Idaho Unit 11 Rocky Mtn Bighorn

My friends say I still have a dazed look, but it is starting to sink in that I drew one of the best ram tags in North America. The only hunter on the unit last year killed a ram that scored 194 3/8" Wow!
This year I have the unit to myself, except the statewide auction tag holder that will certainly hunt what is known as the best unit in the state.
I am going with my wife on our first scouting trip next week to put some boots on the ground. I am generally a do it yourself hunter, but I am certainly open to advice or information from those who have been there before me. I want to do the tag/hunt justice and plan to scout and hunt hard. I appreciate any insight on glassing points, access points, or general location of rams.

Thank you, Jared
Congratulations Jared,
That is indeed a special tag and I am sure you will make it a special experience. I have seen a few videos of hunts on that unit and they are probably worth checking out. I wish I could say I have been there, but only in my dreams.
Best of luck and please let us poor tagless saps share in your experience!
Great tag, great sheep, once in a lifetime. Only one name to consider and well worth the $$$. Jon Barker

I thought the hunter last year was the one who "did not know he had drawn a tag" and was petitioning to get re-issued a permit for this fall. Did that all go down? You'd have company then?
The raffle tag hunter killed a ram in there. The statewide auction and raffle tags alternate years they can hunt unit 11. Even years go to raffle tag. The draw tag went unused, he did not know he had been selected. I was told IFG is issuing a tag to him for 2014.
I am really looking forward to seeing your ram when this is all over. I have no doubt that you will do well and have a spectacular hunt Jared. Congrats again! Terry
Holy crap man. You drew the best tag in the state of Idaho!! Have a great time and im sure you will see some amazing sheep. Looking forward to seeing the pics. Best of luck.
>Holy crap man. You drew the
>best tag in the state
>of Idaho!! Have a great
>time and im sure you
>will see some amazing sheep.
>Looking forward to seeing the
>pics. Best of luck.

I agree, sit back and enjoy the best hunt of your life!! Make sure you share pics with all of us...
Thanks! is a great tag. I feel like some of my friends should have drawn instead of me...I just went to AK sheep hunting last year, and a lot of them have never had an opportunity. I will post pics.

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