Robert Duval


Very Active Member
Watching Open Range with Robert Duval and Kevin Costner. Costner is good in this movie but I like Duval better.
The question I got do you like Robert Duval when he was younger "Rooster Cogburn", "Apocalypse Now" or aged Duval "Open Range", "Second Hand Lions".
Another question do you like his westerns "Lonesome Dove," "Broken Trail," "Joe Kid" or his roles that was not westerns "The Godfather," "Great Santini," "Days of Thunder".
A movie he did a few years back the "Judge" it had Robert Downey JR, I thought was pretty good.
He has had a pretty amazing career and still going. He might be the last of the truly great actors. He has never been type casted.
Name a couple movies
Watching Open Range with Robert Duval and Kevin Costner. Costner is good in this movie but I like Duval better.
The question I got do you like Robert Duval when he was younger "Rooster Cogburn", "Apocalypse Now" or aged Duval "Open Range", "Second Hand Lions".
Another question do you like his westerns "Lonesome Dove," "Broken Trail," "Joe Kid" or his roles that was not westerns "The Godfather," "Great Santini," "Days of Thunder".
A movie he did a few years back the "Judge" it had Robert Downey JR, I thought was pretty good.
He has had a pretty amazing career and still going. He might be the last of the truly great actors. He has never been type casted.
Name a couple movies
You missed one of my favs -- Tender Mercies. It got little attention from the public, but Duvall won an Oscar for his role as washed up country singer, Mac Sledge.

I happened upon it by accident many years ago & have seen it about 5 times. I liked the song "Over You," sung by Betty Buckley. I can't recall for sure, but I think it was nominated for an Oscar, too.

The "Judge" was also a decent flick.
I rarely watch movies! Second Hand Lions is probably my favorite. Old guy thing I guess.
I had to look up who he was and hes a beautiful person and great actor. I can totally see why you have a man crush on him.
Sometimes talent alone isn't enough.

There's a lot of very talented singers. But few can pull off songs because they either didn't have life experience to go with it, or didn't have a pack a day habit to add to their voice.

Duvall in Lonesome Dove was the perfect example. He looked like the man he was playing. It wasnt visually impossible to believe he was still tough enough to not be messed with, and still man enough to possibly satisfy a younger woman, but still old enough to know better, or seek it out.

In Gone in Sixty seconds, I didn't think he fit the role as well as others would.

But then, I'm in that age group of dudes who might still be tough enough, but really don't want to find out, so I have a connection to those parts in shows
You guys got me wanting to do a binge watch of Lonesome Dove again. I just watched Open Range for the 3rd or 4th time last week. Same with the Natural, where Duval plays the pesky reporter.
“Besides whiskey, I think we’ll require a little respect…if you care to turn around, you’ll see what we looked like when we was younger and people around here wanted to make us senators. What we didn’t put up with back then was doddlin‘ service, and as you can see, we still don’t put up with it”
He looked like the man he was playing. I really don't mean he was raised as a cowboy. But When you know the real a OLD COWBOY's he was every bit like them no backup in the way they lived.
Watching Open Range with Robert Duval and Kevin Costner. Costner is good in this movie but I like Duval better.
The question I got do you like Robert Duval when he was younger "Rooster Cogburn", "Apocalypse Now" or aged Duval "Open Range", "Second Hand Lions".
Another question do you like his westerns "Lonesome Dove," "Broken Trail," "Joe Kid" or his roles that was not westerns "The Godfather," "Great Santini," "Days of Thunder".
A movie he did a few years back the "Judge" it had Robert Downey JR, I thought was pretty good.
He has had a pretty amazing career and still going. He might be the last of the truly great actors. He has never been type casted.
Name a couple movies
Is there anything he did that wasn’t good on his part? Clint Eastwood is still my favorite but he had a couple of movies I shook my head at.
Duval, Eastwood and Morgan Freeman are some of my favorites. Lately I am liking Mark Wahlberg's acting/movies, but I am not sure I would quite put him in the category of the previously mentioned three.
Kinda from this era and a gang/cop flick from the 80's is Colors. He provided good character there. Not your typical Duval.
I had to look up who he was and hes a beautiful person and great actor. I can totally see why you have a man crush on him.
Yup, got a man crush on his make believe characters anyway. Don’t know anything about the guy except, in my opinion, he’s the greatest character actor that’s ever played a roll.

Based on what I’ve seen, he could have played Dorothy or Alice and still been nominated for best actress.

Of all the guys in the movie industry that might be interesting to spend an afternoon visiting with ( and I could count them on one hand), Duval would be the one most interesting to me. I would enjoy deciding if he’s a nut case, like 99% of them, or as interesting as he seems.

Based on what I think of the rest of those folks, I’m probably better off of living with the illusion.

Kind of like spending an afternoon with SS!….. to confirm my bias or live with that illusion. ?

I still morn the passing of the John Carson Show because of how he was able to pull back the curtain on the people he had on the show. He let them talk and teased their personalities to the surface. These goof ball wackos today, couldn’t charm a pig to a trough full of Georgia peaches.
Many years back (around 2001/2002) my hunting partner spent a week in Costa Rica at Crocodile Bay Resort, where the wife and I like to go. Robert Duval was there the entire week, with a complete entourage. My buddy said he was very quiet and aloof, and only spent time with his group of friends. was not friendly or outgoing at all. Had a stunning girlfriend then, whom I assume is his wife now.
Saw Duval yesterday on a show from the 60's called "Combat" He played a German medic captured by a squad of American soldiers.
That was 1965. I watched the first 15 minutes before I realized Duvall played the part of a German....LOL!
Shows his versatility. In the movie I watched last night, he plays a somewhat kookie grandpa who takes his grandson for a night on the town in a Mexican border town, where they proceed to get in trouble at every turn.
Someone here mentioned that Duvall wasn't a cowboy....and that is true...I had a video years ago about the making of Lonesome Dove and the livestock contractor was interviewed. He claimed Duvall was the most natural horseman he had ever outfitted.

Remember the scene when Blue Duck's men fired at Gus and his horse rodeo bucked???....that wasn't in the script but Duvall rode it so well they wrote it in.....
Someone here mentioned that Duvall wasn't a cowboy....and that is true...I had a video years ago about the making of Lonesome Dove and the livestock contractor was interviewed. He claimed Duvall was the most natural horseman he had ever outfitted.

Remember the scene when Blue Duck's men fired at Gus and his horse rodeo bucked???....that wasn't in the script but Duvall rode it so well they wrote it in.....
Still a great movie to re-watch if you have a free day.
Wow you have lead a sheltered live. LOL
I know right, I just discovered the Sopranos a couple of weeks ago, Seinfeld and Two and Half Men recently also, amongst many other popular movies and shows. The vast majority of my 30 year career was spent on night shift. Im retired now and have more TV time unfortunately.
I never got into any of those comedy shows. I resent having someone tell me when something is supposedly funny, which is the purpose of the laugh track.

In the 1990s. I had a fellow writer from Ohio come out for an elk hunt in the Selway-Bitterroot WA in Idaho with an outfitter friend of mine. I had him arrive a week early so we could do some wildlife photography before the hunt.

The first night in the motel in Gardiner, MT, he tuned the TV to Seinfeld. I had watched it one time for about 10 mins. He loved it. I took a book & went in the john to read until it was over.
Well, it’s 24/7 news, reality garbage or Cop shows it seems. I’ve had my fill of all of those, although I still pick my moments for the news. Magnum PI is another show I discovered recently. I’m just trying to catch up I reckon. ?
I might get Hulu or something else but I have no idea how. I think we need new TV's. A smart TV? I mentioned Netflix the other day and my wife said f*** Netflix, and she doesn't even cuss.
I just watched it last week on Tubi. It's free. Just need to contend with a few ads. My cable company -- COX -- has an app where I can watch it on TV, which is what I did.
That's all Greek to me. An app from my cable provider....???
I have every cable premium movie channel available, free access thru my cable provider to Peacock, Tubi and also a paid subscription to Netflix. After dinner, about the only stuff I watch are movies. I rarely even tune into a major TV network other than for sports programing.

Tubi has an incredible array of movies & TV shows from the oldies on up & lots of the B-variety, many of which I had never heard of before. Right now, I'm on the first season of North & South, which aired starting in 1985. It has huge cast of stars, both as regulars & guest appearances.
I might get Hulu or something else but I have no idea how. I think we need new TV's. A smart TV? I mentioned Netflix the other day and my wife said f*** Netflix, and she doesn't even cuss.

That's all Greek to me. An app from my cable provider....???
Yup, when I tell my voice remote "apps," I get a screen full of them. Some are free & some like Amazon Prime & Hulu cost $. When I select TUBI, it leaves COX & actually loads the internet site on my TV. And no, I don't have a smart TV; COX is taking care of that part.

Now, that said, YOU can watch Tubi online with your computer. Use the link I put in the message you replied to. And if you have the proper cables, you can even hook it up to your TV if it's a fairly new one with the right connections -- HDMI, etc.
I might get Hulu or something else but I have no idea how. I think we need new TV's. A smart TV? I mentioned Netflix the other day and my wife said f*** Netflix, and she doesn't even cuss.

That's all Greek to me. An app from my cable provider....???
Forgot ...who is your cable provider??
I might get Hulu or something else but I have no idea how. I think we need new TV's. A smart TV? I mentioned Netflix the other day and my wife said f*** Netflix, and she doesn't even cuss.

That's all Greek to me. An app from my cable provider....???
You can use Tubi on all of the following devices and platforms. The one I highlighted in RED seems to be your best choice right now unless you have one of the other things listed.

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I never got into any of those comedy shows. I resent having someone tell me when something is supposedly funny, which is the purpose of the laugh track.

In the 1990s. I had a fellow writer from Ohio come out for an elk hunt in the Selway-Bitterroot WA in Idaho with an outfitter friend of mine. I had him arrive a week early so we could do some wildlife photography before the hunt.

The first night in the motel in Gardiner, MT, he tuned the TV to Seinfeld. I had watched it one time for about 10 mins. He loved it. I took a book & went in the john to read until it was over.
Chit ODW… wished you’d have shared that months ago…..
“ I resent having someone tell me when something is supposedly funny,”

I’ve spent at least half of my remaining life trying to humor you…….. now what I’m supposed to do?
I have no problem laughing when something is funny as much of your humor is. Of course, sometimes it's not so clear in the written word. That's not the case with hearing it, which is why I don't need to listen to an annoying laugh track.
Just saw part of the movie Mash, didn't realize Duvall played Frank Burns in it. He was also in a classic Twilight Zone episode that I saw a while back.
I have no problem laughing when something is funny as much of your humor is. Of course, sometimes it's not so clear in the written word. That's not the case with hearing it, which is why I don't need to listen to an annoying laugh track.
? Just messing with ya ODW. Just bored and entertaining myself. It’s all cool……. but Archie’s script was pretty funny to us intellectual midgets……. at least when prompted by the sound effects…. ?
? Just messing with ya ODW. Just bored and entertaining myself. It’s all cool……. but Archie’s script was pretty funny to us intellectual midgets……. at least when prompted by the sound effects…. ?
Back in Archie's day, there was no cable to speak of, so I was forced into watching network TV for the most part. We had only four main channels here until the early 80s -- the three majors & one independent one. 'All in the Family' was one of the better things to watch, even with the laugh track. Laugh tracks remind of those shows with live audiences where they hold up or light a goofy 'applaud' sign.
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Back in Archie's day, there was no cable to speak of, so I was forced into watching network TV for the most part. We had only four main channels here until the early 80s -- the three majors & one independent one. 'All in the Family' was one of the better things to watch, even with the laugh track. Laugh tracks remind of those shows with live audiences where they hold up a goofy 'applaud' sign.
I was a kid during that time. I remember those days quite well, as a matter of fact my dad had one of the earliest remote controls ever made. He would say boy get up and change it to 7, now go back to 5, wait what was that on 4. Turn it around and I’ll tell you when to stop. Most of my television watching during those days was like a foot from the tv…..
The TV the bear is watching his favorite fishing show on is one of Hitachi's first state-of-the-art rear projection models. Mine is the 50" one, which cost me about $2500 in the early 2000s. I now have a Samsung 48" flat screen that was also more than $2K in about 2010 on top of the Hitachi.

The Samsung has a superb picture compared to the current day flat screens from Vizio, LS, etc. A while back, the circuit board that controls the on/off/power function went belly up. I researched & found it was a common problem with that model. Hitachi had used bad capacitors. They even got sued over it.

I found two boards on ebay. One was $25 & the other was $20. I bought them both. It took me about an hour to change it out. Most of that time was spent removing & replacing about 40 screws that held the back cover in place. That was more than two years ago; I still have the 2nd spare board in reserve.

When necessary, I can watch stereo TV -- if the bear lets me. ;) The most likely times are college football game days. With the 'last channel' buttons on each TV, I can basically hop around four different games on a Sat. afternoon.


This is the 'stack' now...
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There is also PLUTO TV it has channels dedicated to old TV series The Beverly Hillbillies, I Love Lucy, The Carol Burnet Show, they also have a large selection of Movies.
I might get Hulu or something else but I have no idea how. I think we need new TV's. A smart TV? I mentioned Netflix the other day and my wife said f*** Netflix, and she doesn't even cuss.

That's all Greek to me. An app from my cable provider....???
And I can also watch Peacock online for free. Just need to see some ads. It has all the seasons of Yellowstone even.
There is also PLUTO TV it has channels dedicated to old TV series The Beverly Hillbillies, I Love Lucy, The Carol Burnet Show, they also have a large selection of Movies.
I forgot about that one. (y)

I get it free -- with ads, of course -- through COX, as well.

Eel could watch it online.
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