who enters in B&C books??


Active Member
Just a curious thought, but I was wandering how many people actually enter their animals into the books and how many don't. I personally don't but do score them. I figure that anyone that wants to see some of my animals has but to ask, I dont need to have them printed. Nothing against the books just want to see others views?
I look at the B&C records book as just that...a book to record the harvest of North American big game. I have spent many a hours pouring reading through B&C books looking for patterns in states, counties, areas on where the greatest potential for the biggest animals lies. I would like to see all score sheets completed by official scores go into the books (drop the entry fee) so the record (aka history) of big game harvest could be more complete.
I also have mixed emotions about the book. I have many friends that are game wardens and they say that it is very highly unlikely that all of these animals were taken 100% legally. They know many of the names in the book or the family have bad reputations for harvesting animals illegaly. I dont like the fee either but I guess they have to get money somehow. The hard part is thinking that not all of these animals were taken legally and that really puts a bad taste in my mouth.

I took one of my bucks to get scored at our local sportsmans show by certified scorers. The first time I took it, my buck scores 181 Net B&C. The next year I took my buck back to get scored and it only went 178 Net B&C. This was all it took for me. The only time I will enter a buck is if its a bull pushing 400 or a buck pushing 200.
It has its faults, but I think its a good system. Now I need to shoot one. All of my Pope and Young bucks are entered.
I think you should, to me it is a historical record, and will be around a lot longer then you. I think you owe it to the state, the county and (OMG I'm going to catch hell for this) the animal, not to mention TR.

Just my opinion,

I only have one book animal but personally I would not and will not enter it or any other I might take in the future. The score is nice for a measuring stick so you know what you have. But to me, reducing a majestic wild animal to a simple number in a book is somewhat disrespectful. JMHO.
Sneakem, how many have you taken that would make book? Must be a nice collection.

I am curious why you guys wouldn't enter them. I understand the whole respect angle, but for the majority of us that most likely will never harvest a book animal, it is always nice to see pics and read about them..................rf
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-05 AT 06:41PM (MST)[p]I entered my Kodiak Brown Bear in the latest Boone & Crockett all time book.
I have a Mountain Lion, a Black Bear and an antelope that would go awards book, but I don't think I'll enter them.
Yes, there is some prestige (in my opinion) in taking an "all time" animal regardless of the species.
If you don't like it, don't do it.
Different strokes for different folks.
I have not shot a buck that would make the books, but i would be damn proud to enter my buck if it made the score. If you consider recording the size of your animal disrespect, then wouldn't be out hunting for trophies. I guess i dont' understand how you can desire to shoot a buck based on its size(you sure don't shoot those old bucks for their meat!)and then not show your pride in that animal to as many people as you can. If i ran and won a marathon, but fell over dead at the finish line. i would still want them to run my results in the paper...just my thoughts
It just ruins it for me when not all of the animals were legally taken. Some of these old bucks that pop up now and then I believe should not be recognized because there is no proof of legitimacy; however there is also no sure fire way now to proof legitimacy. I love the scoring system because talking with people around here it gives you a reference to compare bucks. I have seen 180 class bucks with all kinds of racks so a scoring system really helps.
My experience has been that MOST guys that say they wouldn't enter one havn't killed one yet or it wasn't completely legal. I am an OM for B&C and believe me, if you bring a head to me and I know it wasn't taken legally, it IS NOT getting measured or entered. There are no dought alot of illegals in the book but B&C is serious about not allowing them and I believe they do all they can to keep them out. Believe it or not, they do investigate and remove illegaly taken animals.

I just don't know why I haven't entered any bucks into the books. I think some of it is embarrasment and probably alot of it is the chit I would take from jealous hunters. If I whacked a top ten buck I would more than likely enter him. Here is to a successful new year. Cheers
I come from a small town where if you mentioned the B&C or P&Y, they would give you crap for even thinking about it. In earlier years, I would never enter an animal in the books becasue I didn't want to call attentin to the area. Then the Pansaugaunt was made a limited entry area, and I didn't need to worry about it any more. Of course, you didn't need to worry about taking a book animal prior to that either. Now with hunts like the LE Elk where if you're lucky, you'll get to hunt once or maybe twice in your life it doesn't really matter. The book does help you explain to your friends the kind of buck/bull you've seen. I like it if for nothing but that.

I personally have taken many B.C. animals but do not enter any of them. I know what they score don't need them in a book.I also believe the S.C.I. method of scoring where they don't take deductions is a much better scoring system, if the buck grew it, give it to them.I have helped score hundreds of animals for B.C. as one of my best friends is a official B.C. scorer. I think it is used by many hunters as a measure of what a buck looks like. If you tell some one you killed a 185 buck a knowable humter knows much more about that buck than if you told him you killed a 26inch buck. I personally have seen people who have killed outstanding animals get called poachers and everything else, people that consistently kill big animals are almost always doubted. Look at the messages on this board everytime a huge buck is killed. I too would like to see the hunters name dropped and just the bucks score posted. This would do away with a lot of resenrment, jealousy and envy of the guys that kill all the good bucks. Remember you can't kill a big one when you keep shooting allthe little ones.
A friend shot a big non-typical Mule back in 1973 outside of Big Piney, Wyo. Never had it measured until his son-in-law took it back in 1995 and had it scored, it came out with a score of 252-2/8's.
After some talking he entered the buck in the 25th B&C Awards and his head was taken back to Kansas City for the Awards Presentation. They panel score it there and guess what, he gained in over all net score and it is recorded as 259-5/8's and was awarded 3rd Place in Competition there. So some scorer's can make a mistake, I have not seen the final score sheet to see where the 7-3/8's difference was made yet.

A good friend of mine is also an official scorer for B&C. He gets kind of frustrated because about half of the animals he scores that qualify for the book never get entered. It's not that easy to do you know. The hunter has to submit photos and a map showing the location of the kill (this may only apply to Blacktails I'm not sure), submit a copy of the tag along with $40. The hunter signs a paper stating the animal was taken under fair chase and it has to be notorized.

I don't believe it's the scorers responsibility to do an investigation as to the legality of the trophy, even though he may have suspicions. I do share your concerns about the illegal entries though.

All B&C scorers do it voluntarily and receive no compensation for their efforts. So if you have no intention of entering your trophy you should probably just measure it yourself. Just my opinion and maybe alot of measurers don't mind.

If I was ever fortunate enough to take a book animal I would enter it for sure. It would be mostly luck on my part, maybe that's why it would seem so special.
A have taken 2 that would make b&C and 2 that would make P&Y, but I was raised to believe that I don't need to seek glory over an animals life I took. My family was traditionally meat hunters. My grandfather and relatives used to take large bucks. Unless they were somewhere in the high 30-40 range, they would take the meat and leave the antlers in the field. Don't see many bucks like that anymore. I like to hunt big horns because it typically signifies a mature deer that has lived through everything. A battle of skill and survival I guess you'd call it. However several times ive hunted i've taken smaller animals just to fill a freezer because the meat meant more to me than horns. In my book every animal I've taken is a trophy regardless of size and score.
Have many that qualify for P&Y (7?), Longhunter (12) and B&C (1). Although I have official score sheets on most of them I will not enter them as a lot of information can be gathered from looking at the forms... area, drainage etc... unless of course you lie about the info. Just content knowing what I have but have nothing against those that do enter theirs.

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
Good point that I strongly believe in. Some people say it was probably not legal or you just haven't killed one. But how many good hunters do you know that are going to give in essence the GPS location of there favorite hunting spots??? Not me for one. Thats why big animals are there because its not running rampant with horn seekers!! I agree with deerking I'm not against the books they're just not for me.
I have killed at least 15 B&C Mule Deer bucks but I just am a meat hunter so I usually leave the horns. Just knowing they are B&C is good enough for me.

Waving the BS Flag,


PS: Hint to "meat hunters" shoot spikes and fork horns, they taste better...
Jeff, you and I share the exact same sentiments. Not for me, but no prob with those who do enter.

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