Probably watch Cops and AMW, than later probably a game of fart football.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
We wined and dined last night because I hate crowds. + 1 on the fart-football Rack.................
after she gets done doing laundry, taking out the trash, vacumming, cleaning up dog crap and washing the dishes i'm afraid she's going to be to tired to want to go out. Probably just another nite of watching Jerry Springer videos
I have you all beat!!! My mother in law decided to come F-up my first married Valentines day! Am I a lucky SOB or what? She did not even bring me any candy, but by god shes drinking my wine and I am cooking 3 (not 2) steaks tonight!!
I'd nip that in the bud. Mommy in law might make this your first and last married v day.

I bought my wife some roses and she bought me a box of Black Cloud shotgun shells for the upcomming Aleutian goose season. Is she romantic or what?

We went out to dinner last night, had a gift card to a decent place here in town. My wife loves choclate covered macadamia nuts from Hawaii, so I had my buddy send me a case. Tonight we are grilling some steaks and some lobster tails the wife found at the store. Maybe some other tail tonight?
For future reference;

Boys', If you spend $50 and send flowers to your wife..girlfriend..or both, at their work, they get to show all their friends what a kind, sensitive, caring mate you are.

This does wonders for their ego and exempts you from having to "dude up" and go out for a $100 dinner.

You can even get away with going to a trapshoot on Valentines Day, Mothers Day or any other "girl day".....with flowers.

My wifes' birthday is September 5th. Good luck finding me around the house for that event!

It ain't my fault she was born the first week of huntin' season!
I am in Rock Springs Wyoming at a BMX Supercamp with the family.
My son has taken First on Friday and Saturday Lots of fun.

Glad to have wireless at the Inn.

Hello MMers from Rock Springs. RugBurn
Eel - a box of Black Cloud???!! Now THAT is a major investment in your relationship! Do you know how many stores she had to go to to find that stuff right now??? She is definitely in LOVE with you - that or she just wants you out of her hair for a while.

Went to dinner with the wife a kiddos. Bought her one rose and one for my daughter. Burned her a CD of some of "our" songs from back in the day to the present. She will probably think it's cheesy. But she got me (from the kids too) a $10 GC to a local sporting good store.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I broke down and got the old lady a nice pair of earrings.......


And she got pissed??????
hey harry........can't figure why she would get pissed over a perfectly nice set of matching e-rings like those......she must be high maintance......if you put hooks on those....you could catch steelhead......it was a great gesture on your part anyways.......yd.
My god ...you guys kill me.....I took the wife out to the new Fangled MOONDANCE DINER moved out to L.A. Barge from New York City
and she was tickled fartless.....so I didn't have to deal with the fart football thing..
By the way Harry....if your wife throws them earrings away...I'll buy 'em from yah... purdy sure they'll work good here on Fontenelle Reservoir when the cutthroat are biting...

Mike, is that a new place there in LaBarge for dinner?? How was it? Better than Marbleton Inn?

>I have you all beat!!! My
>mother in law decided to
>come F-up my first married
>Valentines day! Am I a
>lucky SOB or what? She
>did not even bring me
>any candy, but by god
>shes drinking my wine and
>I am cooking 3 (not
>2) steaks tonight!!

Is she MILFY cjboz?????? Maybe you were a little slow on the hints....hmmmm...ever think of that??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Brian the dinner was great....and they make Chocolate Milkshakes just like when I was a kid and they are GOOD!!! Ya its better than the Marbleton Inn.....which reminds me of the greasy spoon that used to be on HEE HAW..
Mine felt like taking a nap in the sun on Saturday afternoon. She let me go Coyote hunting. We were both happy.


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