Where's the cleavage at??


Long Time Member
Amazingly, being the alcoholic perv that I am, I've never been to an Oktoberfest and dammit that has to change!! Soooo...anyone know of any in Utah or neighboring states coming up??








Morning dude and thanks for the link!! Says October 10th and 11th at 1:30pm "Adult Games"...any idea what these games are they speak of?? ;-)

I guess you don't see that stuff in UTAH, during the annual "Seagull Appreciation and Coffee Tasting Festival"?
Here's an interesting study I heard a radio show discussing this morning, I don't know if I agree with it or not....what do you guys say? I think I'd have to go with the boobs :D

Thursday September 30th, 2010

It's always funny to see a study that flies in the face of something the world holds as an irrefutable truth. Like this study, that says sweet voluptuous breasts with cleavage on display AREN'T the best way to get a guy to look at you.

Nope . . . according to experts out of the University of New South Wales in Australia, the female body parts that men are most drawn to are . . . the ARMS.

In their study, the researchers had men watch videos of 96 different women and rate them on attractiveness.

The women with LONG, TONED ARMS were consistently ranked as the most attractive.

That was a better predictor of attractiveness than breasts, legs, waist size, weight, or age.

It's not entirely clear WHY men are so attracted to long, toned arms. The researchers say it must just be a biological clue that the woman has good genetics, which triggers something in the male brain. (Times of India)
Well ya know what I gotta say about that?? Call Australia and tell em where we come from we like us some titties n beer!! And girls that are half queer :p


Jugs and mugs (actually steins but that don't rhyme) Mmmmmmmmmm...

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Arms?.......you mean like "firearms"?

Aussies', go figure!

Hell, I was probably 25 before I knew women had long slender arms!
I quit drinking a few years ago but damn, I could drink out of those....I mean drink to those!
Traditonal only >>>------->
Arms vs Breasts? Clearly one of those misguided studies by the academics that Wildman refers to up on the general forum. The study is flawed and I can prove it.

Boys, answer honestly. What do you notice first?

I'm going to apologize in advance to anyone I may offend by my next comment. And I sincerely do apologize but I can't pass up a situation like this.

If she were a lesbian, I'd be very interested in just what that arm smells like....

T&A Inspector
>LOL! I just jumped us up
>into locomotive status!! Them 'er
>T&A Inspector

LOL! OK your the inspector here. I would call them "Tube Socks"
Everyday, something new for the, "things you can't unsee" file. She's probably really nice though.......reminds me of BHWAR!
>No mug of beer needed here....

>T&A Inspector

Did you by chance see if she was wearing bottoms? lol


There are no big bucks in Utah! LOL
Do your boobs hang low? do they wobble to and fro? can you tie them in a knot? can you tie them in a bow? can you throw them over your shoulder like a continental shoulder? do your boobs hang low?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-10 AT 09:37PM (MST)[p]>No mug of beer needed here....

>T&A Inspector

MY GAWD those things look like old tube socks with watermelons in them!!!!!!

SW- Who would want to know????? Probably a BUCKWHEAT ON A BAD HAIR DAY BUSH!!
The sad thing is WIZ would still hit it. LOL

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