How long can you wait?


Long Time Member
Those who complain about waiting a long time for a tag, need to understand that some things just take time and persistence is the only alternative to luck.
After forty plus years of applying for a Desert Sheep hunt in my home state of Utah, I am finally getting the monkey off my back. As one of 4 remaining applicants with top DRam points, it was a guaranteed deal for me this year and actually quite anticlimactic when my Zion permit was confirmed.
Regardless, I am thrilled to know this is my year. I have lived long enough to realize what "Once in a Lifetime" really means.
In anticipation, I have already made two scouting trips with my son. Those trips confirmed that it is going to be a challenge, but that's what I have been waiting all my life to experience. I thank all my sheep hunting friends who have encouraged me for so long. The sheep fraternity is special and I am honored to participate.
Sheep hunter's motto: "whatever it takes. Period."

If a guy is lacking the desire, guts and grit to follow the motto, he'll be hard pressed to call himself a sheep hunter! I'm currently at 37 year of applications in Wyoming so I'm closing in on your 40 year mark. I have about 10 more years because I missed some critical app years. Silly me!

LBH, I couldn't be happier! You FINALLY drew a tag. Go have the experience of your life.
We'll see how my moose hunt (another choice tag) goes and I might be able to help, as previously promised.

Good luck to all those who drew. It's one of those special experiences that few can claim their own.

Wow!!! Jeesssh that is a long But you are going now...that is all that matters... I have all the confidence in the world you are going to have a time for the ages...are you going to do a "Hunt Challange" thread so people can follow along...I hope so..
Congratulations on the permit and I hope you have a memorable hunt.

Since you asked, the answer for many will be "a lot longer than you". If you think waiting 40 years to be guaranteed a desert sheep permit is long then think of those who are coming behind you. A first time applicant today will have to wait 200 years to be guaranteed a tag. A guy with 14 points going into this years draw will have to wait 51 more years to get a guaranteed tag for a total wait of 65+ years. I'm just glad they passed the recommended sheep permits or the wait would be even worse. Time to end the guaranteed tags for these extremely hard to draw hunts which take multiple lifetimes to draw. Let me hop off my soapbox.....

Shoot a big one. We want the story and photos.
Congrats on the tag and the long wait, that is really something. I know when I drew my desert tag I figured I had 33 years left until I would eventually max out. I admit, I have been very lucky with that and the Stone's but this last sheep tag will be the long one I fear. But thats okay, it'll be worth it. I enjoy thinking I am part of the sheep fraternity and seeing and hearing all of you guys stories. Yours will be a great too. Good luck, it will be awesome.
Congratulations LBH. It will be the hunt of a lifetime I'm sure.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
I've stated applying for Utah moose in 1988 ...

After the bounus point system started, I switched to desert
big horns a couple times in the early years ....

Had 18 moose points this year and finaly pulled a permit
on the S slope Yellow stone....I'm pretty punped!

I've really got about 26 years into it though.

And , hope you have a GREAT hunt LB!...Good luck!

Congrats, Its great to see someone that loves sheep hunting get a great tag. Good luck
LBH, Congrats man!,, boy your should be in the dictionary as the definition of persistance. Good for you man, enjoy your hunt.

My dad killed his UT desert ram in 1971. It was the 17th desert ram killed in Modern day UT. You started applying shortly after that. To give it a different perspective, you started applying to kill a ram that wouldn't be born for another 30 years. Best of luck to you.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
Congrats LBH! I can't immagine waiting that long for any tag! I hope your hunt is all that you have dreamed it would be.
On a side note, did you draw a desert in NV last year?
I put in for 15 years in 4 states to draw my first sheep tag in 1993.

I've been putting in for more states since then, and have yet to draw my second tag. It is a long waiting game!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on the tag. I can't wait to hear how your hunt goes. I know that there are few, if any, that will give that tag the time and attention it deserves like you and your son will. Good luck on the hunt and keep us posted on how the scouting is going.

LAST EDITED ON May-26-14 AT 09:14PM (MST)[p]I started applying about the time Yellum's Dad drew. Not drawing during those early years was a "blessing in disguise" given that there were few sheep in Utah and success rates were much lower. I was also not near as prepared to hunt sheep then as I am now, even though I was much younger and stronger. My wait has actually made me much more prepared for success. So, having to wait can sometimes be "good"!

There will be 14 other hunters on that unit this year, so my hope is that the hunt will not turn into a Zoo! Given that fact, I will try to share the experience as much as I can. I just hope we won't be stepping all over each other.

Thanks for the encouragement and kind words.
Hard scouting...maybe sleep on the sheep and bang on the first light of the first day before the rest of them fiqure out which way is up......
Congrats LBH! You deserve it and I hope it turns out awesome. I'm always available to help if you need any, I owe ya one. Good luck!
You don't owe me anything my friend. It was our honor to help with your hunt and we had way more fun than you can imagine. I really appreciate the offer to help. We will have to see what our needs are come Fall. Thanks

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