The Eagles


Very Active Member
ok boys and girls Felder or Walsh ,,,, who was the better guitar in hotel ca ,,,, remember felder wrote the rift

and furthermore does it even matter? :)
>ok boys and girls Felder or
>Walsh ,,,, who was the
>better guitar in hotel ca
>,,,, remember felder wrote the
> and furthermore does it even
>matter? :)

Oh boy. Even with a gun to my head, I cannot choose between the two in Hotel California. They were the Yin to each other's Yang if that made any sense at all.

The phrasing that they brought to the composition was unique and came together in the end when they harmonized. It was basically a song within a song.

From a technical perspective, what they did was not difficult. Just some well-known pentatonic scale elements with some spice and a WHOLE TON of emotion. This is what most guitarists struggle with...the emotion.

The late B.B. King can tell you his whole life's story in 10 notes. Heavy metal guitarists need a thousand more ;)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-19 AT 06:33AM (MST)[p]First off, I know nothing about guitar playing, but this topic jogged my brain back to a memorable time in the early 1980s.

My oldest son Keith and I played AAA slow-pitch softball for KTAR radio in Phx. Our manager was Dan Armstrong, a popular disk jockey on that station who knew the Eagles. It just so happened they also had a softball team and invited us to visit them in CA for a weekend on their dime.

Dan rented a big RV at the station's expense, and we all piled into it for the drive to LA. We played softball on Sat. and that night we went to a very nice -- and expensive -- restaurant for dinner on the Eagle's expense account. I remember I ate a rack of lamb with all the trimmings.

I don't recall which one of the Eagles it was, but my son, who was not a drinker, got into a game of flipping quarters with him where the loser had to down a tequila shooter. It wasn't long before the booze hit Keith, sending him to the rest room. When he returned he was literally green.

He didn't drink again until the night before his wedding about 25 years ago, when he again got sloshed and sick. He was so hung over the next day that we weren't sure he'd make it thru the church ceremony. The preacher told him to just walk off if he felt like he was going to barf. Fortunately he made it thru the day. He hasn't touched a drop of liquor since that night.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Joe Walsh. David Gilmour has some fantastic albums but he plays the guitar in slow motion.

Splitting my time time between the winter and summer range......
May you live long enough to cash in those preference points. Amen
> Firebird raceway ,
>Eagle Idaho. Alice Cooper and
>with a good show from
>the Don the Snake !

Should have posted in Best Concert
This guy was the best guitarist to date. No telling where music would be if he hadn't got whacked in that chopper.

Elton John - Birmingham, England 1983

Half way through his set he stopped and called me up to help him off the stage. At the bottom of the stairs he spun me around and gave me a big french kiss. My wife is still upset. Tells me I didn't have to "kiss him back" to which I respond "that wasn't his back". I must love the dog house, I spend a lot of time there. Elton was a lot better looking in person than on TV.

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