It's Bush's Fault

You better include all those Democrat members of Congress that supported him on invading Iraq. That also includes your poster girl Hillary Clinton.
You are one deaf & dumb party supporter.

RELH basically it's Jimmy Carter's fault..


I liked it big...fondler doesn't
Always the excuse that the dems voted for it too. would they have voted for it had they not been lied to? that's the question you avoid. sure they were suckered because like 90% of the population they aren't too bright, but it's clear they were lied to so stop using their stupidity as an excuse for a tragic mistake .

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-15 AT 06:55PM (MST)[p]Dude prove it they were lied to by the Bush Administration. It could also have been the result of faulty intelligence reports. Will not be the first time the CIA made a wrong guess based on inaccurate intelligence. OH! I forgot, you and the word "intelligence" are complete strangers.

At least Bush included Congress on the decision unlike our present Commander in Chief that excludes Congress on his decisions. Hail to King Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-15 AT 09:04PM (MST)[p]Speaking of Jimmy Carter aka Peanut Farmer and bro of Billy "BEER" Carter....he is still getting around fine. Here is a pic of him this past Oct 31th there in Georgia.


The young kid with his dad is a grandson of a very good friend of mine and the mother sent it to me.

Whatever you think of Carter's politics he's a 1st class human being. he devoted his life to helping others.

Stay thirsty my friends
"was it gross negligence intended to mislead? "

It is SOP for our federal government to opperate with gross negligence and the INTENT to mislead. Both sides of the aisle. Doesn't matter which party is in power. Didn't 220's daddy promise to undo the travesties that Bush allegedly comitted?
All Obama did was continue the same foreign policy started by Bush, and in my opinion made it even worse!

Take your azzhat off. There are only two sides...The government and "WE THE PEOPLE". If you don't see it this way you are part of the problem!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-15 AT 11:47AM (MST)[p]>Obama's crime is using the monster
>that Bush created.

But Obama, since he is a Democrat, is just fine using anything used by a prior administration? Obama has killed more people using Drones than Bush ever thought of. Suppose his actions have created more enemies of the United States? Ask somebody in the tribal region of Pakistan.

Bush wasn't the only one complicit in letting the Sunni/Shia split get to the point it is. Obama has blood on his hands in the deal with Syria and coming to the aid of butchers in Libya.

The current economic war Obama is waging against Iran and Russia is going to cause us far more harm in the long run than anything Bush ever started.

Obama pushed the Arab Spring to the max and ended up with a mess in Syria, Libya, Egypt and even Pakistan. He has gotten us out of Afghanistan right? He sure got us out of Iraq just to allow the ISIS soldiers to murder tens of thousands or more using our weaponry. He is an idiot and he is totally responsible. He also handled Russia with a strong hand. The world is more of a mess now and it is not over. He will be viewed in history as the most incompetent and dangerous American President.
>AT 11:47?AM (MST)

>>Obama's crime is using the monster
>>that Bush created.
>But Obama, since he is a
>Democrat, is just fine using
>anything used by a prior
>administration? Obama has
>killed more people using Drones
>than Bush ever thought of.
> Suppose his actions have
>created more enemies of the
>United States? Ask somebody
>in the tribal region of
>Bush wasn't the only one complicit
>in letting the Sunni/Shia split
>get to the point it
>is. Obama has blood
>on his hands in the
>deal with Syria and coming
>to the aid of butchers
>in Libya.
>The current economic war Obama is
>waging against Iran and Russia
>is going to cause us
>far more harm in the
>long run than anything Bush
>ever started.
>Obama pushed the Arab Spring to
>the max and ended up
>with a mess in Syria,
>Libya, Egypt and even Pakistan.
>He has gotten us out
>of Afghanistan right? He sure
>got us out of Iraq
>just to allow the ISIS
>soldiers to murder tens of
>thousands or more using our
>weaponry. He is an idiot
>and he is totally responsible.
>He also handled Russia with
>a strong hand. The world
>is more of a mess
>now and it is not
>over. He will be viewed
>in history as the most
>incompetent and dangerous American President.
So putting the screws to Russia is a bad thing? we wouldn't want to slow down their military machine would we.

Lower oil prices hurting our enemies is a bad thing? and lower domestic oil prices are not Obama's doing but lower OPEC prices are? he's being mean to deprive Russia and Iran's government from the funds they need to screw with us?

I guess it's all bad you just need to look at it in the most negative angle possible while ignoring facts at the same time.

Stay thirsty my friends
The invasion of Iraq set the tone and nature for U.S. foreign policy in the region and beyond to this day. The blatant disregard for international law and national agreements has led to the brake down of global order on a massive scale. The Iraq tragedy sowed the seeds for further death and destruction.

Yeah but we showed Iraq what happens when you attack america.

It's hard to be a smart azz when your intended audience is too dumb to get it. DW is saying right now, yeah I agree with that but I'm not going to admit it.

Stay thirsty my friends
I just thought we all knew everything was Bush's fault until the next Republican president?
It beats living in that dumpster behind the Burger King you work at so glad to help.

Stay thirsty my friends
Care to bet that Obama's economic war of choice will have more and bigger unintended consequence for our nation than Bush's war of choice has had?

You may want to check on the deals Russia is cutting around the world and circumventing our sanctions. Yes the average Russian may suffer some, Putin will not be touched as long as China and India remain on his side.

Obama is planting more seeds for the destruction of the dollar as the reserve currency and when can't create credit out of thin air the next generation will be hung out to dry. But who care about them.

I know it didn't start with Obama but he is going to go down as the president who played with fire and burned down the world economy by using economic warfare the way he is.

Oil prices are what is killing Putin, is that Obama's doing ?

Putin is not our friend, never has been. while I don't think it's wise to poke him with a stick I don't see why we should feel bad he's fallen on hard times. does congress object to letting Putin swing in the wind? should obama offer him a helping hand? I'm not sure how many people even in Russia are worried about Vladie.

What ways can we confront Putin besides economic war unless we want war?

If there is a way to bring the dollar down please do. our exports are going to hell with this insane high dollar I don't know WTF you're worried about. I don't care if the dollar is the worlds go to currency I want to make money be it a dollar or a yen makes no difference to me.

I have my doubts how much the president of the USA can change the world economy, but if he could what is it you think Obama should do ? and are you sure there wouldn't be any consequences ?

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-15 AT 02:48PM (MST)[p]>Oil prices are what is killing
>Putin, is that Obama's doing
>Putin is not our friend, never
>has been. while I
>don't think it's wise to
>poke him with a stick
>I don't see why we
>should feel bad he's fallen
>on hard times. does congress
>object to letting Putin swing
>in the wind?
>should obama offer him a
>helping hand? I'm not
>sure how many people even
>in Russia are worried about
>What ways can we confront Putin
>besides economic war unless we
>want war?
>If there is a way to
>bring the dollar down please
>do. our exports are
>going to hell with this
>insane high dollar I don't
>know WTF you're worried about.
>I don't care if the
>dollar is the worlds go
>to currency I want to
>make money be it a
>dollar or a yen makes
>no difference to me.
>I have my doubts how much
>the president of the USA
>can change the world economy,
>but if he could what
>is it you think Obama
>should do ? and
>are you sure there wouldn't
>be any consequences ?

Who said anything about caring about Putin, I said what Obama is doing is playing with fire.

There are many things he could be doing but instead Obama seems bent on letting Saudi Arabia dictate the economic terms and new reality of things. Think for a moment what happens when Riyadh continues to pump oil and flood the market with it. How much money is there for the Shia led government in Iran and Iraq to fight ISIL? Yet Obama is fighting ISIL and helping cut back on the ability of others to fight ISIL in order to punish Russia. So he is basically at war with himself.

Bad policy is bad policy whether Bush did it or Obama does it. Obama has a bushel basket of bad policies right now.

Lower oil to a point is good but a crash in the price of oil coupled with a strong dollar is making Janet Yellen wish it was the fall of 2008 again. Deflationary pressures will appear as prices fall and while central bankers dislike inflation they fear deflation.

By following the policies he is and with the help of your Saudi Allies the President is playing with economic fire and even you may find it is hard to convert you assets into Yen fast enough to matter when the chickens come home to roost.

I never said the President controls the world economy, that is as stupid as the moron's who believed Bush raised and lowered the price of gas. It is evident to anyone who wants to look that Obama is following a strong dollar policy and oil revenue war against Russia and he may find that just like Bush, once the fuse is lit, it is hard to contain the ensuing fire.

Believe as you wish, that is your right but I can't figure out why an ag guy would love to see their export market killed just to hurt Russia. It is as if the ag guys can't stand prosperity so let's cheer the destruction of our markets overseas and watch Australia/Russia/Argentina all sell their ag products to our former customers.

Yes it is all good

Nemont is Obama in control of Saudi Arabias actions? Is he in control of private land fracking in the us? How is he destroying Russias economy? You can't possibly think his sanctions are having any effect on russia?

Show me where I said anything about Sanctions. Does the U.S. have any clout in Saudi Arabia? Yes we do, at least with the royal family, the rest of the country hates us but that doesn't mean Saudi Arabia is immune to U.S. pressure. Rather the Saudi's are doing out bidding in many ways and playing a dangerous game as well.

Private land fracking will be a thing of the past if the fall in oil and rise in the dollar continue. Do this find out how many new leases have take place in the Bakken since the price of oil began to drop.

I like cheaper gas just like the next guy, but it all comes with a price in the future that will have real impacts long after Obama is long gone and I doubt anyone who supports his policy will have the guts to start a thread 7 years after the article is written claiming it is Obama's fault.

....that last post says a lot about you 440....


I liked it big...fondler doesn't
Sorry californian 99%er if my greed offends you.

Nemont how would it go over politically if Obama went to the Suadies and begged them to take the hose out of the drowning oil tycoon's mouths? our president protecting big oil and our enemies at the expense of the american consumer, that's how it would play. both sides would burn him at the stake.

I'm not saying you're 100% wrong, maybe 50%. but you're asking a politician to commit suicide today for the long term good. good luck.

Who says I support hurting exports, quite the opposite. but I've seen exports frozen by republican presidents to insure domestic supply and killing prices as a result. welcome to politics and getting screwed.

Not much about cheap oil helps me, the 25k I'll save on diesel won't begin to make up the lost revenue I'll have by falling commodity prices from cut exports and less interest in biofuels. so if crying about it will change our policy of seeking cheaper energy count me in, what's the plan? and besides ag and bil oil who else is in?

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude they are going to pass the bill for that Canadian pipe line. As soon as Obama heard that with the new congress, he passed the word that he would veto the bill and to hell with all those jobs.

Now in your great wisdom, which wealthy billionaire is Obama doing favors for. To help you out, he has contributed large amounts to Obama and the Democrat party and is a major owner of the railroad that now transports all that oil to the lower 48 states. The pipeline would shut down his oil transportation racket with a major lost of money in his pocket.

>Show me where I said anything
>about Sanctions. Does the
>U.S. have any clout in
>Saudi Arabia? Yes
>we do, at least with
>the royal family, the
>rest of the country hates
>us but that doesn't mean
>Saudi Arabia is immune to
>U.S. pressure. Rather the
>Saudi's are doing out bidding
>in many ways and playing
>a dangerous game as well.
>Private land fracking will be a
>thing of the past if
>the fall in oil and
>rise in the dollar continue.
> Do this find out
>how many new leases have
>take place in the Bakken
>since the price of oil
>began to drop.
>I like cheaper gas just like
>the next guy, but it
>all comes with a price
>in the future that will
>have real impacts long after
>Obama is long gone and
>I doubt anyone who supports
>his policy will have the
>guts to start a thread
>7 years after the article
>is written claiming it is
>Obama's fault.

If it isn't sanctions u refer too what "policies" are u referring too? I included sanctions in my post to shorten this conversation. In my opinion Obama has nothing to do with the low price of oil....ZERO! His energy secretary laid out his wishes early in his presidency, $8/gal gas was and is his goal. These low prices are eating him up and its 1 of the few economic bright spots we have. If he could reverse it 2morrow he would have done it yesterday! So having said all that in 7 yrs I won't b blamein barry for the price of oil cause he has had ZERO effect on it aside from not opening up more of the classic leasing areas early on in his presidency, and those could b opened by a conservative president as soon as we elect 1!
And the reason OPEC is loading up the supply with demand falling is precisely to turn off fracking here in the states. Russias economy has been circling the drain the last five yrs. The effects of low oil is just a side effect of trying to get us to turn off our wells. But as soon as the price/barrel jumps we'll turn them back on! Now we have a way to maintain a stable price, where in the past we did not. And who suggested "drill baby drill" again? That's right the dumb crazy lady!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-15 AT 09:01AM (MST)[p]
Your idea of a lot of money and business peoples idea of a lot are far apart RELH. Buffett has more change in his sock than he gave to democrats in 2014. get real.

Nobody gives a FF about the keystone it's just a political football.

When you conservatards decide if Obama gets credit or blame for lower oil prices you can reorganize your irrational blame game. at the moment you look like the 3 stooges running in circles.

Stay thirsty my friends
>And the reason OPEC is loading
>up the supply with demand
>falling is precisely to turn
>off fracking here in the
>states. Russias economy has been
>circling the drain the last
>five yrs. The effects of
>low oil is just a
>side effect of trying to
>get us to turn off
>our wells. But as soon
>as the price/barrel jumps we'll
>turn them back on! Now
>we have a way to
>maintain a stable price, where
>in the past we did
>not. And who suggested "drill
>baby drill" again? That's right
>the dumb crazy lady!

So you believe all those companies that have millions and millions of money in those wells in the Bakken can just sit tight and wait out the Saudi's. You don't understand the oil business very well.

Drill baby, drill is a slogan not a policy.

You also need to dig deeper into the geopolitics of the Dollar/Crude oil connection.

Supply Destruction is what it is called and it takes years to bring supplies back to market once the price of oil force some to "shut off" their wells. It isn't just turn a valve and the oil flows again.

Sanctions are so the people who don't understand economics can feel like they are accomplishing something. Geopolitics of it and using the dollar as weapon is fine but it isn't cost free.

Does the U.S. president control the oil market nope he doesn't. Can he influence things to create conditions to make some outcomes more likely? absolutely.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-15 AT 10:23AM (MST)[p]Yet OPEC can turn it on and off in no time? 6 months they cut the price in half! The infrastructure is now in place, we will be able to maintain a more stable price once OPEC is done with the current game they're playin. Now it might be $100/barrel but it won't jump to $150 like it was unless OPEC doesn't wanna sell oil anymore.
I agree with most of what you said, so what can be done about it ? which party is going to champion the fight against low gas prices? and what right does the US have to tell the saudies how to market oil? and should we?

ride it out, oil will start going back up this year and within a few years it may be higher than ever. are we capitalists or not? the weak will fall and the strong will thrive. unfortunetly we in the US may be the weak , but we're in a world economy now so those are the breaks. americans have shown they'd rather import than produce anyway so maybe it's all as it should be.

Stay thirsty my friends
Let the market take care of itself! If there's money to b made we will continue to drill (if the government stays the hell out of the way). If not, the drilling will stop till there is! Government is rarely if ever the answer!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-15 AT 10:27AM (MST)[p]>Yet OPEC can turn it on
>and off in no time?
>6 months they cut the
>price in half! The infrastructure
>is now in place, we
>will be able to maintain
>a stable price once OPEC
>is done with the current
>game they're playin. Now it
>might be $100/barrel but it
>won't jump to $150 like
>it was unless OPEC doesn't
>wanna sell oil anymore.

Wrong answer, who much does it cost the Saudi's to produce a barrel of oil? In addition their oil companies are nationalized and have access to the nation treasury to make it through the lean times.

Also their wells do not require Fracking or horizontal drilling. What happens to fracked wells that are not producing for a period of months/years? Do a little research.

The Saudi's can turn on the spigot because of how their oil comes out of the ground without requiring pumping in most cases. Try doing the same on a 6 leg bowtie in the Bakken and see how long it takes to bring back after sitting idle.

Almost all our shale wells require some rework to bring back to even half their production after being shuttered.

>I agree with most of what
>you said, so what
>can be done about it
>? which party is
>going to champion the fight
>against low gas prices?
>and what right does the
>US have to tell the
>saudies how to market oil?
> and should we?
>ride it out, oil will start
>going back up this year
>and within a few years
>it may be higher than
>ever. are we capitalists or
>not? the weak will fall
>and the strong will thrive.
> unfortunetly we in
>the US may be the
>weak , but we're in
>a world economy now so
>those are the breaks. americans
>have shown they'd rather
>import than produce anyway so
>maybe it's all as it
>should be.

>Stay thirsty my friends

No, I don't think we should tell the Saudi's how to market their oil. I trying to make the point that it isn't all gravy and one has to be aware of the world and how it actually works. Many on here seem to think the world ends at the U.S. border.

Breakeven for Saudi oil is 10 dollars a barrel. You can imagine how much cash they banked during the high oil years. I think they can do whatever they want.
Bullchit. nobody can say what's going to happen because they don't know where the price will be.

Stay thirsty my friends
I thought you said they would just turn off the oil wells and turn them back on.

They are going to drill out their current leases but much more slowly and the companies are not leasing any more new leases. That has dried up.

The rig count in the North Dakota field dropped to 166 down from over 200.

Read the article you posted, it is full of if's
From the article:

-The industry?s weak balance sheet is also a vulnerability, says Michael Cohen of Barclays, a bank. Most firms invest more cash than they earn, making up the difference by issuing bonds. Total debt for listed American exploration and production firms has almost doubled since 2009 to $260 billion (see chart), according to Bloomberg; it now makes up 17% of all America?s high-yield (junk) bonds. If debt markets dry up and profits fall owing to cheaper oil, the funding gap could be up to $70 billion a year. Were firms to plug this by cutting their investment budgets, investment would drop by 50%. In 2013 more than a quarter of all shale investment was done by firms with dodgy balance sheets (defined as debt of more than three times gross operating profits). Quite a few may go bust. Bonds in some smaller firms trade at less than 70 cents on the dollar.

All this suggests looming investment cuts that within a year will slow growth in American shale production to a crawl and perhaps even lead to slight declines. A few firms have trimmed their budgets already. More are expected to announce cuts in January. ?Frontier? projects?on the fringes of existing basins or in places where little commercial production has taken place?are vulnerable, including Oklahoma. Most firms will hunker down in the Bakken, the Eagle Ford and the Permian Basin, where they have scale and infrastructure. Even in the Bakken, applications for drilling permits fell by almost 40% in November.

OPEC?s wishes may seem to be coming true over the next year.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-15 AT 12:23PM (MST)[p]Heres the last paragraph: "And if and when prices recover, new wells can be brought on stream in weeks, not years. America?s capital markets will roar back into life, forgiving all previous sins. ?There is always a new set of investors,? says the boss of a one of the world?s biggest natural-resources firms. He predicts a shale crash?and a rapid rebound."

Ya gotta stay till the Rattlesnake Roundup nemont. They turn them back on!
Go talk to the drillers and not an analyst and they all say those horizontal wells cannot be turned on and off and still get profitable production from them without work over on them

How long does the work over take? I can see 5 different wells from our goose leases, and most of the guys I goose hunt with are in the industry.
"Turned on and off" was a figure of speech. I wasn't implying it was similar to the hose bib on the side of your house. But the majority of work is already complete, and in a few weeks it can be up and producing again,quickly impacting and stabilizing the market.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-15 AT 12:53PM (MST)[p]You really pay to lease goose hunting fields?
There is another factor that figures in on the price of oil and your price at the gas pump for gas or diesel.
If you have a majority of Democrat state lawmakers, like we do, they will start trying to up the tax on a gallon of gas to pay for their programs. May even increase their own salary and benefits. Ca. did just that when they saw oil prices dropping and we had another tax added Jan. I, 2015. Passed by our majority Democrat law makers and signed by a Democrat Governor for his bullet train that will cost 4 million per day to build.
I look for other states to follow this example and one day we will be like England and pay more on the taxes then we do the gas. Are you listening Eldorko?

>AT 12:53?PM (MST)

>You really pay to lease goose
>hunting fields?

Welcome to colorado brother! :D
I know it's not as bad here in little California as it is in big California rehl, but it's still .43 cents a gallon here.
>>LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-15
>>AT 12:53?PM (MST)

>>You really pay to lease goose
>>hunting fields?
>Welcome to colorado brother! :D


Are the wells you can see from your lease horizontal wells or vertical wells that have been fracked?
>AT 12:53?PM (MST)

>You really pay to lease goose
>hunting fields?

The local "goose guides"(hey stop laughin!)started it about 10yrs ago and it's only gotten worse!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-15 AT 01:41PM (MST)[p]>>>LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-15
>>>AT 12:53?PM (MST)

>>>You really pay to lease goose
>>>hunting fields?
>>Welcome to colorado brother! :D
>Are the wells you can see
>from your lease horizontal wells
>or vertical wells that have
>been fracked?

Any new wells they put in around here now are horizontal. And generally have several wellheads per pad.
They added another 15 cents per gallon here. The way the law is written, they can increase that tax to over one dollar without passing another law to raise the taxes. Other states will look at that and try it also in order to get out of the red ink on their budget and most of those states are controlled by Dem lawmakers. Has to do with the evil carbon foot print and trading carbon points for a green environment. A Democrat program from the word GO. I look for Oregon and Washington state to be the next to try it on the west coast.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-15 AT 01:43PM (MST)[p]I have no doubt we won't b far behind u relh. Cali's Tweedle Dee and Colorados Tweedle Dum
I can't imagine anyone paying a dime to hunt geese if they'd ever tasted one. I just let people hunt geese to get them out of the fields. if I asked for a fee they'd laugh.

RELH you think it's just democrats thinking about gas taxes?

It makes perfect sense to raise fuel taxes now. our infrastructure is in shambles we need to fix it now. besides cars today use less fuel and it costs more to fix roads. how do you fix that? raise the taxes.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude the big problem is that most of those taxes get diverted to other projects that have nothing to do with our roadways. Here in CA. we have had taxes or fees raised for a very specific use as written in the bill. They used this language to get voters to support it. Only problem our liberal Democrat lawmakers contested it in court and the court decision was that the money raised could be used for other projects that the lawmakers wanted to divert funds too. That court decision could also effect all states in the 9th. appellant court Dist. That would include Oregon. In other words they now have a decision that says they can lie to the public as to what the funds can be used for and get away with it.

Then that's what needs fixed, do that and raise gas taxes.

We can spend trillions on our roads now or many trillions later. with lower fuel and oil prices during a good economy the timing to work on roads has never been better.

Stay thirsty my friends
I used to laugh at the first bottle of water too. Soon as u have enough geese and goose guides you'll have goose leases trust me.
Most of Dec and Jan I have 500-2500 honkers on me. I have some locals ask permission but not that many .nobody has ever inquired about a lease . the interest just isn't there, not that I'd lease out anyway.

This has been the slowest waterfowl year I've seen in at least 25 years. I'm not sure if it's low numbers in general or the milder than normal weather. but I don't miss them at all.

WTF difference does red deisel make? be specific. you're either misinformed or ever dumber than I thought.

Stay thirsty my friends
Was tellin nemont the same thing, been a weird waterfowl year here as well. Early cold spell cost us our little birds then last month most everything froze up and their feed got buried in the snow and we lost another pile of em. Still 100k or so which is about a third of normal. Those are the #'s that bring out the guides. U said we need to raise taxes to fix our roads....I say we start with all the tax $ we don't collect on red gas.
Why do you think you should collect hiway taxes on off road fuel?

What next, collect income taxes on money you lost?

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude that one made me laugh. If you were stopped in town with your diesel pickup, and a siphon hose was run down your tank. Up would come red dyed diesel.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-15 AT 11:13PM (MST)[p]You can rotate your wells, shutting a certain amount in for a few days, then produce them for a few days, so forth and so on. Common practice if weather or midstream issues arise. You just need to make sure you get them back on before you log off. It also depends on what type of artificial lift you have, water flood, gas flood, pumping etc. Producers also have stipulations on having to produce well a certain amount of days within a given time period, this is usually dependant on the Agency your dealing with, BLM, Tribal, etc.

North American "tight" oil has been basically the only incline on production curves in a while, while most conventional oil has been on the decline. We have been frac'ing since the 40's, it is nothing new. What is new, having the ability to have successful, multiple stage frac's in horizontal well bores. Some of these horizontals will have 15-18 stage frac's, which of course drives your new well or re-drill price tag up dramatically.

On the oil price fallout, several things... In mid November 2014 Iran contracts Russia to build them nuclear reactors. Then the Oil heads meet on Thanksgiving, to work a deal trying to curb the 2mbpd glut. Russia and Venezula were supposed to cut 500k pout, Putin said no way, while OPEC ( mainly Aramoco) was supposed to shoulder the rest,.......Naimi said they don't want to loose its market share and since they have 750 billion in foreign currency reserves, they can ride this for up to 2 years.

So you wonder if the Saudi's refusal to prop up oil is,
A). Slow down the American tight oil boom.
B). Force the Iranians/ Russian Nuke deal to fall through.

With the past relationship between American oil and Naimi, you would certainly think that there is more to his refusal than to just make a statement to American oil company's. Who knows maybe his driver is just that, to slow American tight oil down.

Aramoco is putting all of their 10mbpd production to market, they are maxed. If the 2mil glut goes away through American cuts and attrition, and production is short, American Oil will come roaring back......downside for the Saudis is they are all in, they have no more uplift in production.

The kicker is most production company's are drilling to offset the steep production decline associated with a tight well. As more and more rigs lay down, that just means the offset is further behind....if the 2mil glut winds up being a 2 or 3 Mbpd short, here comes $100 a barrel.....or more.
Oil will come back no question about it. I expect by the end of the year but that's just my WAG.

Not a chance RELH. any dye voids the warranty. for 50 cents a gallon only a wingnut would be dumb enough pull a stunt like that. plus you can be checked at spot checks on major routes and I have been checked at the auction yard.

On heavy trucks they check at the scales so again it's a no go.

I'm not saying I wouldn't, I'm saying I can't.

Stay thirsty my friends

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