
Long Time Member
The One That Sticks Out The Most Is When I Seen My Brother Walk Behind A Kid Named BIG Ernie That Weighed About 385 Just As BIG Ernie Went To Cast!

I Was A Ways Off But I Hear This POP & See My Brother Hit The Ground!

30lb Test Line & A Big Ole Treble Hook Through My Brothers Ear Lobe!

That Hurt Just Watching It!

I Did Hook A Beaver Once!

I Lost That Lure!

One Year At Strawberry At A Family Reunion We Had A Fishing Contest!

I Won The Money The First Day!

I Got The Biggest Fish & The Most Unusual Catch!

I Casted Out & Took A Bird Out Of The Air,Another Guy Not To Far From Us In Another Boat Said:Now There's A Fishing Story I'd Of Never Believed If I Hadn't Of Seen It!:D

Took Me Like 20 Minutes To Fix That Mess & Send The Tweety Bird On His Way!

Seen My Brother Hook In To What He Thought Was A BIG Fish!

When He Got What He Thought Was A Big Fish To The Bank It Was Actually 2 Rainbows That Weighed about 3- 3-1/2lbs each!

Somebody Had Been Fishing With A Double Hook Set-Up & The 2 Fish Must Of Hit At The Same Time & Broke The Main Line Off!

Here's The Amazing Part:

My Brothers Hook was Through The Eye Of A Triple Swivel That The 2 Fish were on!

You Couldn't Do That In A Million Lifetimes Ever Again!

Had A Friend Whip Back To Cast & Burried A Rapala Treble Hook In My Hand,That FRICKEN Hurt When We Got The Leatherman Out To Remove It!

Them Hooks Have A Special Sting To Them!
My most unusual hookup was a mallard drake. I was fly fishing a pond at a company picnic. I had an elk hair caddis on and a duck swam by and took the fly. I had no idea that a duck would take the fly or I never would have left it on the water anywhere near the duck. What happened then was a sight. The duck went crazy trying to get loose. My rod was bent way over as the duck was trying to fly away. Women at the picnic were screaming at me to let the duck go, ? How? I started to reel ( I wish it had been a Teal) it in to cut the leader. It was quite a fight. All the time the duck was quacking?, women and kids screaming, finally the tippet broke and the duck flew off. I’ll never leave a fly near a duck again. I did feel badly about the whole thing.
Salmon fishing on the Eel River one morning. Legal fishing time is 1 hour before sunrise to sunset. Right at legal start time guys are lined up on both sides of the river. The river is about 40 yards wide. You have to run about 40lb line to have a chance of landing one from the bank. The guy next to me casts out and yells "FISH ON!" and starts backing up. Then we hear a big splash across the river and some loud cussing in the dark. The guy next to me hooked a guy across the river and dragged him in the river. :ROFLMAO: 😄

I just watched a kayak fishing video the other day where he hooked a sea lion. It broke off after about a minute, thank goodness.
Years ago fishing for Lahontan Cutthroat trout at Nevada's Pyramid Lake, I was pretty excited to think I finally got a big one (in those days I had witnessed fishermen landing 20-30# fish!). The fish didn't seem to be playing right, though, and much to my chagrin, I learned I'd tail-hooked a 10# Cui-ui, a plankton-feeding or bottom feeding kind of sucker fish illegal to catch and protected by the Paiute Reservation. Actually the biggest I ever caught at that lake.
I caught a grebe while fishing for catfish once, the thing dove down and grabbed my bait right off the bottom of the river. I also caught a bat on a fly rod, they're hard to get off without touching them. It finally got the line tangled in a bush and broke itself free.
I was ice fishing at pineview reservoir. I bent over my ice hole and my sun glasses, that were folded up in the front of my coveralls, fell out and into the hole. My brother in law saw this and said, that sucks. We were fishing in about 20’ of water. A couple hours later I was jigging a bit and felt tension, I set the hook as one does and reeled up. Up came my sunglasses. Had my brother in law not seen it, I wouldn’t be able to convince anyone it happened!
Hey Pete!

Check Your PM!

Years ago fishing for Lahontan Cutthroat trout at Nevada's Pyramid Lake, I was pretty excited to think I finally got a big one (in those days I had witnessed fishermen landing 20-30# fish!). The fish didn't seem to be playing right, though, and much to my chagrin, I learned I'd tail-hooked a 10# Cui-ui, a plankton-feeding or bottom feeding kind of sucker fish illegal to catch and protected by the Paiute Reservation. Actually the biggest I ever caught at that lake.
I Seen My Friend Take A Mallard Drake Down & Out Of The Air With A JAKES SPIN-A-LURE!

What A Fricken Mess That Was!

Within Seconds The QUACKER Was Entangled In Who Knows How Many Yards Of Line?

But We Saved Him!:D
Once during a bluefish tournament in Casco Bay, I was fishing a heavy rod with a heavy steel leader and a seal took my bait. I must have fought it for at least a half hour and almost got it to boat before hook pulled out. I’ll bet that seal was a little more cautious about the next mackerel he grabbed.
A few years back I was fishing for halibut and ling cod out of
La Push on the Washington coast on a friends boat. He had some new Norweigen 2lb jigs he wanted to tryout. At 35.00 ea. he said you loose it you pay for it. Fair enough. We were fishing in 6 -
700' of water and doing pretty well. Then of coure it happened and I snagged bottom and lost the jig. We headed up the coast to
some other spots for a couple hours them eventually made it back to the area we had originally started . My first drop down
something did'nt feel right so I started the slow wind back up
and discovered I had hooked the jig I'd lost right through the
eye of the jig. I too have fought a few seals after they've grabbed
a salmon while fighting it. That's how it is around here almost more damm seals them salmon .
I caught a grebe stripping buggers from the bank at Strawberry 22 years ago. Thing dove down and took my fly. My buddy filmed the whole thing on his camcorder. Then he had to release it!

Same buddy several years later- we were ice fishing Rockport. He wasn’t paying attention to his rod and a fish took it down the hole. Gone forever! Except a few hours later we had moved and drilled holes 15-20 feet away and he caught a fish. He brings it out of the hole and there is another hook in its mouth and line going down. Pulls it up and got his rod back! That is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.

Fishing with same buddy again on a river in Wyoming. He was nymphing under an indicator and a fish broke him off just above the indicator. I watched the fish drag that indicator up stream and settle. After a bit I went and caught that same fish and gave him his indicator back, but I kept his flies.
Hey Niller?

Are You Telling Fishin Stories?:D


What Are The Odds On Some Of These Fishing Stories?

I'll Answer My Own Question I Guess!

Better Odds Than The EXPO Draw I Guess!

I caught a grebe stripping buggers from the bank at Strawberry 22 years ago. Thing dove down and took my fly. My buddy filmed the whole thing on his camcorder. Then he had to release it!

Same buddy several years later- we were ice fishing Rockport. He wasn’t paying attention to his rod and a fish took it down the hole. Gone forever! Except a few hours later we had moved and drilled holes 15-20 feet away and he caught a fish. He brings it out of the hole and there is another hook in its mouth and line going down. Pulls it up and got his rod back! That is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.

Fishing with same buddy again on a river in Wyoming. He was nymphing under an indicator and a fish broke him off just above the indicator. I watched the fish drag that indicator up stream and settle. After a bit I went and caught that same fish and gave him his indicator back, but I kept his flies.
Fishing Piute Reservoir. Trolling. The bite was slow. Hooked up and reeled in a real nice long handled dip net. Couple hours later and trolling past some friends in their boat and one of them yells, “You guys doing any good.” I hold up the dip net and said, “This is all we’ve caught.”

The guy yell’s back “Hey, that’s my net, I knocked it out of the boat first thing this morning.”

Story of my life. 😂
QUIET Lumpy!


Fishing Piute Reservoir. Trolling. The bite was slow. Hooked up and reeled in a real nice long handled dip net. Couple hours later and trolling past some friends in their boat and one of them yells, “You guys doing any good.” I hold up the dip net and said, “This is all we’ve caught.”

The guy yell’s back “Hey, that’s my net, I knocked it out of the boat first thing this morning.”

Story of my life. 😂
Never in 40 years had I seen a catfish caught through the ice! Ice fishing quite a few years ago, buddy and I were out mid week , lake to ourselves , almost and perfect day.
He got into a 5 lb cat ?!!? what a thrill.
Thought he had a big trout or walleye ?
Crazy seeing whiskers come out of that hole
Salmon fishing in Langara Island BC, Our guide liked to carry the spare rods standing up on the rail by the center console. I am setting in the front of the console facing the stern so I can see all four rods. Bang, I get a strike on the forward rod and like I have done many times set the hook and head toward the stern. This entailed holding the rod and reaching around the vertical rods, which had done many times over the years. Right when my right hand holding the rod reaches the vehicle rods the salmon takes off and jerks the rod out of my hand............yep the air turned blue for a minute. Just a few seconds later one of the rear rods gets a strike. I move back and set the hook. It was then I see a line over my line. I tell my guide to back up slowly as I reel in the rod in my hand. Long story short I recovered the lost rod and fish as well as the new fish that struck the rear rod. Saved me about $600.

We were ice fishing on Antero Res. when son lost his set u rod down the hole. A few minutes later he caught it on his other pole and recovered it

Salmon fishing out of Ketchikan when a seagull decided to eat my herring. What a rodeo !
Seagull, turtles, mergansers, grebes are a few that come to mind. Had sea lions and dolphin on for a while in Alaska but they break off pretty fast.
Caught my German Shepherd one time with a spinner on accident. Boy was that a fight!😂
Also once while bottom fishing about 60 miles out in the Gulf I hooked something big. Surprisingly I got it up to the boat and it was a loggerhead turtle.🐢
Caught my thumb once on a remote fly out trip to Canada on the 2nd day of an 8 day trip. Musky sized hook went right through the meat out the other side of my thumb. Out of reaction I reverse the insertion yanking that bugger out ripping meat with the barb. SOB 😳 did that bring a reaction! Bled like a stuck pig. The remainder of the week was fishing with a swollen throbbing thumb. Luckily the fish bite was on and we crushed the walleyes and pike. Still the best fishing trip of our lives and know we all take refreshers on hook removals.
Few years back I was Catfishing from shore at Powell while sun goes down.
Between Cats I feel tension when I go to check bait and I reel in a lap dog size collar with tags.
I debate a few weeks on whether to call or not, in case dog drowned/carried off by birds/etc and did not want to stir up a horrible memory.
I eventually call and it ended up being a sentimental collar that slipped off a lady’s dog while dog swam off of back of boat.
I mailed it back and she was tickled to get it back.
Buried a big treble into the muscle of my forearm once. Luckily only one bard buried, rolled the other two back up the shank of the hook with pliers and punched the barb through by using needle nose to roll the hook and press the skin and flesh over the point, then clipped the barb. The two holes were just over 1” apart when we were done. Didn’t really hurt that much but that’s a sick feeling when you look down and see the barb buried because it’s a one way ticket.
Salmon fishing in the ocean and I had reeled up to check my bait and we see a dorsal fin coming towards us. It swam under the boat and my buddy says "snag it!" So I got lucky and did. It was almost as long as our 14' aluminum boat. We followed it around for a while then couldn't figure out what to do next, so I broke it off.
You Must Be Tougher Than Most Shadow!

Every Hook I've Ever Had In Me Had A Special STING To Them!

Buried a big treble into the muscle of my forearm once. Luckily only one bard buried, rolled the other two back up the shank of the hook with pliers and punched the barb through by using needle nose to roll the hook and press the skin and flesh over the point, then clipped the barb. The two holes were just over 1” apart when we were done. Didn’t really hurt that much but that’s a sick feeling when you look down and see the barb buried because it’s a one way ticket.
Another time I was out in the ocean with my cousin in his cabin cruiser. We were running a down rigger fishing pretty deep. All of a sudden the boat started listing to starboard and the transom was being dragged down. We almost started taking on water when my cousin put the down rigger in free spool and the line disappeared in a matter of seconds. We had got tangled up with a whale, but we never did see it. That's the only thing we could figure.
Out in the boat years back with my dad and a couple pelicans were circling at about 30 yards out. The old boy says “watch this” and proceeds to cast out in front of one, landing the sinker right over its neck which wrapped about him. I hollered “close the bale” and he said “no, he’ll break my line”.
Well, he left it open and the pelican kept right on flying.
Peeled every inch of line off his reel…and then broke his line. “Well ****” he says! LMAO!
He did the same trick down to Otter creek once, except to a seagull. He reeled him in, all tangled in line. Those birds can get real pissy when you’re trying to untangle them from fishing line. Seagulls bite!
While fishing for tiger fish on the Zambize River. throwing crankbaits toward the shore hooked a monitor lizard, about 5 foot, luckily hook pulled out.

ride hard stay hard
Not sure I understand………. Were you planning on performing surgery on it?
Hey Shadow?

What Was His Favorite Bait For Catching Them?:D
He did the same trick down to Otter creek once, except to a seagull. He reeled him in, all tangled in line. Those birds can get real pissy when you’re trying to untangle them from fishing line. Seagulls bite!
My boys caught a mink using a plastic worm at Smith lake. We did not remove the hook with a pliers. Once when I was very young, I was practice casting. A cat ran out from under our house and inhaled my jighead.
Around 90-91 We Were Fishing The Kettle River In Washington Whenever We Had A Little Time!

Rainbows & Browns Mostly & Them GAWD-DAMNED SQUAWFISH!

A Guy Named Earl Finally Saved Up Enough Money To Get Him A Pole Rigged Up!

The Guy At The Sports Store Is Probably Still LHAO!

He Rigged Earl Up With About A 9' Downrigger Pole!

Earl Is Bragging It All Up & Them DownRigger Poles Have Lots Of Eyes With Lots Of Line Drag Not Made For Casting!

After About 4 Sundays & Earl Hadn't Caught A Fish Of Any Kind We Hear Him About A 1/4 Mile Below Us Just A Screaming:


I've Hooked A BIG SOB & I'm Gonna Need Help!

So We Run Down There & There He Is Screaming:

It's A Brown & It's A Big SOB!

Not Only Was He Playin The Fish, I Think He Was Playin Us As Well!

BIG SOB Alright!

One Of The Bigger Bullheads I've Ever Seen!

I Said:Ya Earl,Nice Brown,You Gonna Eat It?:D

He Sit There In Shock & Awe For What Seemed Like Forever Staring At It Not Saying Anything!
We were catfishing on Utah lake many many years ago near Bird Island and when my dad cast his line in a bird flew right under it and it wrapped around its neck and tangled itself all in his line. It took a long time, but my dad was eventually able to set it free haha.

Getting A Bird Out Of A Bunch Of Line Isn't Easy!

We were catfishing on Utah lake many many years ago near Bird Island and when my dad cast his line in a bird flew right under it and it wrapped around its neck and tangled itself all in his line. It took a long time, but my dad was eventually able to set it free haha.
Years ago fishing for Lahontan Cutthroat trout at Nevada's Pyramid Lake, I was pretty excited to think I finally got a big one (in those days I had witnessed fishermen landing 20-30# fish!). The fish didn't seem to be playing right, though, and much to my chagrin, I learned I'd tail-hooked a 10# Cui-ui, a plankton-feeding or bottom feeding kind of sucker fish illegal to catch and protected by the Paiute Reservation. Actually the biggest I ever caught at that lake.
I had the same story. It was what I thought of as soon as I read the thread title. At least these are still fish though. The guy on the ladder next to me was stoked for me until I landed it. When he saw it he was more disappointed than I was
No pictures but…

In between my freshman and sophomore year at University or Utah, my cousin and I went on a fly fishing pilgrimage. We drove the California coast up through Oregon, into Washington, through Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and finishing in Utah fishing all the famous rivers on the way. I took 6 weeks and it was awesome. In a little creek in northern CA, I had a bat catch my fly mid cast. So I guess that might not count. It was funny to watch it catch the fly in the air and try to fly off with its catch.

The second cool one was in Florida. I was fishing a little lake behind the house and was using a small frog lure for bass. Out of the cat tails, I had a small alligator haul butt out and grab the lure. It was a small (16-18 inch gator). I was able to grab the little thing and get the lure out of its mouth. It was a fun little catch and always makes me laugh. The little bastard kept trying to take my lure for about 3-4 months. I was able to keep it from him.

I also drew a FL gator tag and hooked a 9 1/2 foot gator but, I don’t think that counts either. It was fun as hell but was a hunting trip and not really fishing.
In 67 or so I was running with a friend of mine. He couldn't catch me, so he tripped me. I fell and broke my wrist.

Not long after that a bunch of us boys were fishing near Tres Piedras. Same guy was rebaiting his hook and my foot caught his line. That Rapala caught the webbing between his thing and fore finger.

Does that count?

PayBack Is A Real BITTCH With You I Take It?

In 67 or so I was running with a friend of mine. He couldn't catch me, so he tripped me. I fell and broke my wrist.

Not long after that a bunch of us boys were fishing near Tres Piedras. Same guy was rebaiting his hook and my foot caught his line. That Rapala caught the webbing between his thing and fore finger.

Does that count?
We have had pelicans show up around here for the past 25 years or so. A couple years ago, we were fishing for walleye at a very windy (aren't they all?) lake here in Wyoming. Due to pretty heavy winds, we were doing some shore fishing. There was a pelican within casting distance from the shore. My buddy had just tied on a brand new Rapala. "Watch this", he says, and proceeded to cast that brand new Rapala directly at the pelican. It hit him square in the back, and off he went like a Boeing 747. He spooled my buddy's reel in about 10 seconds. Never even slowed him down. I just about died laughing!!
Years ago I caught a seagull that dove down and grabbed my popper while I was catching boiling bass on topwater. Real hassle to get it free!! By the time I did, the boils died down.
I have caught a few seagulls, but the worst was when I was using a top water crankbait, one flew down and grab it and got one set of tremble hooks. While fighting it and it raising hell another tried to steal the bait and got other set of tremble hooks. It was a freaking mess.
I have caught a few seagulls, but the worst was when I was using a top water crankbait, one flew down and grab it and got one set of tremble hooks. While fighting it and it raising hell another tried to steal the bait and got other set of tremble hooks. It was a freaking mess.
Y’all must want those hooks back way worse than I do.

I know. I know, it’s not about the lure or the line……….

It would be in my boat. They want the lure…… they can have it.
Took my kids to the ponds next to the I-15 there in Kaysville a few years back, kept seeing ripples in the water behind the bobber, then reeled in this dude.

I have caught a plethora of odd crap whole fishing. I've caught divers, that was odd, but humorous. Animal skulls, fishing poles, strollers, etc.
This has already been reported- but I was fishing next to a guy who didn't get to his pole in time, and the fish took off. I came along- he told me that was his bobber with rod, reel, and fish attached. I could see the bobber moving about. With a few casts with a spinning lure, I was able to catch the bobber with rest of the gear. I handed the guy his pole and let him catch his fish.
Another unusual catch- I hooked into a chain stringer with three very much alive bass- I thought I had a real lunker on!
Caught a large snapping turtle when I was bobber fishing from a little 14’ fishing boat with my dad, uncle and cousin. I remember my bobber took off like Jaws dragging an empty keg and it was all I could do to real it up to the boat. There was a lot of excitement, until we saw the beast come up to the boat. My dad cut the line before anyone like me could try anything stupid. I was pretty disappointed he let it go, but it was definitely the wise thing to do.
It was a Sphincter hook up. Caught a 5'11" Sturgeon. It was a struggle but I got him in the boat and yes, it was a tasty Sturgeon.
That's pretty funny, and I agree I would do the same. It's too bad I don't have a picture of that fish. I think it didn't weigh over 100 lbs. I kept about 8 or 9 fish and let so many I could have kept go.
We didn't actually "catch" it, but my cousin and I went bass fishing on Don Pedro Reservoir early one Spring and it was pretty cold. We had his aluminum boat with small outboard motor. We pulled up to this island and got out and fished along the bank. When we decided to leave, we got in the boat and a rattlesnake had wound himself around the shaft of the motor and wasn't about to let go. We finally unwound it and let it go. We figured it was attracted to the warm motor on that cold morning. We also figured out I wasn't a bass fisherman. 😄
I was up at the taylor c&r for a saturday midnight session back when i used to have that kind of time. Messing around with some mouse patterns.

Decided to stop at the confluence in almont on the way home and throw a mouse out there. About 2 in the morning.

A couple casts into i thought i must have snagged a branch and went to drag the branch up the side of the river, grabbed my line and pulled the mouse pattern up into the view of my headlamp and whoa sh!t it was a big ol bat dripping wet and hanging off my fly about a foot from my face.

We both screamed like little girls, i threw the fly, it unhooked itself and i called it a night.
I have caught a few birds, turtles, and a muskrat once but the most unique was fishing top water in SE Texas. I had just moved there from Wyoming and was really enjoying the fishing. One evening I was fishing a 6" zara spook and catching the occasional nice largemouth. Right at dark, when I could just barely see, I had a wake come up behind my bait and explode on it. I fought for 30 minutes and had no idea what I had. It was completely dark when I got it to shore...where my buddy immediately cut the line to let the alligator go. Not sure how big he was but guessing 5-6 feet. It was a heck of a fight.
Me - besides fish, mostly bottom rocks and logs. A good friend once caught a seagull who promptly took off, flying in big circles before the hook was final jerked loose. My brother caught a bat in the webbing between its legs - that didn't end so well for the bat.
Have you guys heard the song “fishin for chickens” I like the Dave Stamey Version.
Well one day I decided to try it with my neighbors chickens. It actually worked very well. Long story short my neighbors were not very happy. But it made for some good fun!
Alligator. 6 foot.

Lived in southeast FL for 5 years for my first job out of college. Would take my kids to the Everglades occasionally to get away from the city. One time trying to bass fish with my son’s sea pole, a 6’ alligator swam over the line. So, I thought it would be cute for my kids if I tried scaring it by jerking my line back. Instead, I hooked it. When I tried reeling in the line, the gator kinda just went limp for a moment and I was actually reeling it in and thinking I’d just have to cut the line eventually. Well, the gator decided in short order to swim the other way and we came to a standstill after I tightened the drag as much as it would go. Being my son’s sea pole and strong line, way overdone for bass, nothing was giving for a few seconds. Then it suddenly came loose and the gator swam away. I reeled in assuming the line had broke. Instead, the hook had bent open.
In a Jon boat with my papa. 8 or 9 years old. Podder lake. Rared back to cast and hooked papa’s hat right off his head and it landed out on the water. Glad he had a hat on!

Also reeled in a pair of panties once while smallmouth fishing a creek not far from college campus.
These stories were amazing and the "box of chocolates" sometimes you just don't know what you'll catch! :eek: ;)
Was fishing for carp (insert joke here) one summer when one broke my line. We were using dough bait and treble hooks. The hooks were attached to a leader with a loop on one end. Later in the day I caught a carp that had my previous lost leader and hook. Crazy thing, I had hooked the previous leader through the loop on one end with my current treble hook. Don't ask me how I hooked it with dough bait on my hook.
Oh yeah, I’ve been caught a couple times… fun hospital or urgent care visits.

Also have hooked a seagull off a pier in SC.

Snapping turtle.

Water snakes.

But the best was when an alligator went after my spinner bait ( in SC again, what is it with SC?) and of course broke my line. Well….. about 20 minutes later, while fishing in the same area… I felt a tug and then nothing… when I reeled, there was my ORIGINAL lost spinnerbait, hook to hook on my line. The odds against that must be tremendous… yet I still can’t draw a NM tag. Go figure.
I always figured my friend had the record, with a dead body on the South Fork of the Snake. A guy drowned a couple weeks earlier and they did not locate the body initially. My two friends went fishing and the one snagged up in a big backwater eddy. He kept pulling and pretty soon a pair of waders appeared and then the rest of the guy. He stayed there holding the body to shore, while the other went for the authorities. Yuck, bad memory for sure!!
I always figured my friend had the record, with a dead body on the South Fork of the Snake. A guy drowned a couple weeks earlier and they did not locate the body initially. My two friends went fishing and the one snagged up in a big backwater eddy. He kept pulling and pretty soon a pair of waders appeared and then the rest of the guy. He stayed there holding the body to shore, while the other went for the authorities. Yuck, bad memory for sure!!
you win.....
I’ve caught birds, sea lions, and frogs. But my prize catch was a muskrat when I was 10. That was a shocker. He took a night crawler off the bottom.
I was fishing on the Weber river years ago and had caught a nice two pound trout and put it on a stringer tied to my belt. While I was fishing I felt a tug on my stringer line and pulled it out of the water to see a mink hanging on to it growling. I shook him off and went on fishing a little while later he was back and this time he wasn't letting go. Had a hell of a time getting him to let go
I was retrieving walleye lures from a snag/tree stump one spring in the Prove River with only my Levies and tennis hoes waders..colder than cold. Guy walked up on the over-head bank and said" I wouldn't due that for all the money in the world" I was a There were a lot of lures on that sang ! very poor college student and my retrievals were my only way to get my lure supply. About that time I look down and UNBELIEVABLE a $5 bill came floating by.. I proudly held it up and said "well would you do it for $5 " !
Combat fishing the Kenei River for reds. My group was doing well and we were fishing kind of tight to each other. When people see you catching they will move closer and try and take your spot while you fight a fish. One guy moved in between me and a buddy, just down stream from me. I told him he was a little close. He said he did not mind. I thanked him for the generous amount of space in between us and went back to fishing, trying not to snag his leg every time I drew the line from the water. Soon thereafter I foul hooked a salmon on the top of its back and it took off straight into the middle of the river. Only a few seconds of burning line and the fish pulled the hook. The 1.5 oz weight came flying backwards past the over cozy fisherman next to me and buried the hook into his cheek. (The cheek attached to his face) I apologize as fast as I could but didn’t know what to do. He just reached down and ripped the hook out and said “no problem. We are combat fishing”. And we both went back to fishing. Biggest thing I’ve ever caught.
Combat fishing the Kenei River for reds. My group was doing well and we were fishing kind of tight to each other. When people see you catching they will move closer and try and take your spot while you fight a fish. One guy moved in between me and a buddy, just down stream from me. I told him he was a little close. He said he did not mind. I thanked him for the generous amount of space in between us and went back to fishing, trying not to snag his leg every time I drew the line from the water. Soon thereafter I foul hooked a salmon on the top of its back and it took off straight into the middle of the river. Only a few seconds of burning line and the fish pulled the hook. The 1.5 oz weight came flying backwards past the over cozy fisherman next to me and buried the hook into his cheek. (The cheek attached to his face) I apologize as fast as I could but didn’t know what to do. He just reached down and ripped the hook out and said “no problem. We are combat fishing”. And we both went back to fishing. Biggest thing I’ve ever caught.
Them Alaskans are double tough
I Got A Kick Out Of All The Little Clinics Along The Kenai River!

They All Had Signs Out By The Roadway Saying How Many Hooks They'd Removed From The Start Of The Year!

Quite A Few!

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