Spooky Dead Heads


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Man Vs. Moose​

Technically, this one isn’t from our archives, but this occurred only 250 miles from B&C headquarters. We figure that’s close enough.
In 1923, Joe McKelvey was a park ranger in Montana’s Glacier National Park. He came upon a haunting scene in the vicinity of Many Glacier Hotel. The following excerpt is from a July 16, 1923, article from the local newspaper, The Daily Inter Lake.

“In a thicket about three miles north, Mr. McKelvey ran across the skeleton of a moose and upon closer investigation, found parts of a human skeleton, which clearly showed that some hunter years ago had shot and wounded a moose and then been killed by the animal. Close by was found a Springfield 45-70 rifle with the breech open, and a shell which had stuck told how the hunter had lost his life. He had evidently fought to a finish for a broken knife (that) was found on the ground.

“Old-timers in the vicinity of the park are of the opinion the skeleton is that of a French-Canadian trapper who disappeared about 18 years ago, but none remember his name. There is no doubt that the man lost his life a long time ago, for the bones are bleached and the rubber shoes which the hunter was wearing are badly weather-worn.”
Interesting that the writing on the photo doesn’t match the story below….
Your right I didn’t notice that. The article came from the latest B&C news letter,,but that being said by the look on that guys face he realized that he messed up.?

Funny I remember seeing this same photo hanging up in a sporting goods store in Deerlodge MT in the early 90s. Remember commenting on it. My favorite place to shop as a teen back then.

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