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  1. C

    Hunter the good son... Oh boy this is not good for Joe Biden if true...
  2. C

    I mean really?

    I can't verify the truthfulness of this, all I can do is copy and paste but if this is true then every single business in California should immediately open their businesses. We cannot tolerate this garbage from our politicians anymore. We cannot tolerate the elitist "do as I say not as I do"...
  3. C

    Li'l Kim...

    Apparently this fucknut had surgery and now the rumor is that he is brain dead. Of course the Norks are so sketchy that we can't know for sure but suppose it's true, who is the successor? His sister? If this is true and the people of that country don't seize this opportunity to change their...
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    So... let's talk about the stimulus package and what it will do to help you. I own 3 businesses myself and I won't be getting a check but that's okay because I don't want one. My restaurant employs 6 people and 4 of them have been temporarily laid off while we keep the drive thru open to feed...
  5. C

    Let's talk about...

    ... peach mint!! I say we trade witnesses, like they get two of whoever they want and we get Biden and the whistleblower. This could be fun watching Democrats ruin themselves LOL!
  6. C

    A Dem With a Brain?? Will others follow or vote against the impeachment? Will this hurt Van Drew or help him? Thoughts?
  7. C

    What to do...

    So I have an acquaintance from my childhood that sent me a Facebook message early yesterday morning. Now this dude was always a little weird growing up and I figured he was autistic but that was before autism was cool so I don't know. Anyway, his message asks me if my dad left him anything...
  8. C

    So....let me get this straight...

    Adam Schitt apparently has a dossier that came from a foreign source that supposedly has dirt on Trump and his Deutsche Bank dealings. How is this not engaging...
  9. C

    Desperation... Kavanaugh has new fresh allegations where supposedly at a frat party, friends of his forced his penis into a woman's hand. Now, when I...
  10. C

    See I told you...

    Comey skates. To me this is just a prelude to the rest of the scumbags skating too. I've said all along that I hope I am wrong but I had zero confidence that the perpetrators of this witch hunt would go to jail and now it begins. While the OIG report was pretty damning to Comey's character...
  11. C

    So I thought...

    ... Climate change was causing increased wildfires and were going to devastate the country particularly in California? With summer winding down, California is WAY down from last year in wildfire activity so if climate change is real shouldn't we be getting torched over here? Ever notice that...
  12. C

    Wrong again LOL!!!

    I remember Ochotard claiming that Trump would be screwed by the lawsuits involving the emoluments clause. Welp... he was wrong again as usual.
  13. C

    Good Riddance...

    ...Mueller This guy has pretty much lost all credibility that he apparently once had after his shytty investigation and his speech today. It's patently obvious that he wants to keep the channels open for Congress to impeach by stating if his team had confidence that the president clearly did...
  14. C

    Will it ever end? Good God... apparently Mueller sent Barr a letter after he released the summary...
  15. C

    Creepy Uncle Joe

    LMAO... This is turning out to be the greatest show on Earth. Democrats are starting to eat their own and Joe Biden is already screwed. Remember that we were told that we have to believe Christine Blasey Ford and now that stupidity is coming back to haunt Biden...
  16. C


    So... according to the Mueller report, the Russia collusion thingy has essentially been declared a hoax. Robert Mueller found NO EVIDENCE of conspiracy or coordination with the Russians by ANYONE in Trump's campaign to effect the outcome of the election. In addition, Mueller made no conclusion...
  17. C

    Cohen and The Shyt Show

    Judging by the lack of Cohen cheerleaders here I'm guessing it's not going well for the TDS sufferers. So Cohen says under oath that he has never been to Prague which contradicts the Steele dossier. So now what do you TDSers believe? Is Cohen lying again or is the dossier false? Also he...
  18. C

    Really Bob?? Look, if a guy wants to pay for #####, who am I to tell him no but really Bob there are higher end escorts that you could afford. He should know that those Asian massage parlors are just a front for human...
  19. C

    Fake Noose

    Can we all agree now that Smollett is a liar and filed a false police report? It seems to be a habit for him to lie to police. Rumor has it back in 2007 he got a DUI and told the police he was his little brother. What a douchebag...
  20. C

    Hmmm... I thought it was Don jr. and the Trump campaign that were the traitors for having a meeting with Russia? You won't see this on the alphabet news and Ochotardo will be along shortly to tell us...
  21. C

    The Great State of Virginia...

    is in shambles LOL!! The Democrats in that shythole look like they're going to shytcan the black lt. governor because of 2 rape accusations with no proof and they're going to let the white guys who dressed in black face slide. Now how is that going to look to the black community...
  22. C

    Anyone know Doyel Shamley?

    Kind of crazy but I was watching some conspiracy theory shyt on Youtube tonight and ran across a video with Doyel Shamley. This guy ran for Arizona House of Representatives and lost but was District 3 Supervisor apparently. He's a conspiracy theorist but it seems has done a lot of good work...
  23. C

    LOL Pocahontas I think her run for president just took a turn into a brick wall. Anyone of true native American heritage should be outraged at this worthless pile of human. I wonder if the other Democrats in the race...
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    It's going to rain all day tomorrow. Have you found any good knitting patterns online that you would recommend?
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    Grizzly The Welcher

    Grizzly, you are living proof that the good lord has a sense of humor. If he hadn't made some people stupid life would be pretty boring. Yes, yes, yes... I will accept your double or nothing offer but with one condition. You don't get to decide where my winnings go, not that I expect you to...
  26. C

    Question for Nemont

    Since today was a rainy day I wasn't able to get out and do much on the list that NVBighorn so graciously prepared for me so I did some archival research. In looking for something totally unrelated I ran across this statement that you made back in 2014. " I voted for Bush twice, not proud of...
  27. C

    Grizzly time to pay up

    Just a quick search of the political forum for the racist term "wetback" produces a treasure trove of examples of Ocho/440Sixpack/Huntindude who is the same person. You can also search for the term "beaner" and get some pretty good ones too but "wetback" is Ocho's favorite term for Mexicans...
  28. C

    Oh Boy!!

    So... the libtards tell us we must believe the "credible" Dr. Ford in her allegations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh so will they extend the same courtesy to her ex-boyfriend...
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    ...The Republicans have figured out that the only way to defeat disgusting commie libtards like Ochotard is to fight fire with fire. I ******** love it!!! Now what? Let me guess... we shouldn't...
  30. C

    Bimbo #3

    So... bimbo #3 graduated high school 3 years before Kavanaugh but still went to high school gang rape parties (as an adult) where supposed rape was happening and didn't report this to anyone? Just when I thought Democraps had reached a new low, they put up this bimbo. Why would anyone...
  31. C

    The TDS is out of control... So Trump says that you need ID to buy groceries and the stupid TDS afflicted libtards are beside themselves again. It's a pretty common thing that responsible merchants who accept credit/debit cards ask for ID to...
  32. C

    FTW... the really dumb "smart" guy

    Most of you have seen FTW's posts and his mentally ill self-aggrandizing drivel. He recently claimed that I have been embarrassing myself on this forum for years so I decided to put together a few of his epic failures to expose who the real embarrassment is on this forum. 1)...
  33. C

    Welp... No obstruction of justice

    Looks like with the findings of the OIG, it's going to be really hard for Mueller to get Trump on obstruction of justice charges. Sounds like they beat Comey up enough that his firing was justified. So... now we're back to collusion, or do the libtards have an "insurance plan" besides the...
  34. C

    The Democrats Are Clueless

    House Democrats recently drafted a letter to the president praising his diplomatic efforts on NK and are begging him not to put too much demand on NK and denuclearization. Essentially they are asking him not to derail the diplomacy by demanding NK give up nukes and ballistic missiles...
  35. C

    The clown show can't handle it

    The insane media and the resident fakers on here can't handle the historic summit between Trump and Kim Jong Un. As evidenced by their ridiculous stories or complete silence, the clown show wants this to be an epic failure because once again their credibility is in question. Stories like this...
  36. C

    Nemont the faker

    Nemont, it's pretty obvious that you're trying to downplay what you said now versus what you said back then. You're quote: "Here the difference I never said any of what you claim but carry on with the circle jerk." So the bet is that the above statement by you is an absolute lie. You claim...
  37. C

    The Motive

    So will we get the same old, never ending, exhaustive gun control whining after today's school shooting? Or, will the idiots like Ochocoward finally realize that there are issues within the schools that cause these shooters to snap...
  38. C

    Those damned South Koreans

    I can't believe they would allow little Kim to cross into their country and treat him HONORABLY. They went so far as to give him legitimacy as a world leader. This is unbelievable and I am outraged!!! We all know little Kim is playing the world like a fiddle and I can't believe our allies...
  39. C

    Oh No!!!! How ironic and funny I might add if Comey gets prosecuted for leaking classified information after letting Hillary slide for her mishandling of classified information. A person...
  40. C


    I'm curious to hear what everyone's take is on Comey? My personal opinion is this: His wife and daughter were Clinton supporters but having first hand knowledge of the scum she was he didn't like her but was a never Trumper from the get go. Everything that has leaked out before the release of...
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