WISZARD I have a new Hero!!!


Very Active Member
Just finished reading the ESPN article about Stevie. I laughed I cried What a blessing she is in the lives of so many.
Wow! What a courageous young lady. Hit kind of close to home here as our daughter went through some physically tough times. You got to be beaming with pride Wiz. Great write up.
Unbelievable story of a true winner in life. Her great grandkids are going to enjoy her telling them all about it! A true BRUIN!
Thanks guys for all the nice comments...and thanks feddoc for posting the schedule. The series vs James Madison is gonna be tough. The pitcher they'll be facing is exceptional and throws in the low 70's. Stevie is thankful for everything that has been put in front of her. She realizes it has made her the person she is today. Thanks for giving her props....she's an incredible kid.


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
WOW....what an amazing and inspirational story....you deserve to be a very proud dad Steve.....what a kid.

Nothing makes a parent more proud than seeing their child succeed. One tough little gal you got there!
LAST EDITED ON May-22-19 AT 08:57PM (MST)[p]and....that doesn't happen without great parenting.....

LAST EDITED ON May-22-19 AT 09:33PM (MST)[p]I just got done reading about your daughter! What an amazing and impressive young lady you have! Hats off to you parents.
The Lead Story all day on ESPN online.....that is awesome for your family.

She has what I call "guts"...what an inspiration!!
Wow, Wiszard what a great story. What an inspiration she is.

Homer nailed it above when he said great parenting. People like your daughter dont just happen...

Above all I hold people who are great parents who mold great people the highest.

Congrats to your whole family.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
That young lady has tremendous courage and should be the perfect example to any young person that feels like giving up. Give her a hug and big pat on the back from all of us, she has earned it 1,000 times over.

>That young lady has tremendous courage
>and should be the perfect
>example to any young person
>that feels like giving up.
>Give her a hug and
>big pat on the back
>from all of us, she
>has earned it 1,000 times
+ 1000
LAST EDITED ON May-23-19 AT 11:31AM (MST)[p]Amazing young lady!! I would bet there will be lots of high school and college programs that will want her to share her inspiring story with their programs.
What an incredible young lady! Restores my faith in humanity and reminds us of what's important.....to live life today! Can?t even imagine the roller-coaster ride you and you family have endured over the years, Wisz.....you have my complete respect and admiration!

BOHNTR )))---------->
LAST EDITED ON May-23-19 AT 10:33AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-23-19 AT 10:17?AM (MST)

>Thanks guys for all the nice
>comments...and thanks feddoc for posting
>the schedule. The series vs
>James Madison is gonna be
>tough. The pitcher they'll be
>facing is exceptional and throws
>in the low 70's. Stevie
>is thankful for everything that
>has been put in front
>of her. She realizes it
>has made her the person
>she is today. Thanks for
>giving her props....she's an incredible
>Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good
>health for granted because it
>can be gone in a
>heartbeat. Please go back and
>read the last line. This
>time really understand what it

JMU game is gonna be tough. I'll be watching. **For those of you interested, the game starts at 6pm PST Friday on ESPNU.

Good on ya Wisz.

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
That apple didn't fall far from the 2 trees that raised up a awesome lady.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Absolutely an amazing story. Very good write up. I enjoyed it. Props to you, your family and most importantly, your daughter. You must be soo proud. Let me know how your NV draw goes. I'd like to meet you some day.
What a story and how proud you must be of her. I had a pace maker installed in 2011 for a hereditary family issue and I depend on it 88% of the time.

She is a very strong woman and I pray everything will be good for her to go from this point on.

My thoughts and prayers are with you Wiz

Wow, what a neat story. Such a neat girl. Shes going to make somebody very happy one day. Such an inspiration.
LAST EDITED ON May-26-19 AT 09:54PM (MST)[p]Thanks for the kind words....I've been in Fort Collins for the NISC softball tournament for my other daughter so haven't been able to get on here. My wife was able to go to the UCLA games this weekend and they were successful at beating James Madison 2straight games so they will be making their fourth trip in a row to the World Series in Oklahoma City. It's been quite the whirlwind the last couple of weeks with two girls playing softball but it is most definitely a blessing. I gave all the credit to my daughter Stevie for handling her health issues the way she does. I do appreciate the comments about the parenting my wife and I am done. Just as most of us do? Our best is all we can give and hopefully it's enough. I hope y?all had a good weekend.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Liberty was the first eliminated. LMU lost to University of Texas-Arlington and then was eliminated by Iowa State on Saturday. Delanie was awarded the MVP at her regionals in Reno which was a great accomplishment for her. I appreciate you asking. UT-Arlington won the tournament. LMU won is last year. I actually thought Liberty would win it this year so that proves that when you get to the finals, anything can happen.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
I was out of town, but if I hadnt been, and heard one of your girls were playin here, and you didnt give me the heads up, I'd a been pissed! If they wind up here next year, let us know! Be a kick to see em play!

Sorry...I didn't know you lived in Fort Collins. It is a really nice area. Even saw some antelope on the way back into Denver which was pretty cool.

The NISC will hold that tournament finals there every year. Triple Crown built that facility for that purpose from what I understand. It is on Automation Way. I am hoping we can beat BYU next year and make the NCAA tournament instead of the NISC. BYU should be in a larger conference. It's BS to say the least.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
I've read it's a pretty nice facility, never been to it. Sounds like the outfield wall is interesting.

It is...its called the "14'er". Looks taller than 14 feet but heard it was called that because it is 214 feet from home plate. One of our girls hit the first one over it in game 1. That thin air lets that ball goooooooo.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
>Liberty was the first eliminated. LMU
>lost to University of Texas-Arlington
>and then was eliminated by
>Iowa State on Saturday. Delanie
>was awarded the MVP at
>her regionals in Reno which
>was a great accomplishment for
>her. I appreciate you asking.
>UT-Arlington won the tournament. LMU
>won is last year. I
>actually thought Liberty would win
>it this year so that
>proves that when you get
>to the finals, anything can
>Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good
>health for granted because it
>can be gone in a
>heartbeat. Please go back and
>read the last line. This
>time really understand what it


My wife said nothing about you being in Reno.

Next time they play there, let me know.

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
I didn't go to the Reno Regional...we went down to watch the UCLA Regional instead. Good to know where a few of you are located now if we ever head that way. :)

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Yes sir!! Pretty lucky play.....that's the way the ball bounces though...literally!

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Serendipity: I had just read this and then was looking for the Rockies game on TV and saw Stevie on ESPN.Hasbean
Made it to the Championship series!!

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Awesome! Could be the storyline of one of the best sports shows of all time. Congrats Wisz on an amazing daughter and being a National Champ!
Congrats Wiszard! My wife pitched for Washington, so it was hard to root for UCLA, but we all couldn't help it after the article and her story.

Congrats to you, your family, and her strength. You should be proud!!!

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."

Another great interview from her last night.

So happy for you guys Wisz!! It has been an amazing ride watching them capture the championship and go through everything. Definitely one of the best college athletic stories you will ever read. Stevie is just an awesome young woman - in all aspects of her life. You did good bud!!

Oh hey, Wisz - have I ever mentioned I have a 21 year-old son? ;-)


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I always knew there was a reason I liked you Steve. Your daughter pretty much tells the story. A big congratulation to her and the rest of your family. I might be working on a another deal for you. I'll keep you in the loop...RAS

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