trophy mounts / home for sale



My wife and I have our home for sale. Apparently our realtor says my trophy mounts have freaked some people out and I should take them down. I don't have a lot of them, but have invested a lot of time and money in the ones I do have, and don't want them ruined sitting in a storage unit, besides I am proud of my trophies, why should I take them down? Or should I lose my pride and sell the house?

P.S. The last three realtors to come through said "they liked them."

DO NOT TAKE THEM DOWN........let them cry babies buy somewhere else...better yet, tell their realator to stfa....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I could see it going either way. There are definitely some people out there that mounts make them uncomfortable. If that happens to be the person who might buy your house, then you could lose the sale by keeping them up. Personally I would consider taking them down. With how hard it is to sell a house these days I would take any advantage I could. Do you have any family members you could store them at instead of a storage unit?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-09 AT 10:39PM (MST)[p]>I could see it going either
>way. There are definitely
>some people out there that
>mounts make them uncomfortable.
>If that happens to be
>the person who might buy
>your house, then you could
>lose the sale by keeping
>them up. Personally I
>would consider taking them down.
> With how hard it
>is to sell a house
>these days I would take
>any advantage I could.
>Do you have any family
>members you could store them
>at instead of a storage

+1 on that one! I am a Realtor, and always tell my clients to take down their mounts or anything controversial or too personal, IE: Religious symbols or pictures, too many family photos, Hunting Trophies, etc... you want your home to look/feel as if the buyer could live there. You dont want them to feel as if their moving in to YOUR home, they need to feel as if they are moving into THEIR home. It might not hurt your chances of selling, but then again, it might. Why take the chance? And who cares who buys your house, you just want it sold right? Also, what if it goes the other way and the buyer LOVES your trophies, and they love them so much that they wont buy the house unless you throw them in! I have seen stranger things happen and the buyer usually wins!
If they are serious about buying the mounts are not gonna matter...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I can relate to what treriv is talking about . I sold a house a couple of years ago when the market was strong . I left the mounts on the wall . The little old asian lady that ended up buying my house wanted the mounts to come with the house . There was no way I was giving up my mounts , and I thought it was going to be a deal breaker . She ended up buying the house with out the mounts . I tried to give her a big ol gun safe because I didn't want to move it , but she didn't want the safe . The next time I list a house I will move all the mounts to storage , and make the gun safe part of the sale .
LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-09 AT 07:56AM (MST)[p]Hey Bucksnort...How many homes did you sell last year? :)
I was told the same thing yesterday by my Realtor. I agree with the idea. When you sell your house and its on the market its an item for sale. Anything that will improve your odds of selling should be taken in my opinion. If it means putting the heads in storage for a couple months and making a few extra thousand on the price of your house why not. Take the extra money and go on a nice hunt next year.
Get a grip. You hired a realator to do a job for you. Don't stand in his(her) way. Do what they ask. If they told you to trim the bushes to increase the curb apeal, or clean out the garage to make it look bigger, or remove items from the counter in the kitchen to make it look more inviting you wouldn't hesitate.....this is the exact same thing.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
How disperate are you to sale your house? If you need to be out quickly I would do everything I could to make the house more appealing to my investigaters. If you're not in a big hurry to sale the house I say keep the trophies up. After all you want to feel like you're living in your home not some strangers.

>How disperate are you to sale
>your house? If you need
>to be out quickly I
>would do everything I could
>to make the house more
>appealing to my investigaters. If
>you're not in a big
>hurry to sale the house
>I say keep the trophies
>up. After all you want
>to feel like you're living
>in your home not some

Seriously... C'mon! homes are depreciating in value every month! The longer it sits, the less its worth. Youre moving anyway, just box them up a little early.
Trevriv, how many homes did YOU sell last year? lol. All I am saying is don't let the big "R" that so many of us are proud to wear around stand for Retard :D You are right about taking down offensive material but if the home is a value in the buyers eyes, it WILL sell. The buyer should be able to feal comfortable in your home though. Also, the buyer does understand that you must live in your home at the same time. I know in my house I have a wall of 5 heads which are all muleys.....I'm right at home but I know some people that come over feal as if they are in a shrine to muledeer (big ones at that) :D! Bottom line, make your home as inviting as possible and be the best value. My rule of thumb is this: Little or no activity in the first 30 days.....drop your price. A few to 5 or 6 showings in 30 days and no offers.....drop your price. If you aren't priced competetively you might as well just take the sign down and stay cuz Trev is right.....we ARE still in a declining market and there is SOOOOOO much to choose from out there. Hope this helps but i'm sure your Realtor has already informed you of this and now i'm sounding like a broken record!!

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
I'm a Realtor. I'm not sure where in the state you are located but here in Santa Maria, we have a shortage of homes so prices are not decreasing. There are far less REO's being put out on the market and the amount of buyers have stayed the same. Supply and demand, you know? If I, as your agent, was being told the the mounts freak potential buyers out, I'd ask you to remove them as well. It is up to you. However, if you want to maximize your buyer potential, do what the agent asks of you. It is not what the seller is what the buyer wants. It has nothing to do with pride, it has to do with what is the most beneficial thing to do in that particular situation. Why would you turn potential buyers off? Now, if you have now where to put them that is safe, that is another story. I would suggest telling your agent that you will take them out of the home if he/she'll pay for the storage until the home sells. When it sells, you will reimburse the agent at the close of escrow. That way, you have no out of pocket money and the agent gets what he/she wants. Potential buyers are also happy. I hope this helps.


Sorry Trev where does it say that he's moving away? No wear! I have three houses up for sale in my neighborhood because the city is looking at expanding the road that runs behind their house. None of the home owners are going to sale their homes unless they get top dollar for it. You see they DON'T NEED TO SALE THEIR HOME. They are looking at moving because they don't want a road running behind their home in three years from now. In two years from now when the road is under construction maybe they will lower their asking price because they're a little more disperate.

Once again how desperately does fish4ever need to sale his house? If it's because money is tight, making a career change, or simply moving into an other home and can not afford to pay two moorages then he needs to do what ever he can to sale the house.

>Sorry Trev where does it say
>that he's moving away? No
>wear! I have three houses
>up for sale in my
>neighborhood because the city is
>looking at expanding the road
>that runs behind their house.
>None of the home owners
>are going to sale their
>homes unless they get top
>dollar for it. You see
>THEIR HOME. They are looking
>at moving because they don't
>want a road running behind
>their home in three years
>from now. In two years
>from now when the road
>is under construction maybe they
>will lower their asking price
>because they're a little more
>Once again how desperately does fish4ever
>need to sale his house?
>If it's because money is
>tight, making a career change,
>or simply moving into an
>other home and can not
>afford to pay two moorages
>then he needs to do
>what ever he can to
>sale the house.

Im just trying to help the guy. His Realtor is the professional and knows what he/she is doing... otherwise they wouldnt have hired him right? He also said that he is selling his "home", which probably means where he lives... otherwise he might have said "I'm selling one of my houses". Either way he should listen to his realtor. If people are offended, take it down...geez, its not that hard. "Top Dollar", what does that mean to you? an unrealistic price from 3 years ago. Or does that mean the highest price somebody is willing to pay for the home? Otherwise, the seller is the highest bidder... right? It doesnt matter what his motivation is when selling a home, as long as the home is priced right. He might need to be highly motivated to price the home to sell, but it really comes down to price. Wouldnt it be sad if there was another home for sale just like his for the same price and the buyers decided to buy the other home because they were offended somehow. If you went into a home and there were satanic symols everywhere or heaven forbid PETA crap everywhere... would you buy the house? I wouldnt!
I sold my home in Reno four years ago and did end up taking a few down as suggested by my realtor. I had 9 mule deer bucks, a antelope, and a ram. The big thing with the buyers was that the wall would be ruined behind each mount. I had to fix each 16 penny nail hole and when I finished, they could not even tell where they had been. But yes, it is a big problem unless you can talk to everyone who looks at the house and explain that the other side of the wall does not have a body sticking out ! Non hunters have no idea or any appreciation of our passion with mounted heads. Moose
My wife is in a bigger hurry to sale than I am. The only family in town with space to put them has there house up for sale to. We can afford our house right now but that could change next summer.

Thanks for the replays


where is this Common Sense Store at?
I want to start my Christmas shopping.

if you r goal is to sell the house, lose the mounts. store them at a friends or family members. my girl always watches the home channel and realtors always say that the home should appeal to the buyer not the seller.

It's right at the intersection "Listen Carefully" street and "Speak Slowly" avenue.

Being a fisherman and hunter I know you've been there alot. But you won't run into many liberal PETA vegetarians there. They shop at the Makes No Sense store located at the intersection of "Open Mouth" and "Insert Foot" streets.

I look at this issue from a way different perspective. You hired a realtor to sell the HOUSE. not whats in it. I have been to many open houses and have heard the people comment on the funiture or pictures, or whatever is in the home. I think realtors need to let buyers know they are there to look at the HOUSE and let the buyer know the current owner is still using the house. Why pull down your Mounts? They are not there for the mounts they are HOUSE shopping.
>I look at this issue from
>a way different perspective. You
>hired a realtor to sell
>the HOUSE. not whats in
>it. I have been to
>many open houses and have
>heard the people comment on
>the funiture or pictures, or
>whatever is in the home.
>I think realtors need to
>let buyers know they are
>there to look at the
>HOUSE and let the buyer
>know the current owner is
>still using the house. Why
>pull down your Mounts? They
>are not there for the
>mounts they are HOUSE shopping.
Investors buy houses and could care less what the furnishings are... Most homebuyers are buying HOMES, buyers buy from their emotions. They look at the house online, they look at the price, square footage, beds and baths, garage, etc... (thye are looking at the numbers). Once they get in the house... they are buying purely on emotion: does it feel good?
BTW, you do not have to be a member of PETA or HSUS to hate dead animals hanging on the wall. To some people it is disgusting or in poor taste, or just hillbilly. I personally love it. No matter how hard a realtor tries to sell a house they cant tell a client how to feel. And why would he, there is alot of inventory out there too choose from. Just move on to the next house. I personally have not bought homes because there was a wierd "feeling" that I got when I was in the house. Hunters are definately in the minority, sellers need to appeal to as many people as they can. And when sellers get picky as to who buys the home, they usually end up losing.
It's no big deal, take them to a sporting goods store or achery shop I'm sure they'd be glad to display them for a while, and sell your home. The market is brutal right now. Being a home builder for more than 20 yrs I totally agree with the post from the realtor. Don't let your own ideals ruin a sale.

Good Luck

Joe E Sikora
The most important important thing your realtor needs to do is talk you into pricing your house ahead of the curve. In most but not all places that curve is still a downward curve.

He or she should be-able to show a recent history of there own sales and those of others to back up that advise.

The house should be super clean, uncluttered, and depending on your area, yes maybe take down the mounts.
As a Realtor in Northern Utah,I always tell my clients to take down ANYTHING that may offend someone else.
Head Mounts,any religious articles,Alcoholic beverage signs,whatever.Even family pictures.You really want everything as NEUTRAL as possible.
A potential buyer usually wants to envision their things [pictures whatever] on the walls.
It comes down to the fact of do you want to take a chance on some one walking away because they dont agree with you trophys?
An agents job is to do the best he can to sell your home period.Overall EXPERIANCE shows, like it or not pull them down.
Or do you want to take the chance on your home staying on the market a few months longer or worse,just to make "your point".
There is a Real Estate Investor, a Realtor and a Lawyer. And you have a gun with two bullets...Which should you shoot?

You should shoot the realtor twice... Just to be sure.
>There is a Real Estate Investor,
>a Realtor and a Lawyer.
>And you have a gun
>with two bullets...Which should you
>You should shoot the realtor twice...
>Just to be sure.

Thats pretty funny! (and Im a realtor)

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