Sierra Pacific Properties


Very Active Member
I didn't hunt C zone last season, and so I have not seen it for myself, but I have heard that SP is excluding even walk-in hunters from their lands. I am fine with closing the gates and letting people work for their bucks, but I will be pretty disappointed with SP if they have authorized total exclusion. I would respect their right to do so, but I would miss the partnership they once established with sportsmen.
I heard this from a law enforcement officer in the Burney area. He claimed that walk-in hunters were prohibited from entering local SP lands.
I have since heard this "confirmed" by members of the local RMEF who suggested that this resulted from the decision to bill SP for enormous suppression costs of the Lassen County fires (don't recall the names) near Antelope Lake a few years back.
Not to sound dumb,but r these private lands or leased from the Natioal forset servies?
There is SP and other private timber lands by Burney that don't allow hunting. Some of my favorite park and hunt from my rig places are now, have been a few years now, gated and posted. It sucks because i really liked the country and it puts more pressure on the other decent areas that a guy still can hunt.

More local in the southern C's around Lake Almanor, still lots, and lots, of access though The National Forest boys are gating off more roads all the time. As far as private timber lands though, it's all open to use as far as i know but a guy best watch out and not get into a accident with a logging rig or they may close that off as well!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Roseburg closed a large area in Pondosa last year to the public because they put their property in the PLM program and were awarded tags for their property. But havent heard of SPI closing off their lands.
Perhaps there is no relationship here, but Roseburg sold a lot of the land they owned in this area to SP.

What sort of tags did they receive, and how does PLM work?
Some of the private timber companies around Burney are now posting their lands during the summer: Critical fire danger, no public use. During the fire danger closures you can't even walk in or you could be cited. The fire danger closures are due to the Moonlight fire court case where the Feds won a lawsuit against SP for millions in damages. The Moonlight fire, which burned near Susanville several years ago, was supposedly started by a dozer during red flag warnings on a SP logging side. The huge fire burned into Federal lands which was the basis for the Feds case. The Judge ruled in the case that SP was responsible for everything that happens on their land, even if they did not directly start the fire. The Moonlight fire court case has every local private timber company nervous. I hope I'm wrong but it is probably just a matter of time before we will no longer have any access to the private timber company lands. This really sucks for me because I live in Burney and all of the good hunting is on private timber company lands. Maybe the Feds will take the money they stole from SP and start managing our Federal lands so that animals may actually want to live there! I doubt it...
Thanks, killintime. I live a few miles out-of-town, but work in Burney. As you say, we are surrounded mostly by private timber lands. As I indicated earlier, I did not hunt locally last year and so did not notice any posted lands and was shocked when I was informed of this. I wonder if the property truly meets DFG/legal requirements regarding posting. As I understand it, it is not enough to simply post access points. I have not seen regular posts along roadways, and hope I never do.
Bullskin, last October I drove up to Pondosa to hunt the opening Saturday for bear. The Roseburg land was not only posted PLM no elk hunting, it had the critical fire danger, no public use sings every 1/16 of mile or so. It was posted more than I have ever seen land posted before. I know that Hatchet was also posted last year on the Roseburg property. I hear that SP and Fruit Growers are also starting to post during critical fire conditions. With the hot and dry Septembers we have around here, C zone hunters maybe stuck hunting Forest Service land.
killintime is right on!!!

Everyone is sueing once a fire starts these days. An example is on the Moonlight the Feds sued SP, Cali sued the Feds, SP counter sued. Eventually SP settled out of court I believe so there was no "Judge's decision" against SP, just the threat of a $100,000,000.00 in damages.

And this is after numerous rumors of the Feds letting the fire go. I know for a fact that the inmate fire crews from Susanville showed up the evening after the fire started and the Fed "command center" had shut down for the night. 12 days later Janesville was under a 13 hours evacuation notice.

Unfortunately SP, Beatty, Collins, ect. close their lands for EVERYTHING during the summer and fall these days. And I can't plame them although I'd still like to cut wood on their lands.
Not good news. I used to have spend some pretty good times on these lands during archery season during the peak of fire season. Now I suppose I'm done for. On top of that, much of the Federal land is locked behind these private outfits. On the bright side, perhaps we will never run out of "C" tags once it becomes clear that there is so little left to hunt.
I can honestly say that Sierra Pacific has flat been screwed over for the most part by the government as well as citizens. I worked for them during college and they are a top notch outfit in my opinion. I personally watched as they made decisions away from the public view where sustainability and good stewardship were the deciding factors. Add that to the fact that they provide and maintain high wage jobs all over the north state and you wonder why they have such a bad name. I know that providing public access was important to them and I can only imagine that they were finally left no choice but to close their lands due to a hostile and litigious liberal state. Anyone who does a little research will realize how lucky California is to have such a company and will stand behind them. Oh, and I appreciate all the bucks, birds, and bears that I was fortunate enough to take on their lands while growing up in the area.-----SS
Give Red a call and express your opinion about our envious liberals and the tree hugging kacksuckets and I'll bet he will give you written permission to trespass his huge holdings. Good luck.
SP most likely closed off their properties to hunters to give the drug growers free access to take over without interruption from hunters :)

springvilleshooter, great post! I hope SP can continue to be a vital part of our communities for many years to come.

>I can honestly say that Sierra
>Pacific has flat been screwed
>over for the most part
>by the government as well
>as citizens. I worked for
>them during college and they
>are a top notch outfit
>in my opinion. I personally
>watched as they made decisions
>away from the public view
>where sustainability and good stewardship
>were the deciding factors. Add
>that to the fact that
>they provide and maintain high
>wage jobs all over the
>north state and you wonder
>why they have such a
>bad name. I know that
>providing public access was important
>to them and I can
>only imagine that they were
>finally left no choice but
>to close their lands due
>to a hostile and litigious
>liberal state. Anyone who does
>a little research will realize
>how lucky California is to
>have such a company and
>will stand behind them. Oh,
>and I appreciate all the
>bucks, birds, and bears that
>I was fortunate enough to
>take on their lands while
>growing up in the area.-----SS
Ask the logging outfits and log truck drivers if they have the same opinion as you. Lol

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