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    Babyman Don't Like Dat Boat

    Bone spurs, toddler in chief doesn't even like to see a war hero's name on a boat. it make him cry. You pathetic chumps. you think this loser is the orange Oz and he's simply a low IQ spoiled brat...
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    The Case For Impeachment

    Pelosi needs to read this. everything she needs was very well laid out on the table in terms so simple a Trump chump can understand it. BY A REPUBLICAN. What's not to love about that? HA! Stay Thirsty My...
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    Der Fuhrer Calls Out Treason

    When the 3rd republican investigation into the origins of treasonous Trump's campaign yields nothing Trump has one honorable thing to do, apologize and resign. only dictators can make baseless claims like this and at the moment Trump is not a dictator. this is inexcusable by all standards...
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    You're Going To Get So tired Of Losing

    Get used to it. Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    The Brazilian Ballot Bailout Bonus

    The Brazilian Ballot Bailout Bonus 62 million for some corrupt Brazilian bros but nothing for Pacific NW hay growers screwed out of more than that. Guess Trump knows he can't buy an electoral vote in OR or WA but those Brazilians might be able to do him a favor. How much will they get...
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    " Dumb and Insulting "

    " Dumb and Insulting " Yes I could be accurately describing you Trump chumps, but I'm quoting the FOX Judge. as Napalitano says the truth...
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    Immoral, Criminal, Defensless, Condemnable

    What did I tell you stupid POS Trump slurpers while you were taking your fake victory laps ? We already have many crimes and we're going to find many more. Trump has vowed to obstruct congress in every way possible , even making up...
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    40% Exoneration

    40% Exoneration Barr is trying to moonwalk back his first letter. you know, the 100 % exoneration one according to the fuhrer. Bar says his first letter did not purport to be an accounting of the investigation. what do you suppose that means chumps? uh....I wonder....good news ...
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    How Low Can You Go 5 golf trips would pay this for a year. Trump's just pizzed because he's too old and fat to compete so phuk 'em. Let's see how this flies with voters...
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    Not So Fast Nazis

    Not So Fast Nazis What did the state media judge just say ? So, we know there's evidence. no phuking duh. how much is enough TO PROVE BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT ? is this how...
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    Barbara Bush Got It Right

    She says what so expatriated republicans are saying. the extremist hijacked the party and elected a grand wizard we cannot ever support. they call it TDS, it's really common sense and patriotism to a...
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    And You Love This POS ?

    I wasn't aware Trump paid for McCain's funeral. The poor POS didn't even get a thank you. so sad. Trump says McCain " wasn't my kind of guy " . well I bet not...
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    Trump Exports Inspiration

    Trump brings out the best in the world. and here we thought we were the only beneficiaries of his divisive hate and greed. Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    Another Blocked vote

    Something else turtleman refuses to allow on the floor. he knows no good can come from this discussion for he or his party. What's so awful about transparent fair elections ? " it's bad m'kay " isn't a reason. be specific...
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    The Evolution Of A Lie

    Didn't happen. okay it happened but I know nothing about the pay off. okay I paid her off but I wasn't involved. okay I paid her off but it wasn't illegal. okay I paid her off but it wasn't campaign fraud. This is how it works EVERY PHUKING TIME with this corrupt liar. denial it happened...
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    Some Great News on Wolves

    Now let's hope it really happens. Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    Who's Nation Is This ?

    Is this America or Israel ? or is America a subsidiary of Israel ? When American leaders must essentially swear an oath to a foreign nation it's time to call bullchit . the last one to do it was Ron Paul and it met similar responses from the AIPAC owned congress. The democrats are...
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    Full Rejection Of The Fake Emergency

    It will be official. the House, Senate and the American people reject the unconstitutional fake emergency. So after a veto of congress's majority the courts will decide if failed campaign promises are an emergency...
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    A Quote For You Nazi's

    From the greatest president, I'm sick of hearing this TDS bullchit to defend an obviously corrupt president. . the republicans in congress may feel the need to go against their moral compass and...
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    The Art Of No Deal #568

    The master negotiator just can't seem to get a break. Nancy kicks his azz around the park and now his very good friend and great leader Kim sends his off with his hat in his hand AGAIN. I for one am shocked. HA...
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    The Trouble With Tax Scams

    Joe the plumber isn't happy with his tax refund this year. Now there are several explanations . 1, you paid more taxes. 2, you didn't withhold enough . But at the end of the day all anyone remembers is their...
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    Lighthizer Dumbs It Down

    What a stabile genius we have. his big fat dumb mouth has to run 24/7 . good thing w had an adult there to explain it to him. the chinks are not only going to come out of this chitmess in a good position they're getting a laugh at our expense...
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    The Swamp Speaks Out

    Ready for the Cohen show this week? will Trump's head explode like his swamp critters say ? let's hope so. No doubt like always you'll...
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    Surrendering A Permit

    If I'm reading the Hunt'in Fool and the UT regs right you can surrender a LE permit up to 30 days prior to the hunt and get your bonus points reinstated, one for this year and your money back. This doesn't seem like it is correct, there would be no downside for higher point holders not to...
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    Something We All Can Agree on ?

    Citizen or not, we take back no terrorist whores. Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    Where's The Tweets ?

    Voter fraud seemed to be a big thing for the orange man. but he couldn't find any. Until now ! sooooo...where's the tweets ??? why the silence ? Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    $$$ Nukes for Bin Laden $$$

    In what alternate reality does selling ANY RAGHEAD any nuclear capability make sense ? let alone the guy who murders people as if they were rock chucks. Who's forgotten where the 9/11 bombers came from ? not me. they are not allies they're customers. customers who'll stick a knife in...
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    Mueller Report Coming ?

    So why doesn't the orange man ask for a complete and immediate release to clear his name and prove his innocence ? Nah, he's going to leave it to his new hand picked purpose built loyal henchman to summarize it for us. it will read something like this " Trump didn't do nothing wrong...
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    Putin Slaps His Biatch

    Putin put on a show for the world. his investments are paying off superbly. if he can slap the US around that's a sign to the rest of the world not to phuk with him. There was a time this would have been big news. now it's just another example of our decline in world power we've grown used...
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    Double Our Bet Glen ?

    Double Our Bet Glen ? Answer before you watch this please. $600 ? Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    Boulder Kaiparowits Late Elk

    Anyone hunted it ? thoughts on this hunt? I know the early hunt is great but I don't think I'll ever have the points to draw it. Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    She's Talking about YOU ..

    The " stupidest people in his base " . you know who you are. What say you CHUMPS ? Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    The Great Negotiator

    The Great Negotiator The great negotiator turned down 1.6 billion a year ago then took the ass kicking in the shutdown just to settle for 1.3 billion today. WINNING !!! Next comes the court and political battles of a fake emergency to fund his failure to have Mexico pay for the wall...
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    The New Chick Goes Viral. Again.

    The New Chick Goes Viral. Again. This really is some funny chit. politics even a Trump chump can follow. In simple terms it shows just how phuked up our system is. Stay...
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    A Bullet To Trumps Head ?

    Not my words chumps don't freak out. Stone seems to be pretty worried so maybe you better too chumps. All I can say is Mueller better be a marksman, the vital zone is very small in Trump's head. Stay...
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    Tiny Hands But A " Yuge " Brain

    The genius knows more than the his generals. his climatologists. his intelligence agencies. hell he knows more about everything than anyone. Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    When Was America Great ? II

    Lets try this again since it went nowhere last time. It's really hard to debate a chump unless you know what the con he bought is. the word again in your slogan means once was, so when was America great? give us the very best year, the one you want us to return to. Lets see what has...
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    Demand Index Question

    When I look at the demand index there is a page that says " bonus point purchase results " . It says there are 60 nonresidents with more elk points than I have, is this all nonresidents or just the ones who bought a point but didn't apply for a tag ? Stay Thirsty My Friends
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    Crime Family Perks

    Crime Family Perks Trump secured clearance for wonder jew after he was denied by the normal process. and low and behold a lot of business has transpired in his circle since then. All worthy of the house investigations the republicans refused to do while they were in control. elections...
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    UAW , Are You Tired Of Winning Yet ?

    UAW , Are You Tired Of Winning Yet ? Well that went well. I wonder if the union suck ups Trump conned are still so in love. Jobs are still leaving faster than they're returning and auto sales are down across the...
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