's rights, as with any choice any human makes, it alters futures choices. If she decides to jump of a bridge, she's going to hit the ground,(she may live or she may die) but her choice is to jump or not are over, and if she choices to jump, other choices are no longer hers.

If a woman choices to engage in intercourse, she made that choice, after she's made that choice, other choices are no longer available, in my world. Is she does want to take the risk of getting pregnant, she should not engage in the act of intercourse. (She jumped, her options are no longer available.) I she kills the fetus, or has it killed, it's no different than killing a child she gives birth too.

If she choices intercourse and it is later determined that she will die if the life of the fetus is allowed to live, she needs to be given the choice to live or allow the fetus/baby to live. No different than a case of self defense, if she choices to protect her life against something is going to kill her. (Ben Carson claimed this kind of situation, thanks to medical science, is very uncommon and with proper medical treatment neither have to die, but I haven't researched that myself.)

The man has little to do with the woman's decision to get pregnant or not, fact is she doesn't even need the physical presences of a man any more, that's to science. She either invites the man to participate or not, it is entirely her choice, unless he says no. That' why men are not consulted after the fact. He's nothing more when who or how the woman choices to have the male DNA delivered. It is however, why some folks believe marry is necessary before men start accepting invitation to impregnate women, that is so they can share in the labor and responsibility to being new human being to life. It's part in parcel what Christian make such a fuss about pre-marital sex. The whole idea is begin for ever responsible for the decisions that are made, early in the process. But it doesn't make sense in a "law of the jungle", "survival of the fittest", where the strongest and the smartest are make and enforce their particular mores and taboos.

If a male forces himself, uninvited, on female, he should be prevented from ever being an a position to ever do it a second time. As far as I'm concerned he's as much as shoved the woman over the cliff and cause her to encounter at circumstance that was beyond her control and now, out of her control. The consequence is often an unwanted child, which is better than a killed child but a terrible situation for the child. Bad as it is, ask a human, born out a rape, if they would have preferred their birth mother had had an abortion or let them live. Most would be glad she didn't abort. Along with this life on earth, the man has some serious eternal consequences, imo.

If there is no God and there is no eternal consequence, I agree with you, do what every makes you feel good because all there is dirt to look forward to. If I believed that, why wouldn't I take pleasure where ever and when ever I can get away with it and if that means taking all your freedoms from you, why shouldn't I, if I can.

Why would I even care about my own offspring, my neighborhood, or my country, if they weren't bring me advantage?

Maybe it's fake concern, because you think, in our deepest darkest moments, we all really only care about ourselves and our own pleasure, that we all, live by survival of the fittest, regardless of what we profess, but you asked.

I can actually respect that. I have no understanding how you arrived at that but if it works for you, great. You obviously have put a lot of thought into your belief system and arrived at a conclusion.

I would disagree with about 80% of it but that is just how it is.

Can you explain how there is a God, who deals in eternal consequence but he is not supernatural? I don't understand how that can be.

Also if there is not a fire and brimstone hell, what kind of eternal consequences are there that make people on this earth part of our life continuum care about being good? Is the power in seeking what God wants us to do or is the power in doing what God teaches us to do?

Where do you stand on Justification, sanctification and Glorification? What about Grace?

I have considered many different world views. I grew up in a house with a very religious mother who still believes with all her heart, she prays ever day I will return. Went to Awana, Sunday school, church every Sunday, was confirmed, married in the church, etc, etc. I know the basics of it. The problem is as I have aged, traveled, studied, thought and grew, so much of it became clear to be man made, not God inspired.

If religion truly changed people then the Church, I am using the term to describe the whole body of believers, not just one denomination, would be much different then the secular society around it. Look at any subset of people who claim to be Christian and every statistic found in society is mirrored in the Christian subset: divorce, drug use, alcoholism, spouse abuse, pornography, sexual abuse, child abuse, abortion etc, etc. All these happen at the same level inside the church as outside the church.

I guess I have just seen enough to believe that the church is no more "redeemed" than anyone else in society. If the Church isn't any more redeemed than society at large, that means one of two things, either the people are deluding themselves or it isn't real.

I know faith is a comfort to many, I just don't find any in it. I think you exist and then you don't.

I agree there is no perfect science. That is why there is a need to continually question. Faith is different, it asks you accept things that you innately know are not true.

A pleasant intelligent conversation, I'm enjoying it. I too was washed in the blood so to speak, baptism, first communion, confirmation, church every sunday, catachism every Wednesday night. Yet I've drifted from the walls of the church over the past 30yrs. Not that I don't believe, more that I'm not sure I can find anymore answers inside than I've already found. I agree with the fact that the slice of the church population differs little from the population outside, they're both comprised of mere mortals. That doesn't come as a surprise to me or should to anyone else. I think your implication is to the "holier than thou" mentality you have probably encountered from some of the over zealous. Where I disagree is the last comment you make on faith, asking you to believe in things you know are innately not true. I think faith asks you to believe in things you can't disprove as false, you simply have to believe.

P.S. My chit stinks the same as anybody elses. I don't have much time for those that think there's smells better, be they of the holier than thou crowd, the I'm richer than you crowd, or the my masters degree says I'm smarter than you crowd. That bs won't amount to squat in the end. JMO

Perhaps you are right but to me whenever Religion cannot explain something, then they bascically say, "Just trust and have faith". Maybe I am just too jaded any more to accept that as something I am willing to do.

I agree with your whole PS. It doesn't matter in the end, we all end up as worm food. Short of alzheimer's all we really have is memories of our lives and then that ends at some point.

Money and degrees don't make one a better person, that is based on the person. More money just makes you more of who you really are. If you are generous with little money, you will be generous with more. If you are miserable with a little, you will just be more miserable with more.

Degrees should be viewed as investments in yourself and not much more. Far more learning in life goes on outside any classroom vs inside.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-16 AT 03:21PM (MST)[p]I certainly won't claim to have all the answers, I generally have more questions than answers. For instance, what's the point of going thru this life with all the pain that comes with it, as well as the joy? The pain of putting your grandparents in the ground, then later your parents, then maybe your siblings, and for the truly unfortunate a child? Why go thru all that pain and loss in this life if there's nothing more in the next? Guess I have hope and faith there's a reason we go thru it.
The problem with superstition is it excuses more horror than it prevents. today we see it in the muslims, yesterday it was Torquemada and the KKK. yet people sell it as a " "moral compass". what a crock.

If it was the man who had the abortion you'd be able to get one at Walmart anytime before the baby popped out. it's typical of religion to treat women as brood mares and second class property. almost all religions.

Why does there need to be a next life? I'll never understand this primitive weakness. cowboy up and make the best of this one shot you have.

After you die it will be just like before you were born. was that so bad? I don't remember one bad experience do you?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The answer to the meaning of life is 42. Life is an indirect result of a cosmic event, it serves no higher purpose.

Religion is the opiate for the masses and usually involves some sort of eternal punishment or reward for behavior. It is the ultimate control mechanism, an all seeing omnipresent eye watches you waiting to judge your eternal soul after death...pretty convenient and impossible to prove.

For those with religious beliefs ask yourself a question, If you knew there was no afterlife would you live your life any differently than you do now?.

I'll bet your answer is No. There is no higher calling when tragedy strikes, no higher plan, no special purpose, chit happens, just like in the wild, so deal with it.

Modern day Christians think that somehow Jesus softened the Old Testament...he did not. So while many of you think that the Old Testament won't count on judgement day with a warm loving god you are in for a big surprise.

?For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.? ? Matthew 5:18-19

?It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid.? (Luke 16:17)

?Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.? (Matthew 5:17)

?Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? (John7:19)

The "Law" refers to the laws of the Kingdom in the Old Testament. Enjoy your Ham and Lobster...sinners!
Sorry, I just got back from a County Republican Delegate Meeting, our local election. Had a most interesting and what I hope ends up being a productive discussion with Washington DC House of Representatives member from Utah's 2nd District, Chris Stewart, regarding the State's effort to take over the management of Federal, public lands here. Stewart Chairs and Sub-Chairs Federal Committees that are directly involved with the proposal/fight to transfer public lands to the State, so I felt like he would be worth setting down with to discuss my concerns and listening to his. Recognizing that he is a politician and being highly skeptical of all politicians, I still have many reservation however, after our 20 minutes together (a very short time, relative to the serious nature of the issue) I've got to say, again, I do not believe any transfer will every actually take place, but rather the State will use the courts to negotiate for more influence/decision making on those lands that are within their boundaries, and negotiate for more Federal revenue, to compensate for lack of taxes, due to the high percentage of Federal lands in the State. For example, we have a county here, where, due to the size of a National Park, large tracts of Federal BLM and US Forest Service land, only 5% of the counties land are privately held. That 5% can not, in any way, pay for the services the residents require to run their schools, maintain their roads, provide law enforcement, etc, etc. So, as I said when this effort started, I thought it was a negotiating effort and after talking directly to one of the Legislators, that is most directly involve, I am even more convinced this is a negotiating strategy. Steward did not come right out a say as much but he certainty said enough to leave to believe that there will not, in the end, be a lands transfers.

Just figured I'll share that, for what it's worth.

Nemont, in as much as it was you that asked the original question, I'll direct this specifically to you. Thank you for your respectful response. I understand, I completely understand your 80% comment. I would be very surprised if you'd stated otherwise. What's more, after reading your brief history, that brought you to where you are currently, regarding the God/religion/science relationship, is not uncommon, nor is it difficult for me to understand, your where you are, from your observations, lifes experience, human interaction and behavior as well as your study of recorded history and study of archeological/geologic science. Many good people have come to the same conclusion, for the same reasons you have.

I've considered God/religion/science and the other observations, right along with you and others like you, who agree with you. The difference in our conclusions could be due to a very basic, maybe the most basic difference in who and what God is. Even though I consider myself a Christian, I have a very different and some what unique belief as to who and what God is, from what other Christians claim they believe. A public forum is a impractically place to attempt to discuss the difference, due to the inconvenience of having to type some what unusual explanations, along with answering even more questions which come out with every new explanation. Too time consuming, simply for the sake of curiosity or to make points in a fairly meaningless internet discussion, if that make sense. Besides, as you've certainly noticed, I'd dyslexic when I type. I add characters, leave words out, leave off 't and 's and put in too many commas, write run on sentences, end sentences with prepositions etc. etc. I can hardly figure out what I've written myself, when I try to re-read what I've type.

I'm going to be away from my computer for a few days, so I won't be around to reply until this thread has gone cold. Let me wrap this up for now with this thought, regarding proof. I have none, and as I've said repeatedly, as my knowledge increases, by observation, and research associated, with what I call spiritual issues, my thoughts and my corresponding beliefs change with them. So, as to why we could be 80% apart in your beliefs, let me offer a few more of my believes, that I believe might be very different from what you have learned when it come to God/Science and base beliefs.

I believe God created man in His image (could have been by evolution, or otherwise, the end result was a human), meaning man is like God, and that conversely God is like man. I believe that is literal. Therefore I believe God has a body, has man like body parts and passions like a man. Some believe "as man is now, God once was". I tend to think they are correct.

So what makes God, God, rather than a man. I believe He is God due to His knowledge. His knowledge gives Him power and abilities to do things man can not yet do. As I said, all knowledge or pure scientific knowledge is consistent with pure religion, because religion is simply God's efforts to teach us what He already knows, which we call science. So, to me God is a advanced or "glorified" man, meaning, as far as this earth and this universe goes, He knows how it all works, and we as humans are still seeking and learning, a little at a time, building one truth upon another. You can't learn Calculus until you have mastered a lot of basic mathematics. I believe God wants us to know what He knows but he can't give it to us without the knowledge building blocks in place and that takes time, a long time. Additional, as you would never give your three year old a stick of dynamite, with a fuse and a burning match, because with his lack of knowledge and his immaturity, he would or could blown himself and a lot of other stuff to pieces. Like you and the wise training of your child, God is careful not to share all scientific knowledge of the universe, until humans, as a group have demonstrated the maturity not to use that knowledge to destroy themselves and his creative products. He gives it to us a slowly, so we can learn to handle it, before He gives more.

I believe God and Jesus Christ are and always have been separate and distinct individuals. I do not believe in a God who is every where and no where, so big he fill the universe yet dwell in the heart of a man. I believe He, on rare occasions communicates face to face with humans. I believe He has never stopped teaching us nor do I believe He stopped communicating after the bible was written.

I believe God only teaches and rarely intervenes the our behavior, but allows us the freedom to jump off a cliff and and fall to our deaths or to step way and live. We decide, He does not. He taught us how gravity works, but we use it to enhance our lives or to harm them, as we choice. He teaches how nuclear power works, we can us it for good or kill millions of humans with it, it's up to us, we are free to make that choice, without his intervention. Learning from our successes and our mistakes, as we apply other things He has taught us about responsibility and respect for human life. But, in the end, our knowledge to use nuclear is our choice. And on it goes, teaching us line upon line, precept upon precept, as we grow and mature, over hundreds of thousands of years, and maybe even millions more, until such time we have become like Him. That, I believe, is God's goal. That is: to teach us, over the continuum, to learn to become like Him, or to know all He knows and share the power that comes with that knowledge, with Him. That is my belief what Heaven is, Hell is anything short of attaining pure knowledge and being eternally limited in what we can or do know how to do, with pure knowledge.

I absolutely believe in Grace. But it's most likely different than what you may have been taught Grace is. To me Grace means having your spirit united with a physical body, much like it is while your alive on the earth, or a resurrection, as it were, of the body and the spirit, which separated at the time of death but restored for eternity. That is Christ's gift to all human, without the human ever having to do a single thing, be it good or not good. Everyone is "given" a restoration. Now I believe there is far more to an after life or the resurrection. I believe, after the resurrection process, (how ever that takes place) learning and progressing knowledge will continue and what you've done or not done, so far as learning and making wise choices, while you are in the earth phase of the continuum, will effect how well or how quickly you are taught more science, the same as how it works here. If you learned math, you can understand and progress to algebra. Therefore I believe in God's Grace but I also believe, your behavior determines how you progress, to become like God, after you've received His Grace ie: resurrection. So, in my opinion Grace is His free gift, we need to nothing for it, but to move beyond and learn more, it requires work or mature behavior on our part.

Regarding justification. As I've mentioned, God teaches, we respond or not, or we respond but only partly. I believe all of God's so called laws or commandments are nothing more than His explanation of the natural consequences of doing or not doing things He has taught us. Take gravity again as an example, God says don't jump, you say why, he say's if you jump off, the "system" is designed to pull to the ground very quickly and you will be harmed or kllled if you do. If you walk away, you've been rewarded for obedience or for using His advice wisely, if you choice to step off the cliff, He doesn't punish you He just allows the system do to you what He told you it would. I believe there are similar consequences to every thing in the universe, all unwise decisions bring pre-known, by God, consequence. Somethings we don't know why God has told us not to step off yet, but we've learned that if we ignore that it, when He's said, don't do that, it's not going to go well, then we go ahead a do it, whether we understand why or not, we experience the consequences. We don't have to know a thing about gravity but we still suffer the consequences. Our choice not Gods. He built the system, tells us how to success with in it, and if we ignore His advice about how to use it, the consequence are the natural outcome of ignoring His warnings/commandments. Same as you telling your child" Do not stick your tongue on a steel pipe, at 30 below zero, if he ignores you and does it any way, you don't need to punish him, he's already suffered the consequence of "breaking your law", if he repents and stops doing it, voila, he get his reward/forgiveness, and never again suffers the consequence of having the flesh riped from his tongue. Justification, in my world, is the natural outcome ofnot ignoring Gods teachings, some consequences are made known to us prior to our deaths and some are made known to us in our next phase or after our deaths.

Sanctification, in my world is all about acquiring knowledge, learning how to use it correctly, so we can learn more, until we know all God knows, and we have evolved into someone identical to Him and can do all He can do. And yes, it is in concert and with assistance from the Holy Spirit, who I believe is yet a third individual, separate and distinct, from the other two, ie: God and Christ.
Apparently Glorification means different things to different Christian religions. To me, Glorification, is the outcome of acquiring all of God's knowledge, so we are like Him and can do what He can, in very way. God's knowledge is what gives Him or makes Him Glorified, if we should attain that level of knowledge we will Glorify Him and be come Glorified ourselves, as His now is.
Way, way to much information to discuss in MM. Regardless, these are the reasons we agree or disagree in political platforms and seek different out comes. Perfectly understandable as far as I'm concerned.
So, we still disagree, I quite sure, so further responds don't make a lot of sense. Again, thank you for be a gentleman about my science/religion rational. Back at y'all in a few days.

ElkAssassin - your posts are nauseating and i hereby nominate you for the award of the dumbest person currently using the internet. You might want to get some help.
>ElkAssassin - your posts are
>nauseating and i hereby nominate
>you for the award of
>the dumbest person currently using
>the internet. You might want
>to get some help.


If I was the Smartest MM'er I'd Be Competing with a couple of MM'ers here on the Political Forum!

And I Just can't lower Myself to become as hard headed as a couple Rock Heads we have here!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
>you could give it a whirl.
> Manny and DW
>have the dipchit thing covered.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

This from the guy who first said Jeb was our only shot, then it was Christie now it's trump I presume? Then for some reason I took you at yer word (maybe this is how I got the title) that construction was great in Oregon right now. Check the graph in the link, the graph looks the same for most states. I'll just add it to the longlist of things you know little about. Now go pet da rabbits lennie.

Oregon housing starts 2001-2016
Anyone here ever died and come back? I drowned in Yakutat Alaska in 1983 and was saved by a 15 pound test line in a glacial river. I know it felt damn good and no feelings of panic or fear or cold. Just felt really good. Now, I have not been an angel so why didn't I see the little goblins from hell coming after me? Religion was formed to help people to have a civilized society when there were no cops or rules. There may very well be a God and that is fine with me. There may be nothing. I know I don't fear dying and any of the hellfire and brimstone. If that was God he is good in my book.
>Anyone here ever died and come
>back? I drowned in Yakutat
>Alaska in 1983 and was
>saved by a 15 pound
>test line in a glacial
>river. I know it felt
>damn good and no feelings
>of panic or fear or
>cold. Just felt really good.
>Now, I have not been
>an angel so why didn't
>I see the little goblins
>from hell coming after me?
>Religion was formed to help
>people to have a civilized
>society when there were no
>cops or rules. There may
>very well be a God
>and that is fine with
>me. There may be nothing.
>I know I don't fear
>dying and any of the
>hellfire and brimstone. If that
>was God he is good
>in my book.

Well Glen?

If it wasn't God?

Who might you figure it was?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
If not god who was it? maybe the guy pulling on the fishing line ? maybe?

Let me guess. god told him to do it. otherwise he's have just sat there and picked his butt. never would have crossed his mind to save someone otherwise no doubt.

Someone offer proof religion has made civilization better than it would have been without it.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Well dude!

I won't Argue that you Evoluted from a Damn Monkey like you claim!

But Please Answer the Damn Question!

Where'd the 2 first pair of Breeding Monkeys come from?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!

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