SFW and the death of the average hunter


Very Active Member
The average hunter is constantly being screwed by SFW.
They are now asking for 100 more elk tags to be pulled from the draw pool to use as compensation to landowners so that the landowners will allow the elk population objectives be raised. This in the name of increasing opportunity. Opportunity for who? Every thing that SFW does decreases the odds of the average hunter drawing a tag while benefiting special interest groups and a small segment of the hunting population that can afford to purchase a tag EVERY year. The majority of the elk in Utah should not be managed in this manner. This along with their other agenda's will turn hunting into a spectator sport for the majority of us hunters that simply want to hunt. Once again
wake the hell up wes. ur line of thinking is why things never get done. have u been on the dutton for instance ( and thats just one unit). that unit could easily hold twice as many elk as are currently there. what happens if the cattlemans association releases their death grip on that units elk numbers and allow the elk population to double. i think it would equate to more elk tags. common sense if u ask me and kudos to don peay. keep up the good work don and ignore those incapable of a rational thought process.
"what happens if the cattlemans association releases their death grip on that units elk numbers and allow the elk population to double. I think it would equate to more elk tags."

More tags equal more harvesting right? So more tags for the SFW to steal away from the public is what your saying, and more money into their pockets?
your an uneducated fool. get some FACTS together before you make yourself look stupid again.

I don't even know where to begin with that line of BS.
rifle666, you may want to follow your own advice.

I know for a fact that in the elk committee meeting last night Don Peay asked for 100 tags be taken from the draw and used to generate ?Funds for Private / Public Use? idea for incentives to raise elk population. Committee voted to put together a committee together to look into this idea. Guess who will be on the 'new' committee? Answer: the SAME people representing special interest groups that proposed it be referred to a 'new' committee. Do these guys look at Washington DC for inspiration on how to get back room deals done or what?
rifle666, the only uneducated fool is you. Everything Wes said is true. Please enlighten us with your infinent knowledge of the true facts, please begin somewhere or shut the F up already.
Let me guess...landowners can resell all 100 tags? Imagine all 100 will go to wealthy folks not average Joe. Okay 99, 1 tag will be a photo op with a kid.

Back to the 99 tags. Wealthy guy gets tag then hires outfitter. Outfitter and SFW are buds. Hmmm....interesting how that works, no?

Why not compensate ranchers with money and the 100 tags stay in the draw pool for average Joe and soon 1000s of more tags appear as elk roam fenceline to fenceline? Right, how does that guarantee 100 new outfitter gigs?

SFW is on a roll and high rollers and outfitters are smiling all the way to the road that leads to the next Spidey.
Stinky are you from Utah?? Didn't you buy an auction tag last year?? Having a few weeks on one unit in the state make you an expert on elk management in Utah?? Yep you seem like an unbiased opinion for sure!!!

HELL_ er I mean CAT good to see ya back!!!!
I don't doubt that funds raised by SFW does some good for wildlife, however, where do we draw the line on the number of tags given to these organizations. Utah is doing pretty good in the limited entry and OIL departments, but can anyone honestly say that general season public land hunting has improved since SFW has been steering the ship.Raising millions of dollars in the name of wildlife is a remarkable accomplishment, however, the question we should all be asking is: has the money produced results for the average hunter? I'm not condeming SFW, but I wonder if they are allocating and dispersing funds for the benifit of the average hunter.

For me to get fully on board with SFW, I like to see results, acountability, and transparancy.
Oh boy this is a good thread. I like all this infighting. It makes for a fun thread. Keep up the good work guys rofl! Just glad to see I don't have to egg on this hot topic. You guys are doing a fine job on your own. Now I can sit back and watch the carnage. lol
If you don't have an egg in this topic, then, maybe you should retract your unlearned opinion. Thanks
Just give the SFW more Manti tags, god only knows there was one mature bull that survived, if we could kill him off then the Pahvant would improve and Doyle could get another 100k!! The BLM controls how many million acres? The BLM is a state government agency, supposedly working for us? To release the "death grip" the cattlemen have lets us(BLM) trade grazing rights for elk. But then there would be no cash in it. Just a random thought, what would happen if the cattlemens/sheepmen assoc. lost the support of the outdoorsmen? They are already up against the forest service and enviros, what if the outdoorsmen played hard ball like the assocations do? It shouldn't have to come to that but for every acre the associations claim is fed off by wildlife I would argue is matched by hundreds of acres fed off by livestock on public land. Before we get the "if we just shoot the deer/elk on our ground then what" argument I would counter with what if we shoot every stray sheep/cow on the mountain after the get off dates? Or the "do you know how much a steak would cost" argument the counter is what if we removed the protective tariffs on imported beef? The associations love to go down this road because they think it scares everyone, reality is no one plays hardball with them. It shouldn't come to that, I don't want it to come to that, I like seeing the livestock on the mountain in the summer, I am friends with ranchers, most of whom don't want this fight and are hunters and want good herds themselves, but I also like seeing the elk. We protect agriculture, and we should, what are we going to eat? Check the numbers, outdoorsmen are a bigger industry in this state by a long ways then cattle or sheep, if we joined with our bird watching, mountain bike riding, hiking, mountain climbing friends(who HATE public grazing) the associations would be screwed. It is they who should be working with us, not the other way around.
For the most part the bird watching, mountain biking, hiking, mountain climbing, "friends" HATE hunters much more than ranchers.

That bunch my drop a dollar here or there but they produce nothing of value to society.

Be very careful who you get in bed with. These people are not "friendly" to hunters.
So stinkystomper...did you draw the tag or buy it? I've read in other threads that you bought it, but I'm not quite dumb enough to believe everything I read around here...rather here it from the horse's mouth. :)

I'm not leading you into a trap or argument man...I'm just interesting to start learning the dynamics of folks' opinions on things like SFW in regards to what kind of "hunter" they are. Meaning what kind of buying power they have mainly.

If you did buy it...awesome. AWESOME! I have absolutely nothing against that. I'm sure if you have the means to buy a high-dollar auction tag you've worked your tail off to get where you are, and that's great.

Again, just wondering.

The local Utah news stated the other night that Agriculture produced over 15% of Utah's jobs. I am not sure where you get all your facts. The tags they give to the ranchers are only given to the ranchers that own private land. What about all the ranchers that don't own any private land and just lease the permits from the BLM or FS. I bet that only 10% of Utah's ranchers own private land. I am not saying the ranchers that lease the land deserve anything, because they do not. The only thing is that right now on many of the units in the state most of the ranchers are only able to run from 50 to 75% of the amount of cattle that they are supposed to due to the drought. One other thing is that some of the units in Utah like the Southwest Desert unit are already over on elk Numbers. The BLM monitors my cows and if I am over the amount that I am supposed to be I get fined. Cattleman can control their cows, it is very hard to control elk. I am only able to run 35 % of my cows on this unit right now. Last summer it was 40%. I know one really good idea would be to have a big and I mean big Wild Horse round up. The horses cost all of us money and are good for nothing right now. We would all benefit from this... I hope we can all come up with a decision that would be best for bothe the Sportsman and Cattleman because I am a part of both of these organizations...........
I hope those idiots at SFW never get the kinda stroke in this state that they seem to swing in Utard. Leaves you just shaking yer head...
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-10 AT 11:45PM (MST)[p]
>The local Utah news stated the
>other night that Agriculture produced
>over 15% of Utah's jobs.
>I am not sure where
>you get all your facts.
>The tags they give to
>the ranchers are only given
>to the ranchers that own
>private land. What about all
>the ranchers that don't own
>any private land and just
>lease the permits from the
>BLM or FS. I bet
>that only 10% of Utah's
>ranchers own private land. I
>am not saying the ranchers
>that lease the land deserve
>anything, because they do not.
>The only thing is that
>right now on many of
>the units in the state
>most of the ranchers are
>only able to run from
>50 to 75% of the
>amount of cattle that they
>are supposed to due to
>the drought. One other thing
>is that some of the
>units in Utah like the
>Southwest Desert unit are already
>over on elk Numbers. The
>BLM monitors my cows and
>if I am over the
>amount that I am supposed
>to be I get fined.
>Cattleman can control their cows,
>it is very hard to
>control elk. I am only
>able to run 35 %
>of my cows on this
>unit right now. Last summer
>it was 40%. I know
>one really good idea would
>be to have a big
>and I mean big Wild
>Horse round up. The horses
>cost all of us money
>and are good for nothing
>right now. We would all
>benefit from this... I hope
>we can all come up
>with a decision that would
>be best for bothe the
>Sportsman and Cattleman because I
>am a part of both
>of these organizations...........

First off ,Mustangs cut back! yea that would be nice! but......good luck getting the blm to do there job with the stangs! they do round ups out there but after the stangs dont sell at the auctions they release them right back out there! They even bring stangs from diff areas and release them out there,as chad hunter himself told me that(runs the blm mustang roundups) the other kicker is the mustang association actually has blm permits out on the sw des. now ya wanna talk crap on cattlemen , think about the stangs that arent good for anything! and the blm permits that mustang assoc. holds. i bet there are more stangs on sw des than elk! i see way more stang sign than elk and deer combined while rounding up cattle up there.

your statements are confusing you go from talking bad about ranchers/cattlemen to being friends with them then saying you like seeing livesotck to wanting to side with bikers/enviro/anti hunting type people... not trying to start an argument just wondering where you stand im a bit confused?? multiple personalities would explain a lot....haha jk ;)

now going back to the sfw.... the more i hear about them the less i like about them.(if its all true)... do you fight the anti's cause they wanna get rid of hunting all together or do you fight the sfw to make better hunting opportunities for not just the rich but for everyone. seems to me utah is one of the only states that does as much auction tags as we do... gratned there are some in other states, but not the amount utah is doing right?... how is it the other states are able to not have to auction to only wealthy folks like utah is doing?? obviously most states do governor tags but is that where they end it?... do they auction tags like utah does? can anyone find a list of other states auctioned tags or is utah way ahead/behind other states in this category?
i know the auctioned tags generate alot of money but where are the numbers for it?...are the funds actually going to places to help out the wildlife or where is it actually going? does anyone know where to find the facts and info?
>graned most states do
>governor tags. but ... do
>they auction tags like utah
>does? can anyone find alist
>of other states auctioned tags
>or is utah way more
>giving in that part?


Bighorn sheep - 1 auction, 1 raffle
Mountain goat - 1 auction, 1 raffle
Moose - 2 raffle
Elk - 2 auction, 2 raffle
Deer - 2 auction, 2 raffle
Pronghorn - 2 auction, 2 raffle

Eighteen tags in Colorado, 10 raffle and 8 auction.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-10 AT 00:10AM (MST)[p]>>graned most states do
>>governor tags. but ... do
>>they auction tags like utah
>>does? can anyone find alist
>>of other states auctioned tags
>>or is utah way more
>>giving in that part?
>Bighorn sheep - 1 auction, 1
>Mountain goat - 1 auction, 1
>Moose - 2 raffle
>Elk - 2 auction, 2 raffle
>Deer - 2 auction, 2 raffle
>Pronghorn - 2 auction, 2 raffle
>Eighteen tags in Colorado, 10 raffle
>and 8 auction.

thanks! where were you able to find this info?
wow utah just raffled 200 alone! how insane!

?It takes a genius to whine appealingly.?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-10 AT 09:02PM (MST)[p]geez that is frustrating a state like colorado with way more animals residing in it gives less tags for crap like autions and raffles. i dont mind the raffles but the auctions kinda bug me

?It takes a genius to whine appealingly.?

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