
Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-15 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]well got a extra doe deer tag and a antelope tag.

No late season elk or late season deer.

Good luck to you guys
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-15 AT 10:11AM (MST)[p]No bull elk tag, no reduced price cow/calf, no antelope tag, no deer tag. General all the way I guess.

I did get a reduced price doe/fawn whitey tag.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-15 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]It looks like 5.0 points was enough to guarantee a G tag in the regular draw (61% of those with 4+ points drew) and 4+ was a guarantee in the special draw (89% of those with 4.0 points drew).
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-15 AT 10:43AM (MST)[p]WY continues to show me the love.
Looks like we drew half the NR tags for the unit and beat 1-10 odds.
We drew unit 67 for antelope, never hunted antelope....this should be fun. And pointers for unit 67? Where to camp? Chances at an 80" buck? Thanks
Didn't get my antelope tag but did get a doe antelope tag. Oh, and a unit 90-1 deer tag. I have a month to bow hunt it and then pull out the rifle if needed.
Well, I drew my antelope buck & 2 doe tags in the usual unit I hunt. Can't wait to be back in Wyoming again!!!!
Good luck everyone. Seems lots of tags already gone this year based on the leftover list which looks pretty slim this year.
I drew the Region G tag with 5 in the regular draw as well. First time heading there, gonna see if it lives up to the hype!

Congrats to all who drew - see you in the high country!
Drew G with my 6PPs in the Reg, but struck out on my doe antelope tags! My buddy drew a resident buck antelope tag for our unit again, so I'll try to help him shoot another Booner like last year and just shoot pdogs with my .243 Sako!
Looks like guys were trying desperately to cash inn points this year. Looking at the odds, some of the 2014 1 point tags are now 3 and 4 pt tags!
My son an I can't draw a type 1 antelope tag for love nor money, but did get a couple of doe/fawn tags, so all is good. Second choice on an extra cow/calf tag.
Got to laugh, I didn't even get a doe antelope tag, nothing at all. This year has been a total bust.
Back to back Jack! Missed out on the late deer with max points, but drew a unit 98 antelope tag at Kemmerer out of the random pool with NO points. Get to burn down another one with my muzzleloader this year. Shithouse lucky, I guess.
I drew my second choice deer tag, but didnt draw the antelope tag. Looks like it may be a few years before I draw an antelope tag again.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-15 AT 06:56PM (MST)[p]I love Wyoming!

Congrats all you guys that drew

Kilo--PM sent

Enjoy buddy


EDIT--I just got home from a week up there in G---some dandy ears wide-n-high bucks mid June!
My buddy and I drew Region G as NR with 5pp in regular draw. Now have to decide when to leave as he still is working. If could go for a month and hunt diferent units but doubt if he can.
I have a good idea where I want to go and when to go there, just need to see if he can go them.

Eh...just another typical year.

General elk, general deer, good pronghorn tag, type-6 elk...wife drew an OK WY elk tag, antelope, and general deer.

I'll pick up a second antelope buck permit, another type-6 elk tag and maybe an additional WT buck permit.

Barring something ridiculous in season should be OK:

Bull moose, 2 buck antelope, 3 elk, and 2 buck deer in WY. Montana bull elk and buck deer (maybe an elk b-tag if I draw). Arizona coues deer should be 100% as well. The only possible spoiler at this point would be an AZ Rocky Mountain Bighorn.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-15 AT 09:20PM (MST)[p]This is my first time (and my brother's) ever putting in for Wyoming deer. We put in for Unit G non-resident and drew with 0 (yes, zero) points!! I never imagined we'd draw. I had to log in twice to make sure I wasn't imagining things.
OK, all You guys hyped on G deer tags I wanna see Your results come this fall. Hardly anyone post bad luck. Hope all do well but we will see what G has. Good luck. .............BULL!
Didn't draw anything this year for elk, sheep and deer. Last year was the same. This allows me to focus on general deer for about 40 days. If I decided to go to G or H, or 115, that would add another 15 days of mule deer hunting in the high country. I have been scouting country now since April. With all the moisture, it should be a great year.

Lots of tags in the family. 2 type 1 Elk, 1 type 1 antelope and 3 doe fawn. Will pick up a couple type 6 Elk tags along with general deer. Will be a good fall. Good luck to all!!
I drew a fairly low odds limited quota elk. First time in 40 years I've drawn a license with less than 25% odds. Also got a 100% draw deer license, a second choice antelope and a cow elk license. The wife drew a 90% odds late season whitetail. I also drew in Kansas and will deer hunt in CO. Better buy a bigger freezer. And am glad I bought that big meat grinder last year.
>This is my first time (and
>my brother's) ever putting in
>for Wyoming deer. We put
>in for Unit G non-resident
>and drew with 0 (yes,
>zero) points!! I never imagined
>we'd draw. I had to
>log in twice to make
>sure I wasn't imagining things.

You drew one of the random tags at 5.5% odds, so now bone up and take advantage of it because it will probably never happen again. Congrats and good luck!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-15 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]>>This is my first time (and
>>my brother's) ever putting in
>>for Wyoming deer. We put
>>in for Unit G non-resident
>>and drew with 0 (yes,
>>zero) points!! I never imagined
>>we'd draw. I had to
>>log in twice to make
>>sure I wasn't imagining things.
>You drew one of the random
>tags at 5.5% odds, so
>now bone up and take
>advantage of it because it
>will probably never happen again.
> Congrats and good luck!
I totally agree. It caught is by surprise and didn't anticipate hunting WY this year. But we definitely going to take advantage of this good fortune and bust our humps to make the most of it. Will report back!
Just came out of the Greys. The dust was so bad we had to bring my daughter down with bad allergies. I thought I must be in Utah with all the Utah plates up there. I saw 3 Deer, they were all dead from the Idiots going 60 mph up the canyon. Permanent cloud of dust from the bottom to the top. Its awesome. Enjoy your tags.
We were pretty lucky in our house. My wife, son and I all drew 45 type 1 elk and me and the wife also drew 119 type 1 deer. We should be pretty busy this fall!
First time getting a limited quota deer tag. Super excited, ordered a custom topo map and pouring over google earth. Can't wait to get boots on the ground next month.
I got area 54 type 1(South of the Clarks fork) elk and Antelope area 80 type 1. Got super lucky cause I drew Area 54 type 2 (North of the Clarks fork) and got a 340 bull out of there. Now I just need to figure out where the elk are on 54 type 1!!!

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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