Summer Bear Bait Recipe


Long Time Member
Hey guys, I drew a summer Bait tag, just wondering if any of you have any "Tips, Tricks, or Practices" that would help me out such as a recipe, or different items you use for baiting bears.

I've never did a hunt like this so just trying to get some ideas so really anything you feel like sharing will help.

Planning on using my Bow for the hunt.


Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
I've either killed or guided many bears killed over baits. June is prime time for them, and the rut helps also. I believe you can't get too strong smelling for a bear, they will smell it and come for miles. Once they find it, they will stay as long as there is something to eat. If you let it run out, they will get spotty and may abandon it.

I like either anise (licorice) or vanilla scents. Cheap peanut butter smeared on logs and trees will drive them crazy, and they will lick the bark right off them.

Meat will hold them much better than sweets and pastries, but they love them. If you can't get them, then use old bread and dump cheap maple syrup all over it.

Some people have success with old dog food, but it never worked real well for me. I prefer rolled oats and molasses from the feed store. A 30 or 55 gallon barrel with a 6-8" hole in it will minimize how much they can eat. never leave big pieces that they can grab and take off with, or they will eat it out of your sight.

Make sure you build a good crib to keep them in front of you at the right angle. It needs to be high and dense enough they can't reach over and feed from behind.

Everyone else reading this will have their favorites too. Good luck and kill a monster!!
Utah has some pretty specific baiting requirements if that is where you are baiting. They wont allow you to use a drum or container to hold the bait, with that said it makes it tougher to hold a bear. We have had bears come in and eat a pile of bait and then not show up for another week. We found rebaiting more regular with less bait once a bear you want to kill hits it keeps them coming back more regular. It's really good if more than one more starts hitting then they compete for the bait. As mentioned above its important to not let it go dry. Donuts, fresh meat scrap, and you would be amazed at what Little Ceasars throws out every night. Cover it all in fry grease to keep it moist. They are funny I've had them eat the breading around a corn dog and leave the hotdog, one big boar loved raspberry yogurt, my point being a variety is good. Get something real loud and stinky to get them initially to find the bait, we hang a game bag full of stank as high up in a tree where the wind can take it. It's a ton of fun, good luck!!!
Hey thanks guys, some very useful ideas.

Keep em coming I got 2 months to figure it all out. And yes it is Utah.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
My wife drew the San Juan summer bait tag and we're learning the ropes of baiting as well. I hit up our local grocery store bakery and they told me they throw away all of their left over bread and pasteries every morning at 7 so we'll hit them up as often as possible. We also have friends that own a local burger joint I'm hoping we can get some old fry grease from as well. I've heard a lot of people use dog food but with mixed reviews. Good suggestions from the posters above.
They also love to munch trail cameras, try not to handle your bait then set/check your camera. They have crunched a few of mine up! Donut shops throw out their day old donuts, my kids loved that! The donut filling and frosting was always a bonus if you could find an expired bucket. Half the fun is the anticipation of what you were going to find in the dumpster haha.
Damn Dumpster Divers!:D

>They also love to munch trail
>cameras, try not to handle
>your bait then set/check your
>camera. They have crunched a
>few of mine up! Donut
>shops throw out their day
>old donuts, my kids loved
>that! The donut filling and
>frosting was always a bonus
>if you could find an
>expired bucket. Half the fun
>is the anticipation of what
>you were going to find
>in the dumpster haha.

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
The key is to put your ladder in first, to judge the depth of the dumpster. Those big Dempster Dinosaurs are huge. In all the years I got stuff out of them, I only found one body! When he rolled over and looked at me with crazy eyes, I about ##### my pants. A homeless drunk and had been there for about 36 hours.
Makes ya wonder how many of them passed out Whino's have been loaded in a Garbage Truck?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Mar-25-19 AT 05:38AM (MST)[p]I've used dog food and popcorn only cause it easy to get a hold of for sure, popping they much popcorn kinda sucks though lol, also to attract them in go to bear scents. Com and get ya some bacon scented spray!! There are other companies out there that make scents also but never tried them, think boarmasters is pretty good also !! As stated above meat, donuts ect work well also, put the fryer grease in front of bait if allowed so when they step in it they will drag a trail out with them to attract others !!
Old grease from any of the fast food places will work for you
You do need alot of it for them to track away from the bait pile.
Any old doughnuts and such will work, seem like cat food works better then dog food BUT dog food will soak up the "HOT" grease and work too,Just premix it at home.
Make your log bait pile with the heavier logs and chain them together make the space they can reach into small and strong.
A big bear has the power to move small building. LOL
Start the bait collecting now and freeze it if you have too. Those big old chest freezer work great for it.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Google ?bear sucker?. My boy drew a Bookcliffs tag a few years ago and we put a ?sucker? up in addition to the bait pile. We had more pics on the trail camera with bear and the sucker than we did on the bait pile. It works !!!!I plus it lasts awhile. I don't know how to post pics to show what mine looked like but you can get an idea from the Internet. Good luck
An old wise man once told me horse quarters are the best... I've never tried this of course... ;)
>An old wise man once told
>me horse quarters are the
>best... I've never tried this
>of course... ;)
Horse and beef both work well if ya have access to some dead ones. I once picked up a big dead cow and left it on the trailer for about a week, then tried cutting into bait size pieces not good lol, that's why it's dog food and popcorn for me plus it's lite. I know few guys that grab up the calves that die at birth or shortly after and use them!!
Road kill= deer,rabbits,skunks,racoon,elk,dog,cats,ect. get a good pile going you can shoot or trap a lot predators with a good Bait pile.
Good place to start is where a farmer/rancher puts his dead animals
You can even get him to put the pile in a location that helps you with the taking of those predators.
Plus he just might have a tractor handy to unload a few things.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Do not use any protected or regulated game animals or fish, in your bait pile, no matter how you got them, bad info. That will get you in the deep doodoo with the game warden. Also, make sure when using livestock you can prove ownership as required by Utah law. We always had letters of donation by the rancher.

We had a tag last year in UT. Bears would dig past doughnuts bread popcorn dog food rotting meats and throw it all out to get the carp.
Hunted NJ last year and the guy used M&M with nuts and they ate them like crazy. He used a 5 gallon bucket of sticky bun syrup as an attractant along with the nuts. We killed two bears in two days and another guy killed on on the 3rd day after we left the farm. I tried stinky carp the year before and the bears rejected it for sweets.
Just purchased a bottle of anise oil (it smells like black licorice). What is the best way to use it? I had a guy tell me he mixes with water and sprays around the bait site. Any tips on best way to maximize the smell? Thanks
>We had a tag last year
>in UT. Bears would
>dig past doughnuts bread popcorn
>dog food rotting meats and
>throw it all out to
>get the carp.


The DWR hears you Talkin like that & They'll make the CARP the Utah State Fish & Protect it!:D

So There is a Use For CARP Huh?:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Just purchased a bottle of anise
>oil (it smells like black
>licorice). What is the best
>way to use it? I
>had a guy tell me
>he mixes with water and
>sprays around the bait site.
>Any tips on best way
>to maximize the smell? Thanks
That was the secret to my bait setup a couple years ago. I soaked a t-shirt in it and hung it between 2 trees. Also used it as a cover scent when we were in our tree stands, just dripped it straight onto the tree. Several times we had Boars circling us checking the wind, never got busted.

>>Just purchased a bottle of anise
>>oil (it smells like black
>>licorice). What is the best
>>way to use it? I
>>had a guy tell me
>>he mixes with water and
>>sprays around the bait site.
>>Any tips on best way
>>to maximize the smell? Thanks
>That was the secret to my
>bait setup a couple years
>ago. I soaked a t-shirt
>in it and hung it
>between 2 trees. Also used
>it as a cover scent
>when we were in our
>tree stands, just dripped it
>straight onto the tree. Several
>times we had Boars circling
>us checking the wind, never
>got busted.

Awesome, thanks
LAST EDITED ON May-16-19 AT 10:20PM (MST)[p]Diapers work good to wick your scents. Vanilla extract is another scent that they like. We would soak diapers in vanilla and soy sauce, let them marinate in a ziplock for a day or two, then run them 20-30 ft. Up a tree limb around your bait. Tie them to some paracord and throw over the highest branch you can. Bears will smell it for miles. Good luck!
>AT 10:20?PM (MST)

>Diapers work good to wick your
>scents. Vanilla extract is another
>scent that they like. We
>would soak diapers in vanilla
>and soy sauce, let them
>marinate in a ziplock for
>a day or two, then
>run them 20-30 ft. Up
>a tree limb around your
>bait. Tie them to some
>paracord and throw over the
>highest branch you can. Bears
>will smell it for miles.
>Good luck!

Great idea, I may have to try this.
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