Muley freak busted again

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Is this the third or fourth time now?
The guy poached the deer out from under a dad who was taking his wife and kid hunting. Real classy. Shot from private property and killed the deer on different private property. Class act.
Idiot shooting long distance from ranch to ranch? his content is let’s take a crazy bow shot or crazy long distance high wound possibly shot
The guy poached the deer out from under a dad who was taking his wife and kid hunting. Real classy. Shot from private property and killed the deer on different private property. Class act.
If that’s the case he’ll lose his license!

This is how Idaho’s trespass law is in forced. If you are ticketed for trespassing while hunting and the ticket is issued by IDF&G it is a mandatory 1 year loss of license but not more than three years.
Was this an archery violation?--if so, he just dropped another video this morning. Not inclined to watch it.

I have watched some of his videos in the past, but this seemingly ongoing shady sh*t--dude, quit already and play by the rules!
How does he still have gun rights if he has been busted multiple times?
I believe was charged for 1 elk on private in Utah. And he was charged for trespass on that one to. So he’s had 2 trespassing charges and 1 wanton waste. I don’t think that’s enough to take his gun rights. But I’ll bet if he’s busted again in Utah he’ll have a very harsh punishment. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Idaho sticks it to him.
If they play the delay game like the Bowmars, the Muley Freak team will get another season of content before any decisions are made.
Come on it’s Muley Freak, you know he freaks out when he sees big Mule Deer and can’t help himself.
Looks like they are taking this pretty serious. The prelim is Feb 24. He will get one more season in anyway before facing any music on this.
They'll stack up a pile of charges in an attempt to get him to plea to something less. At the minimum a hunter trespass conviction in Idaho carries a 1 year license revocation that will carry through most of the other states as well.
To me it’s just sad that he’s put himself in that situation again. I watched the saga play out in Utah just a few years ago, and here we are in the same spot just to the north doing the same type of crap.

I feel very bad for those around him. It’s a sad story to watch play out.
To me it’s just sad that he’s put himself in that situation again. I watched the saga play out in Utah just a few years ago, and here we are in the same spot just to the north doing the same type of crap.

I feel very bad for those around him. It’s a sad story to watch play out.
There’s nothing sad about it, the people around him know who he is…
What’s sad is that he has 100’s of thousands of followers, and they look up to the waste as a hero…

“Edit” That is contradicting on my part…. There’s nothing sad about the freinds and family part of it, they know who he is…
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This dude must live by me now in Utah County because he's posting bucks and bulls on his Instagram page that I see almost every day
There’s nothing sad about it, the people around him know who he is…
What’s sad is that he has 100’s of thousands of followers, and they look up to the waste as a hero…

“Edit” That is contradicting on my part…. There’s nothing sad about the freinds and family part of it, they know who he is…
That’s a pretty crappy way to view the world.

I absolutely feel bad for his family and what he puts them through. I guess you’ve never seen people struggle with the decisions of others and the pain those decisions can cause innocent people. You live a blessed life.
Hey Niller?

Would It Be Fair To Say Some Have Had More Than Enough Chances?

I'd Guess Somebody Will Pop Up & Say It's an Un-Controllable Addiction & I Don't Know WTF I'm Talking About!

That’s a pretty crappy way to view the world.

I absolutely feel bad for his family and what he puts them through. I guess you’ve never seen people struggle with the decisions of others and the pain those decisions can cause innocent people. You live a blessed life.
Texas also right? I know a guy that got pinched on some shady guiding and he just moved to texas and kept rolling.
No Texas is part of the alliance, don’t even think about coming to Texas with a revoked hunting license, hunting with out a license = jail time and restitution if something is killed
No Texas is part of the alliance, don’t even think about coming to Texas with a revoked hunting license, hunting with out a license = jail time and restitution if something is killed
Does that include hogs on private ground?
Texas also right? I know a guy that got pinched on some shady guiding and he just moved to texas and kept rolling.
Pretty sure you still need a “hunting” license in Texas to hunt even exotics. If he has wildlife convictions, he won’t be able to hunt in Texas either… unless he’s doing it under the table
Does he have a booth at the Expo?
Booth #2544 according to the Expo exhibitor list. Big one along the back wall.

Some of you guys that are in UT need to stop by and ask him what his plans are if he's convicted of a Felony. Or at least get some photos of this buck. I'm sure he has plenty of video of himself shooting said buck.
Tikka, I’m confused. 4 hours ago you were asking if anyone did this, and now you’re saying you heard it at his booth yesterday and he played def.
Tikka, I’m confused. 4 hours ago you were asking if anyone did this, and now you’re saying you heard it at his booth yesterday and he played def.
He asked if anyone from MM called out the poacher. He implied he wasn’t sure if it was someone from here or not.
Seems like a lot of details are missing. Details I’d be interested in hearing about. It may be a great story!

What did this person(s) say? Was it in hushed tones or in passing? Or was someone really confronting him and our hero MF just ignored him/them?
I personally called him out on it face to face. Keyboard warriors are jokes. He addressed it head on and didn’t play deaf at all. After his explanation i then brought up his last charge and again he answered it head on and admitted he tracked a wounded bull through a corner of private. If you guys listen to all the bull **** put out daily by people/media and take it as fact than shame on you for being the biggest problem in this world. I’m not defending the guy I’m simply saying if you have a problem with someone do something about it rather than be a damn teenage gossip girl about it.
I don’t know what he did in Idaho but I do know what he did in utah, what was his head on explanitation for that crime?
I personally called him out on it face to face. Keyboard warriors are jokes. He addressed it head on and didn’t play deaf at all. After his explanation i then brought up his last charge and again he answered it head on and admitted he tracked a wounded bull through a corner of private. If you guys listen to all the bull **** put out daily by people/media and take it as fact than shame on you for being the biggest problem in this world. I’m not defending the guy I’m simply saying if you have a problem with someone do something about it rather than be a damn teenage gossip girl about it.
So did asking him face to face change the charges?

The "keyboard warriors" aren't the one's pressing charges, just sayin.....
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