Ski walker ranch


Very Active Member
Has anybody been watching the show on the history channel. And if you have what do you think. I live 5 miles from the place.
Bess, is that the place Happyjack put a curse on the mtnlions to turn them black..... or some sutch thing.....
OK I watched this crap last year. It kind of kept me entertained just because it was in Utah. Well I record it so I don’t have to watch commercials. I finally got around to start watching episode two.. Last year they had a cow die in a field under Mysterious circumstances. Well apparently they drug it off somewhere. And after sitting there for a year they claim the predators and insects and stuff never touched it. Well they’re showing pictures of the cow from last year it’s black.. And the one they’re showing this year that they’re gonna do tests on claiming that’s it the same cow is brown... Really !!! they must think people are really stupid to not notice that. I’m done I didn’t even finish watching that episode and I deleted the other ones and I will not record or watch anymore. I got better things to do with my life besides watch that garbage.. Like maybe watch the Kardashians... ? NOT !!! ?
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If there was gold in them hills some tard would have found it by now......I think it is planted as they find something every episode. Watched part of one or two very predictable
same caliber as the lost weapons of Custer's last stand...get fish to watch it and reel em in for the money..
My bro started watching it and some really bad stuff started happening to creepy sh!t. He has never really believed in God but he started talking about God and Jesus more so something hit him pretty hard about this show. I'll stay away from that show.
I live close enough to the area to know we don't talk much around here but this subject.
This is all a show to keep people away from their hunting spots. Create a Alien issue or a spooky one and most people stay away. I'll bet if you said Fenn's treasure was in there it wouldn't stop most of the drugstore cowboys from going in there.
I'm on the fence about this show. I want it to get good but this season has turned from cool crazy stuff happening last season, to this season of portals opening up that skin walkers come out of. Curse of Oak Island is TV listed as Reality. Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch is TV listed as Reality. This Secret of Skinwalker Ranch is TV listed as Science Fiction. I don't know what to think about that. A friend of mine knows Brandon and says he is not crazy. Travis is legit the real deal and is not about being part of a money making conspiracy for TV. If Travis wasn't on the show I would likely bail......but he is there so I'm hoping they can find some answers. I think there is something crazy going on there and Brandon is forking out some serious dough trying to figure it out. I'm wanting to stay optimistic. We need the MM basin boys to open up about what they really know.
I think I watched about 20 minutes, and as Gump would say “and that’s all I have to say bout that”.
The show is as most have mentioned. But there is some unexpanable chit that happens around that part of the world.
Back in 1978 there was 4 of us in a Jeep one night by the ranch (which all us high school kids called stoners road.) the road passes east of the high school so go figure. We were going down the road and there is an irrigation canal that runs parallel with the road. A blue volleyball sized sphere was in that canal and when we drove up on it we didn’t stop. We kept going and it was about 30 yards from us, it flew along side us out the window for about 100 yards then it went straight up into the sky going upteen thousand miles an hour. And no we weren’t stoned. (yet),,,
Back in 1978 there was 4 of us in a Jeep one night by the ranch (which all us high school kids called stoners road.) the road passes east of the high school so go figure. We were going down the road and there is an irrigation canal that runs parallel with the road. A blue volleyball sized sphere was in that canal and when we drove up on it we didn’t stop. We kept going and it was about 30 yards from us, it flew along side us out the window for about 100 yards then it went straight up into the sky going upteen thousand miles an hour. And no we weren’t stoned. (yet),,,
Pics or it didnt happen....
I enjoy the show and I look forward to the next season. There is some crazy unexplainable stuff going on there. I'm very intrigued.
My bro started watching it and some really bad stuff started happening to creepy sh!t. He has never really believed in God but he started talking about God and Jesus more so something hit him pretty hard about this show. I'll stay away from that show.
Is your bro servehim?
If you dudes were tru believers, you would never shoot another coyote. :oops:
Funny thing. Last coyote I shot a couple weeks ago may have been one. Came in just to my right, 40 yards broad side. I pounded it in the shoulder with a 95 gr 22 creedmoor. Went down, it was early in the stand so I kept calling. Heard it get up and start yowling. Walked over it was gone. Followed it a bit snd it started growling at me. Shot it again this time at 20 yards, and it got up and started walking off. Shot it again at 15 yards. Couldn’t get up but did not die. It took 15 minutes for that thing to die after that. Rifle was empt and the truck was half a mile.

I was pretty sure it was a skin Walker. I killed 5 that day and it was still early. I decided that was enough and called it. So far don’t seem to be cursed
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Those three shots and it still wasn’t dead :oops:

It was some kinda skin Walker

I’ve hunted pheasants on the skin walker ranch when I was a teenager. Parked at the house a went hunting from there.
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My dad grew up in ft Duchesne Which is a stone throw away from the ranch. He said they used to play on the hills by the ranch. He said they never seen anything strange. also my son in law used to chase coons at night on that creek that runs through the ranch. He did say him and his brother seen a blue ball One night.
My dads cousin back in the early 60s was going from ft. Duchesne to Randelt one night on the road that is just east of the ranch and she seen a ufo the size of a football field hovering above the road right above her. It followed her for about a mile. Scared the bajesus out of her.
Y’all are funny. You are either a skin walker, or a skin sitter, or a skin sleeper depending on your activity for the day.

Right now I’m a skin sitter.
A Chinese Spy Baloon Maybe Before We Knew They Were Spying On Us?

My dads cousin back in the early 60s was going from ft. Duchesne to Randelt one night on the road that is just east of the ranch and she seen a ufo the size of a football field hovering above the road right above her. It followed her for about a mile. Scared the bajesus out of her.
I figure the show was actually trying to explain why Bess is usually yelling when types his messages on MM. Maybe he's sick of getting probed by aliens out there in the Basin?
There have been too many unexplained things happen in that area reported by reliable people to dismiss it as a hoax. The show on the other hand seems to just dramatize and drag out their investigations. I’ve tried to watch episodes, but it seem to me to be a waste of time. Not a fan. BacDoc ?
I watched about 20 minutes of the first episode and started surfing for Gillian’s Island re-runs. Guess I was in the mood for something more realistic.
When they said that everyone in the Basin has seen UFOs, I felt really left out. Then I asked people I know and none of them have seen any either. I guess we just don't get out much.
Good way to capitalize on the gullible and superstitious. Hardly a new trick though, Art Bell did it for years.
the shows pretty dumb. theirs a documentary that i think kinda kicked every thing off from years ago that's really good.
Mrs Howell has it all but can't cook or be "normal". Ginger is all about Hollywood so she's rich too but gonna be hi on herself, sexy, confident, but still Hollywood. Mary Anne knows how to cook, garden, down to earth, has land, not snooty, appears innocent and likely good in bed too. I'll take Mary Anne...
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