

Long Time Member
This just college student daughter is home for the summer. I am out in the living room and she comes out of her room and is pissed. She asks if I put something outside of her window that makes a noise. I told her no? That is strange. She went on to say it was probably the neighbors that put something out on their side yard that is making noise. I expected to hear a wind chime or something of that nature. I go in her room and sit and listen for about 15 seconds. She responds, "do you hear that?" I said, "hear what"? She said the constant chirping noise! I started laughing as I told her that those are crickets. My other daughter and wife busted a gut. She has been in Los Angeles far too long...
That is too funny!!! ??? In LA, the sounds of crickets chirping are drowned out by the sirens & police helicopters. Lol
Crickets are a soothing sound that tells you all is okay with the world. If you're out camping and listening to them and they all become silent at the same time, you know something is up....time to check where your loaded rifle is. When they start back up again, you can relax.
Crickets are a soothing sound that tells you all is okay with the world. If you're out camping and listening to them and they all become silent at the same time, you know something is up....time to check where your loaded rifle is. When they start back up again, you can relax.
Ironically, I had one hop its way across my office floor yesterday. It never made a sound, even when I squished it with a rolled up newspaper. My unloaded rifles are in the closet; should I still be concerned? :rolleyes:
Ironically, I had one hop its way across my office floor yesterday. It never made a sound, even when I squished it with a rolled up newspaper. My unloaded rifles are in the closet; should I still be concerned? :rolleyes:
You have unloaded rifles at your house? You're braver than me, but then you don't live in California.
You have unloaded rifles at your house? You're braver than me, but then you don't live in California.
Yeah, all two that I have left.

When I was in high school, a couple buddies & I threw a party about once a month, rotating from one house to the next. One of them worked part-time in a liquor store where they sold some snack type foods, as well. For one party he acquired several cans of chocolate-covered ants, which looked like Gobber's peanuts, & salted grasshoppers and crickets. We set them on the tables along with the usual chips, pretzels, etc. & watched everyone eat them. Not one person said anything. As the party wound down, we told everyone. A few of the gals turned a bit green.
While camping out on the river bar at night the crickets would start up and they got quite loud. I would yell as loud as I could...."SHUT UP!". It would get dead quiet..... Within about 30 seconds one would sound off and then another and soon they were all right back at it again. I'd yell "SHUT UP!" and start all over again.
Tell your daughter it is just your thermometer.

"The frequency of chirping varies according to temperature. To get a rough estimate of the temperature in degrees fahrenheit, count the number of chirps in 15 seconds and then add 37. The number you get will be an approximation of the outside temperature."
You Can Ask Homer If You Don't Believe Me!

But I'd Take The Crickets over the:





And The Middle of The Night Time Low Temperatures of a 110 F'N Degrees!
Tell your daughter it is just your thermometer.

"The frequency of chirping varies according to temperature. To get a rough estimate of the temperature in degrees fahrenheit, count the number of chirps in 15 seconds and then add 37. The number you get will be an approximation of the outside temperature."
Someone musta had a lot of spare time on their hands to figure that all out, especially to settle on 37 as the magic number to add. Maybe it was a gubbermint project, eh? Maybe the same ones that did the study that claims...

While camping out on the river bar at night the crickets would start up and they got quite loud. I would yell as loud as I could...."SHUT UP!". It would get dead quiet..... Within about 30 seconds one would sound off and then another and soon they were all right back at it again. I'd yell "SHUT UP!" and start all over again.
Back in the ol' days, pilgrim, we didn't mess with the crickets & grasshoppers. We'd protected our livestok & families by killing all them somnabitches.

Oops, I get it ODW. ‘a really rifle’

That’s my dyslexia showing up again. It’s the chits when it steals my humor.
We've had friends hang out here overnight over the years. Some have complained about lack of sleep due to the silence here in the north Idaho woods.
Without of the chaos, sirens and trains of the inner city they can't sleep! Lunacy.
We've had friends hang out here overnight over the years. Some have complained about lack of sleep due to the silence here in the north Idaho woods.
Without of the chaos, sirens and trains of the inner city they can't sleep! Lunacy.
Because of my health issues & the hours I keep -- early to sleep & early to rise -- my bride & I no longer sleep in the same room, much less the same bed. I started sleeping on the couch in the family room a couple years ago. Since then, I've upgraded to a faux hospital bed that sits next to couch. I retire straight to it after dinner each night.

Most nights, I fall sleep with the TV on & it stays on all night. In fact, I rarely turn it off unless we leave the house, which isn't too often anymore. For some reason the audio doesn't affect my ability to sleep soundly.

This is my like bed, which has all the adjustments of a reg. hospital bed. Mine is electric, complete with remote.

Surprising how may friends I have that have one like that, or similar. Seems they serve all kinds of ailments.

When we’re young we own fast horses, during middle age we have two and four wheeled toys, then, due to all the good times we’ve had we end up with remote controlled beds. What a great life.
The main reason I got it was to keep my head elevated somewhat because I breathe much better that way. Thus, it's usually angled up all the time about the same as the one in the photo. I rarely raise the leg area, tho, unless my feet & ankles swell up bad.

I have the 3'x4' coffee table about 1.5' to the right of the bed. It holds all sorts of goodies from medications to a small but very loud airhorn that's there for an emergency. My wife has a horn on her nightstand, as well.

The only time I had to use the horn so far was the week after I got home from the hospital/rehab in April, 2020. I was still very weak & was using a walker & wheelchair to get around. About 5 a.m. I had to pee, but when I tried to get to the walker, I fell & couldn't get back on my feet, no matter how hard I tried. After an hour, I blew the horn. But Ellen doesn't have a lot of strength either. So even with her help over the next couple hours, I still couldn't stand up or get onto the wheel chair even.

She finally went across the street to our Mexican neighrbors who have a grown teenage son. His mom doesn't speak much English but the boy does. He came over, picked me up under the arms & set me in the wheel chair in about 10 secs. Problemo solved. It was another two weeks before most of my strength returned.
The main reason I got it was to keep my head elevated somewhat because I breathe much better that way. Thus, it's usually angled up all the time about the same as the one in the photo. I rarely raise the leg area, tho, unless my feet & ankles swell up bad.

I have the 3'x4' coffee table about 1.5' to the right of the bed. It holds all sorts of goodies from medications to a small but very loud airhorn that's there for an emergency. My wife has a horn on her nightstand, as well.

The only time I had to use the horn so far was the week after I got home from the hospital/rehab in April, 2020. I was still very weak & was using a walker & wheelchair to get around. About 5 a.m. I had to pee, but when I tried to get to the walker, I fell & couldn't get back on my feet, no matter how hard I tried. After an hour, I blew the horn. But Ellen doesn't have a lot of strength either. So even with her help over the next couple hours, I still couldn't stand up or get onto the wheel chair even.

She finally went across the street to our Mexican neighrbors who have a grown teenage son. His mom doesn't speak much English but the boy does. He came over, picked me up under the arms & set me in the wheel chair in about 10 secs. Problemo solved. It was another two weeks before most of my strength returned.
GEEZ…..!!! I know you aren’t seeking sympathy at all, but I pray for you. Your story hit very close to home with me & what I saw my father in law endure. I wish you nothing but happiness & I want you to know that I personally enjoy your posts of memories & jokes. I thank you! ??
GEEZ…..!!! I know you aren’t seeking sympathy at all, but I pray for you. Your story hit very close to home with me & what I saw my father in law endure. I wish you nothing but happiness & I want you to know that I personally enjoy your posts of memories & jokes. I thank you! ??
Thank you. And... no sympathy required!

Sometimes I get a bit carried away with airing my life's woes, but in a way, I hope they might be a warning to others that one's life can sometimes turn to crap & the reality looms that it might end at any time as those woes cause the odds to get better.

Right now I'm sorta in a cunnudrum. I really need to get into the hospital and get my ascites taken care of, but I know if I leave the house, my chances of getting C-19 & dying a lot quicker increase dramatically. Plus, something has caused the ascites -- normally a result of severe liver damage or cancer of some organ or such. I had a resection of my colon a couple years back for a canerous tumor. Supposedly, the test showed all the cancerous cells were gone, but....

I always like to cite the adage, ''If I had known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of my body."
The main reason I got it was to keep my head elevated somewhat because I breathe much better that way. Thus, it's usually angled up all the time about the same as the one in the photo. I rarely raise the leg area, tho, unless my feet & ankles swell up bad.

I have the 3'x4' coffee table about 1.5' to the right of the bed. It holds all sorts of goodies from medications to a small but very loud airhorn that's there for an emergency. My wife has a horn on her nightstand, as well.

The only time I had to use the horn so far was the week after I got home from the hospital/rehab in April, 2020. I was still very weak & was using a walker & wheelchair to get around. About 5 a.m. I had to pee, but when I tried to get to the walker, I fell & couldn't get back on my feet, no matter how hard I tried. After an hour, I blew the horn. But Ellen doesn't have a lot of strength either. So even with her help over the next couple hours, I still couldn't stand up or get onto the wheel chair even.

She finally went across the street to our Mexican neighrbors who have a grown teenage son. His mom doesn't speak much English but the boy does. He came over, picked me up under the arms & set me in the wheel chair in about 10 secs. Problemo solved. It was another two weeks before most of my strength returned.
Tony, if you ever fall again and can't get up call 911 and explain the situation to the dispatcher. Here, they send the fire department and they will gladly come and lend a hand. No need to worry about that. Your tax dollars at work.
Tony, if you ever fall again and can't get up call 911 and explain the situation to the dispatcher. Here, they send the fire department and they will gladly come and lend a hand. No need to worry about that. Your tax dollars at work.
Trust me, we discussed that.

When I went to ER the first time for the breathing problem in March 2020, they kept me overnight, then sent me home. Two days later, I got really bad & had El call 911. In minutes it was like an all out 3-alarm with the flashing lights of firetrucks & the ambulance. No less than five EMTs came into the house to administer aid to me & put me on a stretcher. That trip led to my month & half-long confinement in the hospital for severe pneumonia & then a rehab joint.

So I just didn't want a repeat of the 3-alarm for a somewhat minor issue. Then again, maybe if I had explained it, a dispatcher might have just sent a cop to get me up & about.

PS: Tax dollars at work here doesn't include the ambulance trip to the hospital. The bill was $900+ for the 6-mile trip; my co-pay was $200.
Trust me, we discussed that.

When I went to ER the first time for the breathing problem in March 2020, they kept me overnight, then sent me home. Two days later, I got really bad & had El call 911. In minutes it was like an all out 3-alarm with the flashing lights of firetrucks & the ambulance. No less than five EMTs came into the house to administer aid to me & put me on a stretcher. That trip led to my month & half-long confinement in the hospital for severe pneumonia & then a rehab joint.

So I just didn't want a repeat of the 3-alarm for a somewhat minor issue. Then again, maybe if I had explained it, a dispatcher might have just sent a cop to get me up & about.

PS: Tax dollars at work here doesn't include the ambulance trip to the hospital. The bill was $900+ for the 6-mile trip; my co-pay was $200.
I totally get that. I've been there with my wife. You have to explain to the dispatcher this is not a medical emergency, you just need a lift up. I feel bad about interrupting their poker game.
Thank you. And... no sympathy required!

Sometimes I get a bit carried away with airing my life's woes, but in a way, I hope they might be a warning to others that one's life can sometimes turn to crap & the reality looms that it might end at any time as those woes cause the odds to get better.

Right now I'm sorta in a cunnudrum. I really need to get into the hospital and get my ascites taken care of, but I know if I leave the house, my chances of getting C-19 & dying a lot quicker increase dramatically. Plus, something has caused the ascites -- normally a result of severe liver damage or cancer of some organ or such. I had a resection of my colon a couple years back for a canerous tumor. Supposedly, the test showed all the cancerous cells were gone, but....

I always like to cite the adage, ''If I had known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of my body."
You’re welcome! Well I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers regardless.
I hope your situation improves & you can get the care you need.

I’m 49 now & it is just now starting to dawn on me that I wish I had taken better care of myself. I’m fortunate to have an amazing wife that looks out for me more than I do for myself. I know that I’m stubborn as hell & still have a bit of that bulletproof mentality that I have always had. Lol

Anyway enough of all that… keep the the great stories coming. ??
I totally get that. I've been there with my wife. You have to explain to the dispatcher this is not a medical emergency, you just need a lift up. I feel bad about interrupting their poker game.
The one phone in my office has a 911 button programed into it. One day, I accidentally hit it. When the dispatcher answered, I told her what happened & we hung up. Less than 5 mins. later, a Glendale cop knocked on my front door to verify there was no situation taking place. When I told him I was home alone & fine and that my wife was at work, he was satisfied & left.
It dang sure no fun when we’re hurting or any of our loved one as suffering, and it madding when the system makes it worse. No doubt about that.

My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in the first part of June of this year. I just brought her home from surgery on Friday last week. Prognosis is they got it early and got it all. The next few weeks with determine if she’s out of the woods.

I’d like to share a thought or two regarding America and it’s people and systems.

While keeping its citizen safe is a massive task, and we often fall short of total success, By enlarge most Americans have the best of intentions when their systems are implemented and a whole lot of time and resources are spent attempting to ensure our safety.

While there are far too many that won’t interrupt their card game, there are thousands who are blessed everyday by the efforts of dedicated and committed first responders and their back up people.

I’m an immigrant from Canada and Canada is really a pretty great country with real great people but as good as it is, I would not trade their systems for America’s in any way, shape or form.

Long live the greatest, most caring country that has ever existed.
It dang sure no fun when we’re hurting or any of our loved one as suffering, and it madding when the system makes it worse. No doubt about that.

My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in the first part of June of this year. I just brought her home from surgery on Friday last week. Prognosis is they got it early and got it all. The next few weeks with determine if she’s out of the woods.

I’d like to share a thought or two regarding America and it’s people and systems.

While keeping its citizen safe is a massive task, and we often fall short of total success, By enlarge most Americans have the best of intentions when their systems are implemented and a whole lot of time and resources are spent attempting to ensure our safety.

While there are far too many that won’t interrupt their card game, there are thousands who are blessed everyday by the efforts of dedicated and committed first responders and their back up people.

I’m an immigrant from Canada and Canada is really a pretty great country with real great people but as good as it is, I would not trade their systems for America’s in any way, shape or form.

Long live the greatest, most caring country that has ever existed.
My bride is also a breast cancer survivor. She had a tumor cut out about 7-8 years ago. After a test a week later, they discovered they left some cancerous cells. So they had to go back in. They then implanted a radioactive deal with a bunch of wires sticking out. Once a week for six weeks, she had to go to the doc's office where a nurse hooked up the wires to a machine that activated the pod for 1/2 hr. She still has semi-annual check-ups, complete w/special mammograms before each check-up. She also is a Type 2 diabetic & has arthritis in some areas real bad.
Very similar procedure expected here to. We’re sure hoping they got it all this time. She has MRSA Infection issues to we won’t be using the wired radiation tool. Hers will be 4-5 weeks of daily hospital visits, for a 10 minute procedure. So grateful for modern medicine. 30 years ago I believe both my wife and I will ready be pushing daisies.

You take care of each other ODW. From the pictures you’ve posted, she looks like she’s been a partner in your crimes, on many occasions. Being married to a friend AND a lover is as good a life as it gets.
Very similar procedure expected here to. We’re sure hoping they got it all this time. She has MRSA Infection issues to we won’t be using the wired radiation tool. Hers will be 4-5 weeks of daily hospital visits, for a 10 minute procedure. So grateful for modern medicine. 30 years ago I believe both my wife and I will ready be pushing daisies.

You take care of each other ODW. From the pictures you’ve posted, she looks like she’s been a partner in your crimes, on many occasions. Being married to a friend AND a lover is as good a life as it gets.
Wishing good luck to your bride!

Any gal that let's her husband go deer hunting two days after the wedding, which she did, is a keeper. She was never much into hunting but she has always been an avid fisherlady, and good one, too. She still owns the family record for largemouth at 11.5 lbs. As you can imagine, it will never be broken by me.

At least our relationship never got to this...


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