Thoughts, Opinions and Nonsense!


Long Time Member
I decided that I want to have just one post of things I’d like to talk about without keep adding new posts etc
Here’s my first complaint! Did you all see that the state of Texas or the city of Uvalde has found a loop hole to keep the truth from reaching the families, friends, neighbors of the little children and teachers as to why all these P$ssy’s pretending to be Police and Protectors of the Citizens of Uvalde as to what was the real truth about of why they didn’t go into the school into the line of fire to Protect and Serve and go in there to save those little children and teachers that loved their students so much were killed trying to do just that! One little girl called 911 twice telling the operator what room she was in and that the shooter was in the same room! WHY! Now i just heard on the news that the copes couldn‘t find the key, the windows had tinting on them so the cops couldnt tell if the shooter was in the room their were going to look in! Here’s an idea aim upward at the ceiling through the window and shoot the glass out then if you get shot at them you know the guy is in there! Or listen to the little girl that told the 911 operator what room he was in! The windows didn’t stop the mother from running up to the windows to get her two daughters out of the tinted windows and taking them to safety or the father getting a hair cut grabbing a shotgun and a few shells and going in with a couple of others in a stacked formation and getting his children out! By the way both parents were trying to be stopped by law enforcement so as to not make them look bad as to why they weren’t not doing their jobs!
Now some of what I said could be off a little from what actually happened but thats what I caught on the news! If you have a better explanation please respond! I want heads to roll! Loss of retirement packages, jobs, etc etc

God Please Bless those Little Children, Teachers, families and friends to somehow heal they pains!

Oh if you want to tell me I’m full of Sh$t please do just make sure you explain your position as to why.
I love me a good hunting dog. Anybody else ?
No got one.

They are saying on Fox News that 3 minutes after the shooter went into the school they had enough men and gear to go and save those children but didn’t! There’s a video showing three of four officers that were in the school 12 minutes or so minutes after the shooting starting then stood down for 59 F$CKING MINUTES BEFORE GOING IN THE CLASSROOM! One brave little girl called 911FOUR F$UCKING TIMES BEGGING FOR HELP! ALL THESE P&SSY POLICE SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH SOME KIND OF ACCESSORY TO MURDER AND PUT IN PRISON FOR THE REST OF THEIR PATHETIC LIVES F$CK YOU AND
wrong thread......of course it is yours...

I hesitate to blame under paid cops for crazed lib kids acts.....
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Sorry for my rant! the best things in the world are our children!
Does anyone else know this feeling? When I would be holding my great nephew and little brother maybe a year or so old and when they would lay their head on my shoulder facing away from me Their fit so prefect like nothing else in this world! The best feeling in the world
wrong thread......of course it is yours...

I hesitate to blame under paid cops for crazed lib kids acts.....
You don’t let children die because your not paid enough!
You let them die because you shouldn’t have been doing that job in the first place
Think about this Gomer your a 10 year old little girl calling 911 four times begging for the Police to save her and her friends lives and the Police are cowardly standing at the end of the hallway!
Look up the picture of that little girl that made those calls and as you sit in your chair close your eyes and see that girl‘s face picture her with tears in her eyes scared to death, (which is coming), calling the people that’s she’s suppose to do in a situation to help Four Times Begging to the 911 operator “Please help us!” There was nine children still alive at that point. Think about this Gomer about yourself a grown man the terror you would feel and imagine yourself saying “ that’s alright we are going to die but I don’t blame the Police its not their fault their just not paid enough to save our lives! I’m not talking about the 99.8% of the Brave men and women that risk their lives to save others I’m talking about these guys
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I know it sounds crazy for this mixed up state but yes you can hunt deer with dogs. A lot of the country we have to hunt are giant live oak / chimise / manzinita thickets. Without dogs to get them up and moving these deer will just lay there and let you walk right on by. It's a lot like hunting quail, you have a split second to determine if it's a "shooter buck" then you better be able to shoot a running deer.

2016 opening weekend.jpg

A Zone opener.jpg
Hi Txhunter Mrs Sikora sent you a PM!
Also I seen your profile picture are you Polish!?
You look like some of my family members
my dog likes to hunt lizards...sits by the patio door all F'n day waiting for a lizard to pass under the outdoor gate onto the patio and then wags his tail eagerly to be let of a dog, has no idea of the BS we see everyday...
No steroids, just many years to get big. They come a lot bigger than this too.

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Buck can you still buy redwood lumber out your way anymore?
When I first started working construction as a $2.50 clean up boy in 1977 redwood was still being used then a year or so later everyone went to Western Red Cedar. My buddy built his first deck out of redwood and lasted him 30+ years.
Ok I’m calling the Hip Surgeons on Monday! I have gotten a couple of injections lately and it worked for a while and I felt what it was like not to be hobbling around and have spasms while trying to sleep. It even helped with my drop foot! Wow what am I going to have to ***** about!? I bet I’ll find something Lol!

Anybody else having any age related issues needing fixing? Share
what you got? MM Support Group! LOL! Oh I just found out that
there are Surgeons that can fix nerve damage from pinched nerves. That’s something I want to check out as well for me and my BIL! I’ll finally get to feel the best in my life!
I just saw on the SFW website they have auctions for 5 deer hunts in NV, Sonoma and Utah. It’s out of my price range but maybe not out of yours. I think it’s runs for another 3 1/2 days
Does anyone still subscribe to Huntin Fool?
I got a email the other day I think I might get a subscription
I got a free subscription back in 07 I think the magazine is top notch. There was a drive to send stuff like this to the military. I actually got a very nice email from some Soldiers all in the same email of course thanking all of us for the mags their really loved HF and all the OL, FS. We all love our Military!
Joe those SD pheasants are twice as big as your dog.
He would be called a pocket dog for awhile. LOL
You are correct my friend! Her dad is a handsome looking devil! The owner said that Ryker has 100 pups “on the ground” so far this year! On the ground is a very popular term all the dog breeders use!?
set aside Nov 10th to17th.
Come up and have some fun.
Got a chair at the end of the field with your name on it.
set aside Nov 10th to17th.
Come up and have some fun.
Got a chair at the end of the field with your name on it.
I’m in Gator I’ll call the motel and get a room for those dates. I can’t wait! I’ve been looking up Pheasant recipes and found quite a few on Purdey’s website. It’s hard not to like Pheasant, even if you just salt pepper with celery salt and bake
I know it sounds crazy for this mixed up state but yes you can hunt deer with dogs. A lot of the country we have to hunt are giant live oak / chimise / manzinita thickets. Without dogs to get them up and moving these deer will just lay there and let you walk right on by. It's a lot like hunting quail, you have a split second to determine if it's a "shooter buck" then you better be able to shoot a running deer.

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Man I like that Jack Russell looking dog.
The little Frenchies are worthless, but cute as heck. Just like kids, after a few days - send them home. No reason to ever have a cat!!
I need help with this!
I have a bad problem of when I shoulder my gun I can see all the way down the barrel so I assume this causes me to shoot over the birds Correct? I also noticed now that my dominant right eye is to far right. I know Browning make Shims what type and size shim would I need to correct?
Weiner lost his right eye and right eye dominant could he shoot right handed but using his left eye?
I need help with this!
I have a bad problem of when I shoulder my gun I can see all the way down the barrel so I assume this causes me to shoot over the birds Correct? I also noticed now that my dominant right eye is to far right. I know Browning make Shims what type and size shim would I need to correct?
Weiner lost his right eye and right eye dominant could he shoot right handed but using his left eye?
There are books written about how to fit a shotgun, so here goes in 100 words or less.

First thing you need to do is pattern it. This is important for later. Shoot a big box or piece of flip chart paper. All shotguns pattern in a little different place and guys make a fortune “tuning” target guns to pattern better.

Now decide what looks good to your eye. Some guys like to stack the beads (also called figure eighting), and some like looking down a flat rib. My target gun shoots very high, so I see rib between the beads. But that’s for a rising bird and doesn’t necessarily work in the field, where I shoot a flat rib that covers the target.

Now obviously this is going to depend to large degree where your gun patterns, see #1 above. You may have to adjust your style to fit the gun.

Oh, and 99% of the time you shoot over a bird, it’s because you lifted your head to take a peek. ;)
I need help with this!
I have a bad problem of when I shoulder my gun I can see all the way down the barrel so I assume this causes me to shoot over the birds Correct? I also noticed now that my dominant right eye is to far right. I know Browning make Shims what type and size shim would I need to correct?
Weiner lost his right eye and right eye dominant could he shoot right handed but using his left eye?
I do, left eye is $hit I still shoot left handed shotgun, right hand for rifles
friends say I'm one of the best blind eye shooter they have seen LOL
I will show ya this fall.
Anyone know where a guy or gal can get any light loads for trap sheet shooting that does cost $10 a box $250 a case? I have almost a case of AA 20 gauge shells I guess I could do an even swamp for some 12 gauge light loads at the shooting range
shoot them light loads getting use to using both eyes on target.
Just like a gunslinger point where you want hit.
Hi all, I talked with a bud out Utah Way Tuedsay and when I asked what he was up to he said with an excited tone, I’m scouting for my UT Elk hunt, I asked was it a auction or did he draw the tag he said he finally drew and that he got the best tag in UT it’s the SJ Archery Tag!
I am so excited for him I can’t wait to see the monster he drags out of the SJ unit!
Good Luck Bud!
I asked this question before on here but can’t find it and I want new fresh answers and ideas anyway.
The Sikora household is getting a new addition to our home
it is a 10 week old female chocolate lab to be named Bella or Sadie.
So what are the best books preferably videos on training labs for waterfowl, upland, and shed hunting? I don’t know if it’s possible to do all that with one dog or not but thought I’d bring them up. Your own experience is great as well And probably even better

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