

After the 2 month, 4 thread war i was in about technology and how unethical long range shooters are, I don't want to hear another BS gripe about about "ethics" ever again after seeing this!

what’s the back story? Long range bow? No way it’s no different then my “Grandpas bow”
It would be interesting to know what he was aiming for. If he was going for the heart, he only missed by 2 feet and shows how desperate the dude is. Hell of a nice deer, but the picture would embarrass me. The dude looks like he is young, but this could haunt him later. His friends should have put a stop to the field photo until they cleaned up and prepared the deer for the world to see.
Hey slammy-daddy!

I never saw on any post where it said that buck was taken at long range. Since when are head shots at close range unethical?

You are a complete disgrace as a “representative” for average utah hunters.
Just imagine if this was an 800 yard shot with a 338 Lapua ?
You wouldn't have questioned it if that was the case.

I seen this post and have yet to see an explanation for the shot placement, until I've seen such an explanation I'm not saying anything but congrats on killing an absolute tank.

Truth is you have absolutely no clue what happened slam and therefore have no room to judge.
I once passed on a bull at 18 yards with just his head and neck sticking out from behind a tree. Someone later told me “at that range you could stick him in the eye”. After that I have always wondered what I’d do given a similar situation where an easy chip shot into the spine or jugular, or “the eye” could easily kill it and maybe even drop it in it’s tracks. So, not judging this situation either, at this time.
Also, jumping the string could’ve caused this result, too.
I had this same thing happen to me years ago. I took at 35 yard broadside shot at an alert buck. At the shot he ducked and spun arrow hit him right between the antlers. Sometimes **** happens you can’t account for.
I’ll put $ on it that the buck spun at the shot and this is what happened. I know the kids brother well and highly doubt that this shot was planned.
Even with a 220” buck I would have a hard time posting these pics for this exact reason that everyone assumes!!
You wouldn't have questioned it if that was the case.

I seen this post and have yet to see an explanation for the shot placement, until I've seen such an explanation I'm not saying anything but congrats on killing an absolute tank.

Truth is you have absolutely no clue what happened slam and therefore have no room to judge.
I have read dozens of posts about long range hunters making poor decisions, poor shots and unethical choices.
Do we ever have a clue on what happened regardless of weapon or incident before blame is placed?

The point of my thread is "Chit Happens" regardless of yardage or weapon.
This guy did not intentionally shoot this buck in the head, it was lucky shot placement failure.

I have recently read hundreds of posts on my tech threads from close range hunters blaming LRH for mishaps when it happens to all weapons.

Amazing buck, I'm happy it was recovered.
I have read dozens of posts about long range hunters making poor decisions, poor shots and unethical choices.
Do we ever have a clue on what happened regardless of weapon or incident before blame is placed?

The point of my thread is "Chit Happens" regardless of yardage or weapon.
This guy did not intentionally shoot this buck in the head, it was lucky shot placement failure.

I have recently read hundreds of posts on my tech threads from close range hunters blaming LRH for mishaps when it happens to all weapons.

Amazing buck, I'm happy it was recovered.
Thanks for finally answering my question.?
Cool buck.

Excuse me while I strain my supper through my teeth.

My goodness we’re a incorrigible bunch. He should be thrilled with the buck and post a picture of the damn thing if it fell on the arrow.
Had a friend shoot a bull elk, and at the shot it spun its head to look and took the arrow straight into the nose. Bellowing and whipping its head back and forth, it smashed the back of the arrow against a tree and drove it the rest of the way thru the sinus and into the brain!!! Stuff happens
in the old days…….. like when I was in my early 60s, the conversation went like this.

“get an arrow in that thing somewhere!”

Just kidding……..
Glad the guy got his deer. I pray I never have a shot go this bad.

Wait, I have had one.

375 yards with a 6.5 hipster, Shot, hit the buck in the shoulder, he did not go down. Started trotting off into thick cover. I panicked, fired another round at him while he was trotting, hit him in the nose, I lead him too far and aimed too high ......... **** happens.

I was also very fortunate and recovered my deer.
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Anyone still denying tech in hunting needs to be limited, better be typing on an apple 2 desktop, and not a Apple iPhone, otherwise you are showing how rapidly tech increases efficiency.

This is the deer my boy killed with a muzzy last year. It's eyes are bulged out because of a .50 cal slug that hit him between the eyes, killing him instantly. It was a split second before he pulled the trigger, but turned his head in front of his chest a the same time the powder went off.

Point being, chit does indeed happen.

Bigger point, I'll assume this came off IG?

WTH are we posting deer with arrows through their eyes for? It couldn't have been pulled?

Anyone still denying tech in hunting needs to be limited, better be typing on an apple 2 desktop, and not a Apple iPhone, otherwise you are showing how rapidly tech increases efficiency.

This is the deer my boy killed with a muzzy last year. It's eyes are bulged out because of a .50 cal slug that hit him between the eyes, killing him instantly. It was a split second before he pulled the trigger, but turned his head in front of his chest a the same time the powder went off.

Point being, chit does indeed happen.

Bigger point, I'll assume this came off IG?

WTH are we posting deer with arrows through their eyes for? It couldn't have been pulled?

View attachment 84542
I think you hit the biggest problem.... why on earth would someone post an instagram photo of a deer with an arrow stuck in the eyeball...... bad for the sport indeed.
That deer is dead as can be. Bad shot? Maybe, maybe not. The deer was likely dead before he hit the ground so that part don’t even matter.
Posting that photo for the whole world to see?
Poor taste IMO.
Anyone still denying tech in hunting needs to be limited, better be typing on an apple 2 desktop, and not a Apple iPhone, otherwise you are showing how rapidly tech increases efficiency.

This is the deer my boy killed with a muzzy last year. It's eyes are bulged out because of a .50 cal slug that hit him between the eyes, killing him instantly. It was a split second before he pulled the trigger, but turned his head in front of his chest a the same time the powder went off.

Point being, chit does indeed happen.

Bigger point, I'll assume this came off IG?

WTH are we posting deer with arrows through their eyes for? It couldn't have been pulled?

View attachment 84542
Same reason you posted the picture you did I guess?? Neither one is a great look for the sport if you ask me.
Same reason you posted the picture you did I guess?? Neither one is a great look for the sport if you ask me.


I guarantee it's not on IG, Facebook, or even in here in the pics. 100% because I know the difference in IG and MM. And even in MM, I don't post my kids faces. If you don't understand the difference in showing that "chit happens" and begging for likes, then I can't help you.

I did so to make that point completely.

I guarantee it's not on IG, Facebook, or even in here in the pics. 100% because I know the difference in IG and MM. And even in MM, I don't post my kids faces. If you don't understand the difference in showing that "chit happens" and begging for likes, then I can't help you.

I did so to make that point completely.
Your point was clearly made with out the picture is my point. You call out a young kid who shoots a buck of lifetime for posting his picture and then you post one just as offensive to some. Just seems a bit hypocritical to me.
On a more serious note, I think the arrow should have been removed for a picture that's going on the internet. When I look at this photo, I see immaturity on multiple levels. I think it's in poor taste to take this photo and broadcast it. Is it reality? Sure... But so is "droppin a deuce" and nobody normal wants to see that.
Your point was clearly made with out the picture is my point. You call out a young kid who shoots a buck of lifetime for posting his picture and then you post one just as offensive to some. Just seems a bit hypocritical to me.

The WHY matters.

My post was in defense of chit happening (arrows in the eye, bulging eyeballs).

I don't do grip and grins for social media likes to start with, but IF you have to do them, pull the arrow. It was already busted off.

The WHY is the issue. IG clout.
I’ve aimed at deer and elk’s ear holes and as best I could, between their eyes, with muzzleloaders and scoped rifle. I’ve mentioned it before. I got tired of tracking animals hit and not dropping instantly.

Not a typical strategy with a bow…… but… who am I to point a finger at someone for having done the same thing.

Shooting through an eye is worse than shooting through an ear or a forehead? Not in my mind. It just looks different. The eye is pretty dang close to the ear hole or the forehead.
Hey Lumpy!

All We Need is Your Pic!:D

I’ve aimed at deer and elk’s ear holes and as best I could, between their eyes, with muzzleloaders and scoped rifle. I’ve mentioned it before. I got tired of tracking animals hit and not dropping instantly.

Not a typical strategy with a bow…… but… who am I to point a finger at someone for having done the same thing.

Shooting through an eye is worse than shooting through an ear or a forehead? Not in my mind. It just looks different. The eye is pretty dang close to the ear hole or the forehead.
I never took picture of the spikes and yearling BC. If he was older I aimed at his lungs, I was willing to track a lung shot 4x4 with eye guards.

But for all my criticism of the critics who are horrified at a guy posting a picture of a dead deer with an arrow in its skull…… I have to admit to chewing out my own boys for wanting to hang the head of a deer over the tail gate, on the way home, so I am therefore guilty of my own hypocrisy.


Remember when You Could SPORT The Trophy & Not Get The FINGER?

I never took picture of the spikes and yearling BC. If he was older I aimed at his lungs, I was willing to track a lung shot 4x4 with eye guards.

But for all my criticism of the critics who are horrified at a guy posting a picture of a dead deer with an arrow in its skull…… I have to admit to chewing out my own boys for wanting to hang the head of a deer over the tail gate, on the way home, so I am therefore guilty of my own hypocrisy.
So you are insinuating this is "shot placement"?

Today's archery tech gadgets are this good that you can aim for the eye on a 220" buck?

I rest my case with the need for a technology committee.
Tell me that this won't happen if tech is limited and then we will all know the tech "limiting" committee is full of non-facts!

Predictions are just that, educated guesses but I'll say you'll see way more of this type stuff because the genie has been out of the bottle for so long!

Anyone still denying tech in hunting needs to be limited, better be typing on an apple 2 desktop, and not a Apple iPhone, otherwise you are showing how rapidly tech increases efficiency.

This is the deer my boy killed with a muzzy last year. It's eyes are bulged out because of a .50 cal slug that hit him between the eyes, killing him instantly. It was a split second before he pulled the trigger, but turned his head in front of his chest a the same time the powder went off.

Point being, chit does indeed happen.

Bigger point, I'll assume this came off IG?

WTH are we posting deer with arrows through their eyes for? It couldn't have been pulled?

View attachment 84542
Looks like that things parents were part pug.
Tell me that this won't happen if tech is limited and then we will all know the tech "limiting" committee is full of non-facts!

Predictions are just that, educated guesses but I'll say you'll see way more of this type stuff because the genie has been out of the bottle for so long!

My comment to Gator was hopefully as facetious as his assumption that it was perfect shot placement.

Meaning.....if today's advanced archery equipment is so good we can literally aim for a bucks eye, it should most definitely be looked at.
Before you all get on your high horse over the bummer part that he didn't remove the arrow for a pic- he is a kid and probably thought the picture was cool. And or maybe a friend that took the pic posted it before they talked. If you know different then splain it please.
What are you getting at with this thread slam besides starting another bias f$&@@ riff raff of bull **** about tech. When we really don’t even know the cause of why this happened. To me the deers dead he clearly recovered it got either lucky with the bad shot lucky placement or that’s all he had to finish it off and get it on the ground. So what kind of ammo are you trying to gain here with this? All I see is your out to stir ****. yes he could have removed the arrow but honestly it’s his pics he can do what he pleases with it. Everyone has they’re code of ethics but put into the situation with that caliber of deer very little thoughts of ethics are gonna come to mind and maybe bad choices are gonna be made. It’s hunting.
To whoever killed it awesome deer congrats!
What are you getting at with this thread slam besides starting another bias f$&@@ riff raff of bull **** about tech. When we really don’t even know the cause of why this happened. To me the deers dead he clearly recovered it got either lucky with the bad shot lucky placement or that’s all he had to finish it off and get it on the ground. So what kind of ammo are you trying to gain here with this? All I see is your out to stir ****. yes he could have removed the arrow but honestly it’s his pics he can do what he pleases with it. Everyone has they’re code of ethics but put into the situation with that caliber of deer very little thoughts of ethics are gonna come to mind and maybe bad choices are gonna be made. It’s hunting.
To whoever killed it awesome deer congrats!
Maybe you can go back through numerous threads with hundreds of posts about how advanced technology is needed on our weapons to lesson bad hits and increase shot placement for ethical reasons ?
Maybe you can go back through numerous threads with hundreds of posts about how advanced technology is needed on our weapons to lesson bad hits and increase shot placement for ethical reasons ?
I’ve read through the numerous threads and I think why? Like I just stated everyone has they’re code of ethics but a animal that any person presumes as big more than likely that code of ethics goes out the window and they’re mind goes straight to I need to get a shot out cuz you can’t say you had a chance if they’re was nothing in the air no matter if it’s 0 yrds to 100 with a bow. 0 to 400 with a muzzy or 0 to a mile with a rifle I don’t care if you have the latest and greatest or cap and ball a shot will get fired with that opportunity leading to possibly a bad shot or decision. But you also can’t tell me a scoped gun to 400 yrds on a muzzleloader isn’t gonna minimize that chance of losing something over a poor choice of someone doing it with open sites cuz they are gonna take that chance to get a bullet in the air and see if they get lucky. I see this more times than I see the 1% of the hunters running around that even have a gun capable. Yes bad choices get made, bad shots get made by people through any range, and yes I agree they’re is no room for electronics on guns or bows. I also think they’re is a a lot more important issue than this pitty issue about tech and that’s highway mortality, encroachment into winter grounds, destroying winter ground by chaining ever damn tree they’re is to hide behind, water. These are bigger issues than saving one buck for a rifle hunter to plow. And dishing out more tags for archery and muzzleloader cuz we got rid of tech so we can give out 10x more tags so now they’re is more opportunity well guess what they’re won’t be no opportunity when they’re isn’t a damn deer left.
I’ve read through the numerous threads and I think why? Like I just stated everyone has they’re code of ethics but a animal that any person presumes as big more than likely that code of ethics goes out the window and they’re mind goes straight to I need to get a shot out cuz you can’t say you had a chance if they’re was nothing in the air no matter if it’s 0 yrds to 100 with a bow. 0 to 400 with a muzzy or 0 to a mile with a rifle I don’t care if you have the latest and greatest or cap and ball a shot will get fired with that opportunity leading to possibly a bad shot or decision. But you also can’t tell me a scoped gun to 400 yrds on a muzzleloader isn’t gonna minimize that chance of losing something over a poor choice of someone doing it with open sites cuz they are gonna take that chance to get a bullet in the air and see if they get lucky. I see this more times than I see the 1% of the hunters running around that even have a gun capable. Yes bad choices get made, bad shots get made by people through any range, and yes I agree they’re is no room for electronics on guns or bows. I also think they’re is a a lot more important issue than this pitty issue about tech and that’s highway mortality, encroachment into winter grounds, destroying winter ground by chaining ever damn tree they’re is to hide behind, water. These are bigger issues than saving one buck for a rifle hunter to plow. And dishing out more tags for archery and muzzleloader cuz we got rid of tech so we can give out 10x more tags so now they’re is more opportunity well guess what they’re won’t be no opportunity when they’re isn’t a damn deer left.
Mule deer management is a 7 headed monster. No doubt about it.

In spite of a nation wide, huge decline in mule deer populations, there are a majority of hunters and State F&G administrators that are convinced there are still ways to increase hunting opportunities without killing more mule deer.

Some have stated here that sport hunting mule deer is not going to survive, therefore we should get all the hunting we can get before it’s gone.

Until the majority of hunters and F&G agencies throw this belief in the trash and we go back to focusing on growing mule deer rather than killing mule deer, the folks who believe mule deer hunting is doomed are going to be proven right.

So keep quarreling over these issues and watch the numbers continue to decline.
Mule deer management is a 7 headed monster. No doubt about it.

In spite of a nation wide, huge decline in mule deer populations, there are a majority of hunters and State F&G administrators that are convinced there are still ways to increase hunting opportunities without killing more mule deer.

Some have stated here that sport hunting mule deer is not going to survive, therefore we should get all the hunting we can get before it’s gone.

Until the majority of hunters and F&G agencies throw this belief in the trash and we go back to focusing on growing mule deer rather than killing mule deer, the folks who believe mule deer hunting is doomed are going to be proven right.

So keep quarreling over these issues and watch the numbers continue to decline.
In a round about way is kinda where I went with that last input on my post if we as hunters put as much effort as we did in this tech stuff that’s supposed to be represented by our good buddy slam. And put it into a real effort to bring back our herds with helping to reduce traffic mortality, disease, winter range, things like that I’m all for it. The herds have been **** long before scopes on muzzleloader advanced archery, and advanced rifle scopes. Down the road we are still gonna be seeing decline in deer and we are still gonna be questioning what can we get rid of now. We already are put in place a mid season rifle to give more opportunity we already have more opportunity for late season limited entry muzzleloader hunt on our general units for opportunity when is the opportunity line drawn when we say we can give more opportunity cuz they’re isn’t the animals to supply
Flatty................................................... check
Overpriced camo........................... check
Poor shot placement.................... check
Mossback or WLH watermark... ch....

Wait, something's not right here... This must be fake.
You missed the Hey Dude's.
In a round about way is kinda where I went with that last input on my post if we as hunters put as much effort as we did in this tech stuff that’s supposed to be represented by our good buddy slam. And put it into a real effort to bring back our herds with helping to reduce traffic mortality, disease, winter range, things like that I’m all for it. The herds have been **** long before scopes on muzzleloader advanced archery, and advanced rifle scopes. Down the road we are still gonna be seeing decline in deer and we are still gonna be questioning what can we get rid of now. We already are put in place a mid season rifle to give more opportunity we already have more opportunity for late season limited entry muzzleloader hunt on our general units for opportunity when is the opportunity line drawn when we say we can give more opportunity cuz they’re isn’t the animals to supply
I agree, with one acception. I know it sounds self aggrandizing but they called me to get my input before the implemented the mid season. By then I’d sworn off discussing issues with them so I told them I had nothing to offer. However, during that call they did say they where considering a mid season to spread out hunter pressure, not to increase tag numbers or grow more deer. I’ve never checked to see if that’s what they did or not. If they have increased tags by creating the mid season hunt, that is not what they told me there intended to do. So……. I can’t speak to your statement they are using the mid season to offer more opportunity.

Either way, I suppose it still goes to support your belief they are still not focusing on growing more deer….. in order to provide more opportunity. With which I agree whole heartedly.
My comment to Gator was hopefully as facetious as his assumption that it was perfect shot placement.

Meaning.....if today's advanced archery equipment is so good we can literally aim for a bucks eye, it should most definitely be looked at.
Yes Archery equipment show be looked at just as much as ML equipment.
SOME Bow guys can hit a eye at 20 yds and farther seen many arrows hit and split a arrow in tournaments. Now I never was that good but I had friends that was.
In a round about way is kinda where I went with that last input on my post if we as hunters put as much effort as we did in this tech stuff that’s supposed to be represented by our good buddy slam. And put it into a real effort to bring back our herds with helping to reduce traffic mortality, disease, winter range, things like that I’m all for it. The herds have been **** long before scopes on muzzleloader advanced archery, and advanced rifle scopes. Down the road we are still gonna be seeing decline in deer and we are still gonna be questioning what can we get rid of now. We already are put in place a mid season rifle to give more opportunity we already have more opportunity for late season limited entry muzzleloader hunt on our general units for opportunity when is the opportunity line drawn when we say we can give more opportunity cuz they’re isn’t the animals to supply
Seriously, you should catch up on everything that has been said in hundreds of posts.
You're a little late to want to discuss all the other issues affecting overall deer numbers at this point that are already being addressed in conjunction with emerging technology.
I agree, with one acception. I know it sounds self aggrandizing but they called me to get my input before the implemented the mid season. By then I’d sworn off discussing issues with them so I told them I had nothing to offer. However, during that call they did say they where considering a mid season to spread out hunter pressure, not to increase tag numbers or grow more deer. I’ve never checked to see if that’s what they did or not. If they have increased tags by creating the mid season hunt, that is not what they told me there intended to do. So……. I can’t speak to your statement they are using the mid season to offer more opportunity.

Either way, I suppose it still goes to support your belief they are still not focusing on growing more deer….. in order to provide more opportunity. With which I agree whole heartedly.
Your correct that is why they implemented the mid season. I didn’t think about that when I added that with opportunity, but In away it does give a edge of opportunity with a better opportunity for mature deer being shot cuz they’re still in that stage where they are still a little vulnerable. And they’re is still enough feed that hasnt fully froze and died in some higher ground where they maybe want to feed longer into and easier to be seen. Before they move down lower where it maybe a little tougher to find them like during the regular season rifle when they get into some deeper denser canyons.
Seriously, you should catch up on everything that has been said in hundreds of posts.
You're a little late to want to discuss all the other issues affecting overall deer numbers at this point that are already being addressed in conjunction with emerging technology.
Hahaha no I got it. Please enlighten me, please tell me we are gonna spend our hole 10% of the millions of profit we get for the “animal” from the conservation expo to chain more land lol Along with all our tag money.
Hahaha no I got it. Please enlighten me, please tell me we are gonna spend our hole 10% of the millions of profit we get for the “animal” from the conservation expo to chain more land lol Along with all our tag money.
Shouldn’t management always be taking feed back? The way your making it sound we should all take a back seat and leave it to the professionals ?
10 posts and all the sudden you're on top of everything??

Enjoy your day.
I don’t need to post a hundred posts to make myself look good or pretend I know everything. I’ve read your threads and all I have really seen from you specifically is no facts and baffle with bull **** with bias answers to some good questions. And I’m getting the same.
I don’t need to post a hundred posts to make myself look good or pretend I know everything. I’ve read your threads and all I have really seen from you specifically is no facts and baffle with bull **** with bias answers to some good questions. And I’m getting the same.
You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth and contradicting yourself in every other sentence!
Everyone bashing on the shot should maybe consider that the kid "might" have shot it on private land illegally without permission and "might" have had the head confiscated.
Everyone bashing on the shot should maybe consider that the kid "might" have shot it on private land illegally without permission and "might" have had the head confiscated.
You are correct, I did a little sleuthing myself.

Adds a little frosting to the shot placement ?
Anyone still denying tech in hunting needs to be limited, better be typing on an apple 2 desktop, and not a Apple iPhone, otherwise you are showing how rapidly tech increases efficiency.

This is the deer my boy killed with a muzzy last year. It's eyes are bulged out because of a .50 cal slug that hit him between the eyes, killing him instantly. It was a split second before he pulled the trigger, but turned his head in front of his chest a the same time the powder went off.

Point being, chit does indeed happen.

Bigger point, I'll assume this came off IG?

WTH are we posting deer with arrows through their eyes for? It couldn't have been pulled?

View attachment 84542
Hoss, I fixed it for internet viewing…

So they trespassed to get the deer and how does a deer shot in the head run onto the private?
Looks ro me like it just went through the eye socket, wouldn't have killed it right away.

In the comments he claims they showed two officers where the buck was, and a blood trail leading to the private. They also have call logs of them trying to get ahold of land owner, and officers. ?‍♂️ at that point what do you do?

He also has video of the guy kicking them off the hill so there is obviously someone who is disgruntled about the whole situation and trying to get them in trouble.
What part of utah is at 95 to a 100 degrees in the AM.
Also they where wrong for going after it on private blood trail or not.
The landowner has every right to not let them on the property to retrieve there deer.
The deer got taken because they where trespassing.
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I Just CRACKED a 2 Liter of DEW!

I'll Stick With Maybe Finding a PISSCUTTER In The High Country!

No Big Bucks!

No Other Hunters!

No Private Property!

And If I Ever Did See a Buck Of That Caliber I'd Never Be Able To Hit Him Anyway!:D
Wait! I thought you were eluding there are no more mature bucks in Utah because of technology. Well…that’s a dead 200 inch plus buck and I doubt anyone here knows the full story. Congratulations to the hunter.
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