These hearings..


Active Member
The hypocrisy...

I'm getting so sick and tired of these hypocritical Dems. Where was the outrage when Obama went behind congress's back and sold arms to Iranian terrorists. He literally negotiated with terrorists behind congress's back and the funnel millions of dollars of weapons to the evil regime. How messed up is that. What kind of weak excuse of a man negotiates with terrorists and then lie about it to Congress and the American people. Also, there was a trade embargo against iran, so that was absolutely illegal.

Where was the Dem outrage when Obama also illegally funneled millions of dollars of aid to a Nicaraguan fighting force after a vote in Congress specifically forbid him to do so. That force gets most of it's funding from cocaine production. Obama gave money to a force that litterally poisons our children every day. Empowering organizations like that fueled our country's drugs crisis.

And where was the damn outrage from the Dems when Eric Holder wrote up the Pardons for everyone involved to make sure nobody saw any justice for one of the most pathetic and corrupt things a president has ever done.

Pretty hypocritical how the Dems stood up, night after night, during those 41 days of hearings, protected Obama, and let him lie with impunity. How little integrity they actually have when "their" guy gets caught over a barrel.

Shows a real pattern of character we see again today. I don't even comprehend how a person could get up in front of the American people every day and just blatantly lie to protect their self interests. In the face of so much evidence of corruption. Self interest over country. Void of integrity. Void of duty.

They can do it because the end justify's the means and they have no souls. It's SOP for them and lies are just deceptions to enable them to enact their failed Ideology. They don't care about our laws or the constitution and anyone that believes they do is a fool. You don't promote lawlessness if you do it's just that simple.

Their real goal is a socialist new world order where we the American people are subservient to leadership from others who may/may not reside in our country and are empowered to tax and govern us. LET THAT SINK IN
I bet in 30-40 years they'll forget all about this and treat the guy like he's some folk hero, instead of the morally void snake he truly was.
The Obama administration was extremely corrupt, but don't you dare try to investigate or question any thing they did. Ask Trump.
Dems - Not a smidgen of corruption they say.
Reality - Nothing but corruption.

+ 100 mule

Where is Flounder ?
To embarrassed to chime in ?
The treasonous Demorats have no clue what they have unleashed.
Can you imagine it the shoe was on the other foot? I can't even comprehend what Democrats would do if a republican president did these things.
Yeah founder. Liberal. What do you have to say about this!

I bet you'd say It looks like I wrote out the Iran-Contra Scandle. You'd probably say it looks like I just replaced Reagan with Obama. You'd probably say I replaced William Barr with Eric Holder. You'd probably say people are so deep in hate and contempt for the other side they can't recognize one of the biggest republican political Scandle in modern history. You'd probably be right.

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